
  • 网络price;Water Price
  1. WTO条件下的农业水价调整研究

    Study on adjusting agricultural water price under WTO

  2. 以B市为例,探讨如何由单一计量水价逐步改革为两部制水价。

    With city B taken as an example , a discussion is made on the two-part water price system , in which the fundamental water price is combined with the quantitative water price .

  3. 运用VISUALFOXPRO编程语言对农村安全饮水工程水价以及后评价的计算进行系统开发。

    Using Visual FoxPro programming language to development system of water price and post-evaluation of the rural drinking water safety project .

  4. 城市水价预测模型研究与GMM参数校验

    Water Pricing Forecast Model and Generalized Method of Moments Estimation

  5. 供水厂TOT项目水价测算研究

    The Research of Estimation for Water Supply Price of TOT Project

  6. CVM评价农户对农业水价的承受力&以甘肃省张掖市为例

    The Farmers ' Bearing Capacity of Irrigation Water Price Assessed by CVM & Taking Zhangye Municipality as a Case

  7. 提出应该在逐步考虑农业用水的环境外部性收益和机会成本的基础上,建立符合市场经济条件并与绿色GDP核算体系相适应的水价体系。

    It proposes that the pricing system should be established to accord with the conditions of market economy and the system of green GDP calculation , basing on gradually considering the profit from environment externality and opportunity cost of agricultural irrigation water .

  8. 当水价大于005元m3后,灌溉引用水量开始逐渐下降,体现了水价调整对农业水资源高效利用的促进作用;

    When the water tariff increased more than 0.05 yuan / m ~ 3 , the irrigation water usage would decrease , reflecting the positive effect of water tariff regulation on effective utilization of agricultural water resources ;

  9. 用水量预测是水价制定的前提和基础,本文在进行水量预测时,采用移动平均法、灰色预测法和BP神经网络进行预测,并对预测结果进行了综合评价,确定出合理的预测结果;

    Water quantity prediction is the base and premise of water price calculating . This paper uses moving tendency forecasting modeling , GM forecasting modeling and BP neural forecasting modeling to forecast the water requirement of the future , evaluates the forecasting results , and confirms the forecastingresults ;

  10. 本文通过对Ramsey模型及其改进的研究,得出如下启示,即实行阶梯水价既有利于实现社会福利的优化,也可以起到节约水资源的效果。

    By studying Ramsey Model and its extension , this paper shows how the nonlinear pricing method can be applied to water pricing in order to improve social welfare in the long run .

  11. 工业水价承受能力分析方法探讨

    Approach to the Analysis Methods of Tolerance of Industrial Water Fee

  12. 城市供水合理水价结构分析

    Analysis on a Proper Water Price Structure of Urban Water Supply

  13. 提高水价对水资源需求的影响分析&以华北地区为例

    Influence of Water Price Rising on Water Demand in North China

  14. 汾河灌区水价综述及改革方向

    Summary of Water Price of Fenhe Irrigation Area and Reform Direction

  15. 我国农业水资源状况与水价理论分析

    Analysis on Agricultural Water Resources and Water Price Theory in China

  16. 借鉴美国水价管理经验,推进我国水价改革

    Pushing China 's Water Price Reform in Light of US Experience

  17. 工业用非织造布北京市水价上升的工业用水效应分析

    Response of industrial water use to water price rising in Beijing

  18. 我国水价改革已经取得一定成绩。

    China has made initial achievements in its water price reform ;

  19. 农民对农业水价承受能力研究

    Study on Farmers ' Bearing Capacity of Agricultural Water Prices

  20. 水价改革与经济可持续发展

    Reform in price of water and sustainable development of economy

  21. 河北省城市水价调整趋势分析

    Trend Analysis of Water Price Adjustment in Urban Area of Hebei Province

  22. 水务市场的放开使水价能够体现价值规律,有利于吸引私人资本投资;

    The opening of water market helps water price reflecting its value ;

  23. 黄河流域水价改革的思路

    Thinking of Water Price Reform in the Yellow River Basin

  24. 地下水资源可持续水价模式研究

    Study on the sustainable water price mode of groundwater resource

  25. 论述了黄河水价的计价方式及其特点,提出实行基本水价和丰余水价相结合的水价计价方式;

    New pricing mode combines basic water price with abundant water price .

  26. 水价政策&灌溉工程可持续发展的经济杠杆

    Water Price-an Economic Lever to Sustainable Development of Irrigation Projects

  27. 可持续发展的区域水价研究

    The Study on Regional Water Price Based on Sustainable Development

  28. 论合理的水价与水资源的可持续利用

    Promoting Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources with Reasonable Water Pricing

  29. 采用成本核算的方法计算工程水价;

    It calculates water price of project with costing method .

  30. 但是证据显示,农民们因为水价便宜而过度用水。

    But evidence suggests that farmers overuse water because it is cheap .