
  • 网络Shapingba;shapingba district
  1. 重庆第三军医大学店是富驿酒店集团旗下的第十家富驿时尚酒店,地处重庆市沙坪坝区中心,交通十分便利。

    FX Hotel Chongqing is FX Hotel Group's10th FX Hotel , located in the heart of Shapingba District , which has a convenient transportation .

  2. 渝中区、江北区、渝北区、沙坪坝区、南岸区、九龙坡区、大渡口区、巴南区、北部新区

    Yuzhong District , Jiangbei District , Yubei District , Shapingba District , Nanan District , Jiulongpo District , Dadukou District , Banan District , and Northern New Zone

  3. 论城市商业中心的旅游空间营造&以重庆市沙坪坝区三峡广场为例

    Tourist Space Creation on the Business Center of City & Based on the Sanxia Square

  4. 城乡建设用地增减挂钩分析&以重庆市沙坪坝区为例农村宅基地制度创新是城市化进程中一个重要命题。

    Institution innovation of rural residential land use system constitutes one significant researching field in the process of urbanization .

  5. 最后,得出全域城市化是沙坪坝区解决统筹城乡发展的正确选择。

    In the end , it comes to the conclusion that macrocosm urbanization is the correct choice to settle the balancing urban and rural development .

  6. 结果表明:(1)浅丘地貌区是重庆市沙坪坝区人类土地利用干扰最主要的活动区。

    The results indicate as follows : ( 1 ) The shallow hilly geomorphology zone was the dominant active area disturbed in human land use .

  7. 比如,在重庆沙坪坝区,大学生新兵每月能得到350元军贴,直到退伍后这项紧贴仍将持续发放两年时间。

    For instance , in Chongqing 's Shapingba district , student recruits receive an in-service allowance of 350 yuan per month , which continues for two years after they retire from service .

  8. 基于主导生态因子的城市中心区生态系统设计方法&以重庆市沙坪坝中心区为例

    The Ecological System Design Methods Based on the Dominant Ecological Gene in the Urban Hub : And the Application in the Urban Hub of SPB CQ