
liàn mù
  • Adoring;have tender feelings towards
恋慕 [liàn mù]
  • [be enamored with;love at a distance or silently] 留恋爱慕,依依不舍

  1. 低垂着美丽的头,恋慕而不敢同躺。

    Bending a beautiful head , worshipping not lying .

  2. 我属我的良人,他也恋慕我。

    I am for my loved one , and his desire is for me .

  3. 吉姆恋慕玛丽,愿为她赴汤蹈火。

    Jim worships Mary ; he would go through fire and water for her .

  4. 你心中不要恋慕她的美色,也不要被她眼皮勾引。

    Lust not after her beauty in thine heart ; neither let her take thee with her eyelids .

  5. 当我面前摆着一个手机的时候,我还能目不转睛地望着台上那些最难忘的恋慕对象们吗?

    With a cellphone in front of me , would I have locked eyes with some of my most memorable lovers-to-be ?

  6. 这一对儿童形象的崇拜以及相关的祭拜仪式对后来的希腊人对少年的恋慕产生了深刻的影响。

    This worship of images of children and related worship ceremony had a profound impact on the later Greeks ' crushes on the young .

  7. 你若行得不好,罪就伏在门前。它必恋慕你,你却要制伏它。

    But if you do not do what is right , sin is crouching at your door ; it desires to have you , but you must master it .