
shā lóng
  • salon
沙龙 [shā lóng]
  • [salon] 旧时法国巴黎的文人和艺术家常在崇尚艺术的贵妇人的客厅里集会,谈论文艺。后来就把文人雅士聚谈的场所叫沙龙,现也指在文学艺术方面志趣相投的人们的一种社交场所

  • 文学沙龙;美术沙龙;语言学沙龙

沙龙[shā lóng]
  1. 他的公寓是俄国最著名的文学沙龙会所。

    His apartment was the most famous literary salon in Russia .

  2. 格洛丽亚经营着一家发艺沙龙。

    Gloria runs a hairdressing salon .

  3. 拖轮沙龙和小餐馆是必去之处。

    The Tugboat Saloon and Eatery is a must-visit .

  4. 你在沙龙上会听到很多流言蜚语。

    You can hear a lot of dirt at a salon .

  5. 犹太金融家阴谋论成为巴黎沙龙的话题

    Conspiracy theories about Jewish financiers were the talk of Paris salons .

  6. 我在离我农场不远的乡下沙龙里和别人大吵大闹。

    I got into brawls in the country saloons near my farm .

  7. 他过去常常去参加他的文学沙龙

    He used to attend to his literary salons .

  8. 只需按一下键盘,你就可以进入一个全景但私密的视觉沙龙,而不必在空气不流通的香港会议展览中心里穿行。

    At the click of a keyboard , you could enter a panoramic , without having to brave the airless Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre .

  9. RT学员在参加每次英语沙龙时将得到特别优惠。

    For RT_English learners , they will enjoy the special discount to participate in English corners .

  10. 她比较钟情的是来自沙龙的1996年白中白(BlancdeBlancs)。

    Her preference is for something such as a 1996 Blanc de Blancs from Salon .

  11. 领导这项研究的沙龙•托克说:这个发现令人震惊,远远超过了我们的预料。这项研究成果发表在《心身医学》(PsychosomaticMedicine)杂志上。

    This is alarming and much more extreme than we expected , says Sharon Toker , who led the study , which was published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine .

  12. 服务包括修剪背后的毛发,梳成HelloKitty和泰迪熊的形状,还有一种被沙龙称之为“剑龙脊”的造型。

    Those include trimming the back fur of pets into the shape of Hello Kitty , a teddy bear and something the salon calls " Stegosaurus spine . "

  13. 每个月的第二个星期天,他还在纽约的科妮莉亚街咖啡馆(CorneliaStreetcafe)协助主持一个兼顾科学与表演的沙龙。

    Currently , he helps run a science and performance event on the second Sunday of every month at the Cornelia street cafe in New York .

  14. 这是最好的套房之一,与其并驾齐驱的还有黄金沙龙(GoldenSalon)套房。后者的壁纸由镀金会客室的照片制成,构成了这家酒店较为传统的一部分。

    This is the best suite , along with the Golden Salon , which has wallpaper made from photos of the gilded reception room in the more traditional part of the hotel .

  15. 这些客人和其他为数不多的富裕人士一样,应Tokai公司邀请参加了这个沙龙。

    These guests are among the rich minority invited by Tokai to join the salon .

  16. CTI技术是当今信息领域的一项先进技术,利用CTI技术设计和实现了交互式电话沙龙会议系统,重点论述了会议服务器子系统的设计与实现。

    It is a advanced technology of CTI in the information field now . CTI technology is utilized in the designing and realizing of Interactive Saloon Conference System .

  17. 在Posh给了梅根这位美国女演员一组独家沙龙之后,梅根和维多利亚就一起分享做头发和美容的贴士。

    Meghan and Victoria have bonded over hair and beauty tips after Posh gave the US actress a list of exclusive salons for her to visit .

  18. 才不要。Roman都不会滑冰,escort:护送,护卫park:公园难道你不能在去开会的路上顺便把他带走吗?drop:放下nail:指甲salon:沙龙,大会客室送他去做美甲。

    No. - Blair : Roman does not even know how to ice skate . Can 't you escort him out of the park on your way to the meeting , maybe drop him at a nail salon ? -

  19. 沙龙的儿子奥马里(Omri)卷入腐败丑闻,后来被判有罪而锒铛入狱。

    Mr. Sharon 's son , Omri , was convicted and sent to jail in a corruption scandal .

  20. 在过去数年来,依据这些法律已经出现了多起诉讼,譬如针对前以色列总理阿里埃勒沙龙(arielsharon)、前美国国务卿亨利基辛格(henrykissinger)的案件。

    Several prosecutions have been brought under such laws over the past few years , including cases against Ariel Sharon , former Israeli Prime Minister , and Henry Kissinger , former American Secretary of state .

  21. 当问及是否想上大学&进入许多亚洲家庭心中的神圣殿堂,年轻的理发师Noel回答说他宁愿去开家美发沙龙。

    Asked whether he wants to go to university , the holy grail of most Asian families , a young barber called Noel replies that he would rather open a hairdressing salon .

  22. 以色列前领导人沙龙(ArielSharon)上周六去世。在他的长期职业生涯中,他曾是著名的斗士、犹太人定居点的捍卫者,最终还提倡对巴勒斯坦人采取更缓和态度。

    Former Israeli leader Ariel Sharon , who through his long career was a renowned warrior , champion of Jewish settlements and , eventually , an advocate of a more conciliatory approach toward Palestinians , died Saturday .

  23. 此人是来自朱利安·法莱尔康复沙龙与水疗(JulienFarelRestoreSalon&Spa)的杰克逊·西蒙德斯(JacksonSimmonds),他的珑骧(Longchamp)大包里装着电卷发器、吹风机和猪鬃发刷,用来给刚刚生产完的叶女士打理发型。

    Jackson Simmonds from the Julien Farel Restore Salon & Spa was also there , with a curling iron , hair dryer and boar bristle hairbrushes in his Longchamp tote . They were his tools to style Ms. Yip 's hair immediately after delivery .

  24. 另外3个人是员工,包括教室中的唯一一位男士沙龙分公司副经理mikiohirano。

    The other three are members of staff , including the sole man in the classroom , Mikio Hirano , Deputy Branch Manager at the salon .

  25. 巴塞尔也踏上这条康庄大道,但他们仍然紧守贸易展览会的位置,而SIHH属于一个沙龙。

    Basel has followed and that 's a good thing , but they remain a trade fair while the Geneva is a salon .

  26. 她在切维厄特街区经营的服饰精品店,或许是“新世界”的最后一家古典维也纳沙龙,在这里,客户们坐在客厅,品尝奥式咖啡(kaffeemitschlag),细嚼香肠。

    Her dress boutique in Cheviot hills , where clients sat in her living room drinking kaffee MIT Schlag and nibbling on sausage , was probably the last vestige of a Viennese salon in the new world .

  27. 沙龙说,他喜欢拍这样的照片:自己坐在拖拉机上犁麦田或棉花田,看上去就像罗马政治家辛辛纳图斯(Cincinnatus)一样。

    Mr. Sharon sometimes said his ambition was to retire and farm like his ancestors , and he liked to be photographed seated on his tractor , plowing crops of wheat and cotton , a seeming Cincinnatus .

  28. 她的名字是3月,但元帅叫她沙龙。

    Her name was March , but Marshal called her Ariel .

  29. 医药沙龙分子蒸馏技术在中草药有效成分分离中的应用

    The Application of Molecular Distillation Technology on Separation of Natural Products

  30. 到安吉拉沙龙来找桃子。

    Come on down to angeiie 's and ask for peaches .