
  • 网络Sand Lake;shahu lake
  1. 宁夏沙湖风景区的旅游市场分析

    An Analysis on Tourism Market in Sand Lake Scenic Area of Ningxia

  2. 宁夏沙湖旅游开发对水体环境的影响

    Effect of Tourism Development on Water Environment of Sand Lake in Ningxia

  3. 行程的首段是乘船到肯尼亚的奈瓦沙湖。

    The first leg of the journey was by boat to Lake Naivasha in Kenya .

  4. 沙湖位于宁夏平罗县,国家首批AAAAA景区,距银川市区56公里。

    Shahu , the first national AAAAA scenic spot , 56 kilometers from Yinchuan urban areas .

  5. 宁夏沙湖旅游区整体系统的系统分析

    Systematic analysis of integrated system of the Sha Lake Tourism Site

  6. 图沙尔·维亚斯负责苏巴提鲜花公司位于奈瓦沙湖畔一个占地35公顷的鲜花农场。

    a 35-hectare flower farm under the Subati Flowers near the Naivasha Lake .

  7. 嘿,我给你做了另外一条沙湖项链

    Hey , I made you another coral necklace

  8. 宁夏沙湖风景区的生态环境问题与对策

    Problems of Ecological Environment and Their Remedial Measures in Sand Lake Scenic Area Ningxia

  9. 宁夏沙湖旅游区水环境问题及保护措施

    Problems of Water Environment and Their Protective Measures in the Sand Lake Tourist Area of Ningxia

  10. Diego-poo…嘿,我给你做了另外一条沙湖项链…他老是弄丢的.

    Diego-poo ... hey , I made you another coral necklace ... he keeps losing them .

  11. 本文探讨了石嘴山市北沙湖湿地综合整治中的水资源循环问题。

    The circulation of water resource in integrated management on Beishahu Wetland is discussed in the paper .

  12. 本文研究旨在评价肯尼亚纳瓦沙湖区2种鸟的生境分割机制。

    This study was carried out to assess the habitat partitioning mechanisms of the two species around Lake Naivasha area .

  13. 在这片80平方千米广阔区域内,河流、沙漠、芦苇相互交织,形成了一个特殊的地理现象叫做“沙湖”。

    Desert , water and reed mashes blend in this 80-square-kilometer area , which forms a unique geographic phenomenon called sand lake .

  14. 一名中国游客在肯尼亚著名旅游景点纳瓦沙湖附近遭河马袭击身亡,据悉河马是误入了这名游客所在的酒店区域。

    A Chinese tourist was attacked and killed by a hippopotamus that strayed from Lake Naivasha into the compound of a hotel where she was staying .

  15. 评价结果表明,沙湖富营养化日趋严重,已经由2002年的轻度富营养发展到2005年的中度富营养,磷和有机污染物是沙湖富营养化限制因子。

    The results showed that the water eutrophication in Shahu Lake became serious gradually and it had changed from the light eutrophication in2002 to mesotrophication in2005 .

  16. 本论文以武汉市沙湖排水系统为研究对象,深入分析了系统特点,搜集大量工程技术资料,利用大系统的理论,应用动态规划法,建立数学模型,并通过计算机编程求解。

    After we had analyzed the characters of the complex system , we built up the mathematic model and then we solved it by using the computer techniques .

  17. 事故发生在离纳瓦沙镇5公里远的纳瓦沙湖乡村俱乐部,这名中国女游客30多岁,遭到哺乳期的母河马踩踏袭击,在被送往当地医院的途中身亡。

    The incident occurred at Lake Naivasha Country Club five kilometres from Naivasha town . The woman in her 30s was attacked by the lactating hippo mother which crushed her and she died on the way to hospital .