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  • paedophilia
  1. 有些法律是有道理的。没有人支持让被判有恋童癖的人在学校工作。

    Some laws make sense . No one advocates letting someone convicted of pedophilia work in a school .

  2. 但对那些调查恋童癖神父的勇敢的《波士顿环球报》(BostonGlobe)记者的颂扬,抬举了我们这个行将就木的行业。

    But the celebration of brave Boston Globe reporters investigating paedophile priests flatters our dying industry .

  3. 你选择了一个恋童癖抛弃了亲生女儿你罪有应得

    It serves you right for choosing a pedophile over your own daughter .

  4. 厄尔,你简直就是圣诞老人啊,除了你没恋童癖,其他都像。

    Oh , Earl , you 're like Santa without the weird fixation on children .

  5. 该网站的美国业务因为简单地将销售书籍描述为恋童癖指南而遭受批评。

    The site 's US operation faced criticism for briefly selling a book described as a paedophile 's guide .

  6. 当然了,这并不是说你应该笃定于成为一个头号混蛋、恋童癖,或者杀人犯。

    Of course , this isn 't to say that you should commit to being a first-class jerk , pedophile or murderer .

  7. 曾被判刑的恋童癖罪犯也会被强制戴上脚踝监控器,这样有关部门就能查探他们的行踪。

    Convicted pedophiles who have served jail sentences could also be forced to wear ankle monitors so that authorities can trace their movements .

  8. 当我告诉黄,汗认为他应该放松点,尝试享受这个过程时,他脱口而出:“这是恋童癖们对孩子说的话。”

    When I told Huang that Khan wanted him to sit back and enjoy the ride , he had an immediate response : " That 's what pedophiles tell children . "

  9. 教皇稍早就一些神父恋童癖的“邪恶”行为道歉以后,在悉尼的一次弥撒中又会见了教会选择的两名男子和两名女性受害人。

    After earlier apologizing for the " evil " perpetrated by pedophile priests , the pope met a small group of victims - two men and two women chosen by church officials - at a mass in Sydney .

  10. 这些文档有1.45万页,其中还包括一些手写的记录。律师上周四在揭露这些文档的细节时说,恋童癖者利用这项青年运动来对未成年人实施性虐,但美国男童子军负责人在根除这种行径方面做得仍然不够。

    Unveiling details from the 14500 pages of documents , including handwritten notes , the lawyers said on Thursday Boy Scouts of America ( BSA ) still had not done enough to root out pedophiles using the youth movement to prey on minors .

  11. 人们对于八岁的露西与图姆纳斯先生见面的情节是否影射恋童癖而争论不休:这个陌生人(顺便说一下,他是个羊怪)说服露西去参观他的家,然后把她放在床上,还给她吹摇篮曲哄她入睡。

    It has been argued that eight-year-old Lucy 's meeting with Mr Tumnus involves a subtle theme of paeodophilia : the stranger ( incidentally portrayed with goat legs and horns ) persuades Lucy to visit his home before putting her to sleep by playing lullabies on his flute .