
  • 网络Yuzhong District
  1. 重庆市渝中区家庭主妇营养知识、态度、行为(KAB)调查分析

    Survey on the nutritional knowledge - attitude - behavior of housewives in Chongqing Yuzhong district

  2. 重庆市渝中区办公建筑用能现状调查及分析

    Energy Consumption Features for Public Office Buildings in Yuzhong District of Chongqing

  3. 本文以家庭教育和学校教育为研究的理论基础,借鉴国内外已有的家校合作相关理论和经验,研究目前重庆市渝中区初中阶段家校合作的现状。

    This article regards home education and school education as the theoretical foundation .

  4. 浅议重庆渝中区滨水公共开放空间可达性

    On the accessibility of the waterfront public open space in Yuzhong area Chongqing

  5. 构建渝中区虚拟信息园组织模式研究

    The Study on the Organizational Model of Building Virtual Information Zone in Yuzhong District

  6. 渝中区初中阶段家校合作现状的调查研究

    Investigations of Current Situation of Junior Middle School Stage Home-school Cooperation in Chongqing Center District

  7. 渝中区中职学生数学学习现状调查研究

    The Investigation on the Mathematic Study Actuality of the Vocational High School Students in Yuzhong District

  8. 本文重点对重庆市渝中区信息园区发展问题进行研究。

    This paper mainly studied how to develop the information parks in Yuzhong District of Chongqing .

  9. 重庆市渝中区电子商务的发展与经济发展的互动实证研究

    Study on the Interaction between the E-commerce Development and the Economic Development in Yuzhong District of Chongqing

  10. 重庆电大渝中区分校职业指导课程内容的实施探索

    Exploration of Operation of Vocational Guidance in Subordinate School of Chongqing Broadcast and Television University in Yuzhong District

  11. 城际旅游是2007年6月,由重庆市渝中区提出的一种旅游发展模式。

    Inter-city tourism is a tourism development model presented by Yuzhong District of Chongqing , in June 2007 .

  12. 重庆市渝中区1998~2002年育龄妇女死因及相关因素分析。

    Analysis of the death reasons and relative factors of child-bearing women from1998to2002in Yuzhong District of Chongqing city .

  13. 文章最后以渝中区的中介服务业作为案例,分析了目前的现状,指出了我市中介行业目前所存在的问题主要是管理散乱。

    At last author make Yuzhong district an example , pointing out now the main problem is management in disorder .

  14. 目的分析影响重庆市渝中区育龄妇女死亡的相关因素,探讨干预措施。

    Objective : To investigate the leading cause of death of pregnant women in our hospital , so as to offer some intervening measures .

  15. 以公平的原则来看,重庆市渝中区、乃至全国都应取消暂住人口子女义务教育的一切不合理收费。

    Viewed from the principle of fairness , all illegal charges attached to the compulsory education in the district as well as the whole nation should be outlawed .

  16. 渝中区现有的支柱产业是传统商贸业,其产值和税收都对渝中区有着举足轻重的作用。

    The existing traditional Trade and Commerce is the backbone industry of Yuzhong District , and both its output and tax hold a decisive effect on Yuzhong District .

  17. 渝中区、江北区、渝北区、沙坪坝区、南岸区、九龙坡区、大渡口区、巴南区、北部新区

    Yuzhong District , Jiangbei District , Yubei District , Shapingba District , Nanan District , Jiulongpo District , Dadukou District , Banan District , and Northern New Zone

  18. 重庆市区包括渝中区、南岸区、江北区、沙坪坝、渝北、沙坪坝、九龙坡区及大渡河区。

    The urban area of Chongqing proper includes the following districts : Yuzhong district , Nan'an district , Jiangbei district , Shapingba district , Jiulongpo district and Dadukou district .

  19. 对随机抽样的重庆市渝中区居民173户(家庭主妇151人,家庭主男22人)进行营养知识、态度、行为的问卷调查。

    The nutritional Knowledge - Attitude - Behavior of random samples of 173 housekeepers ( 151 of housewives , 22 of housemen ) in Chongqing Yuzhong district was investigated with questionnaires .

  20. 行营位于重庆市渝中区,该区的文物管理所所长徐晓渝告诉记者,复建工作将从8月开始,现在进行的拆除工作也是保护项目的一部分。

    Restoration work will begin in August , said Xu Xiaoyu , a heritage protection official in Yuzhong District where the compound is located . We are dismantling it for the purpose of its preservation .

  21. 本文是一篇实证分析文章,利用城市竞争力模型,研究重庆市渝中区的城市现状,找出重庆市渝中区发展的不足,并提出针对性的建议。

    This text whether one real example analyse article , utilize urban competitiveness model , study Chongqing urban current situation of center district , find out Chongqing center district deficiency of development , and put forward the suggestion of pertinence .

  22. 第四章从哲学的层面对城市意象与城市空间形态的关系进行了初步研究,指出了城市空间形态的物质属性与城市意象的个人差异,并通过渝中区城市意象调研进行了实证研究。

    Chapter four explores the relationship between urban image and urban space form in philosophy view and points out the physical properties of urban space form and different individual urban image by the case study of Yuzhong Peninsula , Chongqing .

  23. 用重庆市渝中区2003-2005年各医院统计的介水性传染病住院人数为研究对象,引入支持向量回归机建立水质对人群健康影响的预测模型。

    A support vector regression machine based forecasting model was established for predicting the influence of the water quality on population health , based on the number of water-based infectious diseases inpatients from 2003 to 2005 in Yuzhong District of Chongqing .

  24. 从调查结果出发,本文希望渝中区政府从建立民工子女的教育援助机制入手,逐步形成一个公平的、灵活的、有效的民工子女教育体系。

    From the result of the investigation , the writer of this essay hopes that the government of YuZhong District gets a fair , flexible and effective education system from building an education assistance system about the children of the migrant workers .

  25. 同时又与重庆都市发达圈的其他城区发展作比较,找出渝中区的特色和差距,寻找渝中区适宜的发展方式。

    Compare with developed other urban development that encloses of city of Chongqing again at the same time , find out the characteristic and disparity of the center district of Chongqing , look for the suitable development way of center district of Chongqing .

  26. 渝中区将其界定为城市旅游的营销方式,但经剖析之后,本文对城际旅游重新进行了界定,将其定位于一种以城市旅游营销为基本任务的区域旅游合作模式。

    Yuzhong District defines it to be " the city tourism marketing way " . However , after analysis , this article redefined " Inter-city Tourism " to be a regional tourism cooperation pattern which contains city tourism marketing as the basic task .

  27. 高度在矛盾中攀升&重庆渝中半岛商务中心区硬核区摩天楼发展与反思

    Height Is Rising in Contradiction : Reflections on Skyscrapers in the CBD Hard Core , Chongqing Yuzhong Peninsula