- 名paedophilia

Some laws make sense . No one advocates letting someone convicted of pedophilia work in a school .
But the celebration of brave Boston Globe reporters investigating paedophile priests flatters our dying industry .
It serves you right for choosing a pedophile over your own daughter .
Oh , Earl , you 're like Santa without the weird fixation on children .
The site 's US operation faced criticism for briefly selling a book described as a paedophile 's guide .
Of course , this isn 't to say that you should commit to being a first-class jerk , pedophile or murderer .
Convicted pedophiles who have served jail sentences could also be forced to wear ankle monitors so that authorities can trace their movements .
When I told Huang that Khan wanted him to sit back and enjoy the ride , he had an immediate response : " That 's what pedophiles tell children . "
After earlier apologizing for the " evil " perpetrated by pedophile priests , the pope met a small group of victims - two men and two women chosen by church officials - at a mass in Sydney .
Unveiling details from the 14500 pages of documents , including handwritten notes , the lawyers said on Thursday Boy Scouts of America ( BSA ) still had not done enough to root out pedophiles using the youth movement to prey on minors .
It has been argued that eight-year-old Lucy 's meeting with Mr Tumnus involves a subtle theme of paeodophilia : the stranger ( incidentally portrayed with goat legs and horns ) persuades Lucy to visit his home before putting her to sleep by playing lullabies on his flute .