
shuǐ kù diào dù
  • reservoir regulation
  1. 适应负荷要求的水库调度

    Reservoir regulation method adapted to the load demand of the power system

  2. 安康水电厂水库调度自动化系统

    Reservoir regulation automation system for the Ankang Hydropower Plant

  3. 基于MATLAB模糊系统在水库调度中的应用初探

    The study of the reservoir operation according to matlab fuzzy system

  4. 文中介绍了安康电厂水调自动化系统Web网站的特点、关键技术和功能以及设计思路,对水电站水库调度自动化系统具有一定的指导意义。

    The characteristics , key techniques , functions and design idea of the Web station of this system are introduced , which are of significance to the waterpower scheduling automation system of hydropower stations .

  5. 就基于MATLAB模糊控制工具在水库调度中的应用做了探讨,以入库流量Q、坝前水位H为两个输入变量,闸门开启大小θ为输出变量,建立了一个水库调度的模糊控制系统。

    The reservoir Operation application according to Fuzzy control system of MATLAB . A reservoir Fuzzy Logic Controller was established by using two input variables Q and H and one output variable θ .

  6. 乔治亚理工水电站水库调度与发电决策支持软件系统(GTDSS)是一个将河流中长期径流预报技术与水库群优化调度、水资源管理集于一体的系统。

    Georgia Tech Decision Support System ( GTDSS ) for reservoir management and hydro power generation is the state of the art technology for water resource management .

  7. 水库调度放水约束计算模型及其应用

    Computing model and application of the discharge constraint for reservoir operation

  8. 三峡梯级枢纽水库调度值班业务软件系统

    Duty Work Flow Software System for Three Gorges Cascade Reservoir Scheduling

  9. 最后作为水库调度效益的具体实现,研究了适用于小型水电站厂内优化运行的方法。

    The method specializing small hydropower plant is also researched .

  10. 水库调度的最优控制模型与最大值原理求解方法

    The Optimal Control Model of Reservoir Operations and Solving With Maximum Principle

  11. 万安水库调度的蓄水风险和发电风险计算

    Risk calculation of storing water and generating electricity of Wan'an Reservoir operation

  12. 第29届中国电网调度运行会水库调度专业综述

    Hydropower Operation Specialty Summarization on the 29th China Grid Dispatching Operation Conference

  13. 对乌江梯级龙头水库调度方式的探讨

    Inquiring into The First Reservoir Dispatching Model of Wujiang Cascade Hydropower Stations

  14. 单一水库调度自优化模拟技术决策域的最优性

    The Optimal Decision Region of Self-optimization Simulation in Reservoir Dispatching

  15. 模糊动态规划在水库调度中的应用

    The application of fuzzy dynamic programming in the reservoir dispatching

  16. 水库调度是水电站及其水库长期运行计划的制定和实施的核心问题。

    Reservoir scheduling is the key of hydropower station and reservoir long-term operation .

  17. 三峡枢纽梯级水库调度自动化系统方案研究

    A Study on the project of Three Gorges Cascade Reservoir Dispatching Automatization System

  18. 考虑发电量与保证出力的水库调度多目标优化方法

    A Multiobjective Optimization Method Considering Power Output and Firm Power for Reservoir Dispatching

  19. 水库调度与电力调度的综合自动化

    Integrated automation s in power scheduling and reservoir scheduling

  20. 丹江口水库调度系统设计和开发

    Design of Flood Control Operation System of Danjiangkou Reservoir

  21. 宏观进化多目标遗传算法在梯级水库调度中的应用

    Application of the macro-evolutionary multi-objective genetic algorithm to the operation of cascade reservoirs

  22. 人工神经网络在灌区水库调度中的应用

    Application of the Artificial Neural Networks in Reservoir Dispatch of the Irrigation Area

  23. 黄河上游冰情变化与水库调度关系

    Relationship Between Changes Of Ice Information In The Upper Yellow River And Reservoir Regulation

  24. 水电发电效益是水库调度的核心内容。

    Generation benefit is important for reservoir dispatching .

  25. 数字化水库调度体系的研究与建设

    Research and construction of digitalized reservoir operation system

  26. 区间优化及其在水库调度中的应用研究

    Interval Optimization and Its Application in Reservoir Scheduling

  27. 水库调度与水库规划设计

    Regulation , Plan and Design of Reservoir

  28. 水库调度的神经网络模型

    The Neural Network Model for Reservoir Operation

  29. 梯级水库调度在2004年9·8洪水调节中的作用

    Regulating Effect of Three Gorges Cascade Reservoirs in Fighting " 9 · 8 " Flood

  30. 根据水库调度的结果,电站在旬内的发电用水量是一定的。

    Structure and dynamics of phytoplankton community based CCA analysis in a pumped storage reservoir ;