
  • 网络southeast chongqing
  1. 渝东南山歌民间美学思想初探

    An Ideological Inquiry into the Folk Song Aesthetics of Southeast Chongqing

  2. 渝东南土家族民居的建造技术与艺术

    Building Technology and Art of Tujia Folk Houses in the Southeast Chongqing

  3. 通过对渝东南地区旅游业的SWOT的分析,其旅游功能定位应为生态、民族民俗风情文化旅游区,必须加强对渝东南旅游资源的开发。

    A SWOT analysis of the tourist industry makes it clear that its function should be located as " a tourist and ecological area with ethnic and folk customs " .

  4. 渝东南土家族文化具有独特的历史内涵和教育价值。

    Tujia culture has a unique historical connotation and value of education .

  5. 渝东南民族地区城镇化浅析

    Analysis of Development of Towns in Southeast of Chongqing National Minority Region

  6. 渝东南民族地区人力资源开发研究

    Study of the Human Resources Development in Chongqing Southeast Ethnic Minority Regions

  7. 交通运输与渝东南民族地区经济发展的关系研究

    Study on Relations between Transportation and Economic Development of Southeast Chongqing Minority District

  8. 渝东南少数民族诗词的发展

    The Development of Ethnic Poems in Southeast Chongqing

  9. 渝东南民族地区旅游业发展定位及战略选择

    The Tourism Developing Orientation and Tactic Choosing of the Folk Area of Southeast Chongqing

  10. 渝东南民族地区区域经济动态发展水平分析

    Analysis of dynamic development level of regional economy in nationality areas in southeast Chongqing

  11. 进而分析渝东南土家族课程资源的开发现状与不足。

    Further analysis of Tujia curriculum resources development present situation and the insufficiency of .

  12. 渝东南民族地区资源结构优化与县域经济增长研究

    Optimization of Resource Structure and Growth of County Economy in the Southeast of Chongqing

  13. 简论渝东南地区民族文化旅游资源馆藏建设

    On the Construction of National Cultural Tourism Resources in Southeast Region of the Chongqing Municipality

  14. 渝东南土家传统民居的地域特质与现代启示

    The Region Specialities of Southeast Tujia Traditional Local-style Dwelling Houses of Chongqing and Modern Enlightenment

  15. 渝东南与鄂西北民歌中的神秘葬俗对比

    Comparison of mysterious funeral ceremony in folk songs between southeast Chongqing and northwest Hubei province

  16. 渝东南地区古镇开发与民俗文化产业的发展

    The Development of Ancient Town and Folk Culture Industry in the Southeast District of Chongqing

  17. 渝东南文化产业发展的生态文明观与政府的主导责任

    Ecological civilization outlook of cultural industry development in southeast Chongqing and its governmental leading responsibility

  18. 渝东南少数民族主要包括土家、苗、回、满族等。

    Southeast Chongqing Tujia ethnic minorities including , Miao , Hui , Manchu , etc. .

  19. 渝东南铅锌矿成矿的可能性

    Pb-Zn Ore Potentiality in Southeast Chongqing

  20. 渝东南民族地区校内的校本课程资源开发初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Development of School-Based Curriculum Resources in Ethnic Regions in Southeast Chongqing

  21. 渝东南民族地区旅游业加速发展的时机已渐趋成熟。

    The opportunity of tourism speed-up development of the folk area in Southeast Chongqing is grown up gradually .

  22. 渝东南民族地区新农村建设中的文化发展问题

    The issues on the cultural development in the new rural building of the minority concentrated area in southeast Chongqing

  23. 论渝东南民族地区城镇化进程中的人口流动

    Talking about the Population Floating at the Minority Regions in the Southeast of Chongqing in the Course of Urbanization

  24. 方法对渝东南地区的南川、武隆、彭水以及对照区涪陵等区市县的环境砷含量进行调查。

    Methods Investigating the content of the ambient As in NanChuan WuLong , PengShui and the contrasted district Fuling ete .

  25. 认为人口流动对渝东南民族地区城镇化进程具有举足轻重的影响。

    The population floating has had great influence on the urbanization of the minority regions in the southeast of Chongqing .

  26. 两种知识体系中的品牌概念及应用&渝东南文化产业品牌开发的理论思考之一

    Brand Concept and Application in Two Knowledge Hierarchy One of Theoretical Reflections of Culture Industry Brand Development in Southeast Chongqing

  27. 渝东南民族地区脱贫致富路径探讨&发展民族民俗游

    The Ways " from Rags to Riches " for the Nationality Area in the Southeast of Chongqing by Developing Nationality Folk-custom Tour

  28. 唐宋朝,汉诗的传入,对渝东南少数民族诗词产生了重要影响。

    The introduction of poems of Han nationality during Tang and Song dynasties had great influences on poems of minorities in southeast Chongqing .

  29. 本文从结构上主要从两大块研究:渝东南土家族民居和民居的传统技术。

    This text is from the structure mainly from two big piece researches : the Tujia folk house in southeast Chongqing and its traditional technique .

  30. 土家族农村居民生活消费特征:基于渝东南地区的分析

    Characteristics Analysis of Living Consumption of Rural Residents in The Tujia Ethnic Minority & Based on An Empirical Analysis of Chongqing Tujia Ethnic Minority Areas