
shuǐ kù yān mò
  • reservoir inundation
  1. 水库淹没处理补偿投资特点研究

    Study on features of compensation investment for reservoir inundation

  2. 水电站水库淹没处理专业项目工程投资控制浅析

    Analysis on Special Facilities Investment Control for Reservoir Inundation Treatment of Hydropower Station

  3. 基于GIS技术的水库淹没与损失评估方法

    A GIS-based method for reservoir flood area calculation and damage evaluation

  4. 一种基于3DGIS的计算水库淹没区范围的算法研究

    Algorithm Study on Calculation of Reservoir Submerged Area Based on 3D GIS

  5. 黄河小浪底水库淹没企业补偿研究

    Study on Compensation to the Enterprises Inundated by the Xiaolangdi Project

  6. 水库淹没区面积对渔获量影响的分析

    Analysis on Influence of Reservoir Submerged Area on Yield of Fishery

  7. 河水流过或水库淹没的地理上的区域。

    The geographical area draining into a river or reservoir .

  8. 浅谈水库淹没实物指标与移民安置规划

    On index of property inundated by reservoir and settlement plan for emigrants

  9. 浅析丹江口大坝加高水库淹没实物指标调查的成功经验

    Investigation for the Inundated Object Index After the Dam-Heightening of Danjiangkou Reservoir

  10. 水库淹没土壤中磷浸出的模拟实验研究

    Simulative Experimental Research on Extraction of Phosphorous in Submerged Soil in Reservoir

  11. 水利水电工程水库淹没处理规划设计规范

    Code for planning and design of reservoir submergence treatment of hydroelectric engineering

  12. 水库淹没影响区公路路线设计要点及方法

    Cruxes and Methods of Highway Alignment Design in Up-Stream Area of Reservoir

  13. 水库淹没及移民安置中一些问题的探讨

    Probing into the problems of reservoir submersion and migration-relocation

  14. 丹江口水库淹没区乡土建筑研究

    A Study on Vernacular Architecture in Danjiangkou Reservoir Zone

  15. 届时,水库淹没区范围内大量的乡土建筑将被淹没。

    Then , abundant vernacular architectures would be submerged .

  16. 浅谈抬田措施在水库淹没处理中的应用

    Application of the lift the field measurement in the submerged treatment of reservoirs

  17. 百色水利枢纽水库淹没处理及移民安置业主设计管理问题研究

    Study on Owner Adminstration on Planing Design of Submergence Disposal Resettlement for Baise Reservoir

  18. 实际上就是很神,他的村庄正好没有被峡山水库淹没!

    Actually it was very surprise , his village was not drown by Xiashan reservoir .

  19. 江垭水库淹没区古大树内部构造及生长状况

    Xylotomic Structure and Development of the Big Old Tree in the Drown Areas of Jiangya Reservoir

  20. 从水库淹没人口问题谈起

    Problems on reservoir inundated population

  21. 三峡水库淹没区农业人口安置问题的几点意见

    Development of agriculture in the Three Gorges region for the resettlement of farming population in the projected reservoir

  22. 为此,对沙沱水库淹没范围与特征水位的关系进行分析,并提出了特征水位的论证思路。

    The paper analyses the Relationship between reservoir inundation zone and characteristic level and proposes the demonstration ideas of the characteristic level .

  23. 水库淹没处理和移民补偿投资只占工程建设静态投资的10.7%。

    The compensation cost of the reservoir inundation and resettlement amounts to only 10.7 % of the static investment in the construction of the project .

  24. 本文对百色水利枢纽水库淹没处理及移民安置业主设计管理的若干问题进行了分析和研究。

    The analysises and studies on owner adminstration on planing and design of submergence disposal & resettlement for Baise Reservoir are included in this paper .

  25. 龙滩水电站水库淹没涉及贵州、广西两省区,淹没面积大、移民人数多。

    The reservoir of Longtan Hydropower Station will inundate some areas of Guizhou and Guangxi Provinces , with large inundation area and a lot of relocated people .

  26. 大于2%洪水防洪还没有确定方案,其原因是水库淹没损失太大。

    But the scheme has not been decided to prevent floods heavier than that of 50 year return period , because of consideration of enormous losses owing to submergence .

  27. 黄河小浪底水库淹没区小窑水防治技术

    The Technique for the Prevention of the Hazards of Water Inrush from the Small Coal Mines Distributed in the Area to be Inundated by the Xiaolangdi Reservoir on the Yellow River

  28. 库底清理是水库淹没处理的重要环节,其结果将会直接影响和决定水库蓄水后的水环境质量。

    Reservoir bottom cleaning is an important link in inundation treatment in reservoir construction , the result of which may directly influence the water environment quality of the reservoir after water storage .

  29. 丹江口水利枢纽工程是新中国水利建设史上的一大壮举,涉及水库淹没区移民38万人。

    The Danjiangkou Water Conservancy Hinge Project was a great exploit in China 's history , involving migration of 380,000 local people who used to live where the reservoir is now located .

  30. 针对糯扎渡水电站水库淹没区特点,介绍了水库淹没和农村移民安置情况,分析了水库淹没对农村的影响和移民安置规划的可行性。

    This paper introduced the situation of rural resettlement , also analyzed the influence of reservoir inundation of the rural areas and the feasibility of the resettlement plan based on the characteristics of reservoir inundation .