
  • relationship;love affair;romantic;romantic involvement
  1. 要求忠诚意味着你想发展一段严肃认真的恋爱关系。

    Wanting fidelity implies you 're thinking about a major relationship .

  2. 度假对任何恋爱关系都是重大考验,这是常识。

    It is a commonplace fact that holidays are a major test of any relationship

  3. 我就是不想讨论我的恋爱关系。

    I just won 't discuss my intimate relationships .

  4. 因为我不够优秀,不够有趣或者不够亲切,所以恋爱关系从来都维持不长。

    I never had a long-term relationship as I wasn 't good enough , or interesting or amenable enough .

  5. 几个月来不断暗示爱意、想发展长期恋爱关系的男人却突然远走美国。

    A man who for months had been dropping amorous hints about a long-term relationship upped and disappeared to America

  6. 一年以后,她的感情创伤已慢慢愈合,至少能考虑和另一个男性开始恋爱关系了。

    A year later , she had healed to the point of at least being able to consider a romantic relationship with another man

  7. Friendswithpossibilities指的是你跟某人开始只做普通朋友,但有潜在可能会朝着建立恋爱关系的方向发展,我们可称为“可能成为恋人的朋友”。

    The term " friends with possibilities " describes the situation where you start out as friends with someone , but have the possibility or potential for a relationship on the next level . For example :

  8. 两人可能经常见面约会,并且都有意发展恋爱关系。

    The two are probably seeing each other frequently and both have the intention to develop a romantic relationship .

  9. 自由女是选择单身生活,不追求长期恋爱关系而更重视友谊的女性。

    A freemale is a woman who opts for a single life , valuing friendships rather than pursuing extended romantic relationships .

  10. 有些社会学家认为单身寄生族增多是因为日本人更喜欢社区式生活,同时,人们不愿意保持一段长久的恋爱关系,而是选择将更多精力放在工作和日本广为诟病的加班方面,这也是单身寄生族增加的原因之一。

    Parasite singles are often blamed for a large number of problems in Japan , ranging from a decline . Some social scientists have attributed long hours of a traditional Japanese workplace .

  11. 从我们所做的事情(我们想要经历的)和我们想要成为的样子这方面来看,遗愿清单并不仅仅有利于我们的个人成长,对我们的恋爱关系也有所裨益。

    They 're also inspirational : They remind us of what we want to accomplish and of the qualities we hope to honor more fully to our personal growth . They also benefit our romantic relationships .

  12. USWeekly报道,目前亨利和凯莉对他们的恋爱关系保持低调。

    Henry and Kaley are keeping their romance on the quiet at the moment , Us Weekly reports .

  13. 我和Amy的恋爱关系比你们的优越。

    Amy and I have a superior relationship to yours .

  14. ArgieAllen是恋爱关系临床医学家。

    Argie Allen is a relationship therapist .

  15. 性问题往往由多种因素造成,如情绪、恋爱关系的质量、伴侣的可获得性(partneravailability)等,现在我们知道还有一条:睡眠健康。

    Sexual problems often have multiple contributing factors , including mood , relationship quality , partner availability and , now we know , sleep health .

  16. 男人本意:Work'sbotheringyou?Letmehelp!工作让你感到困扰吗?让我来帮助你!事实上,在恋爱关系中,男人往往视他们自己为问题解决者,所以他表现得傲慢,实际上是他在试图帮助你。

    The truth is , men tend to see themselves as problem solvers in romantic relationships , and so what comes across as condescending can actually be your guy 's way of trying to help . "

  17. GaryCondit在告诉调查者自己与Levy有恋爱关系后,警察审问了这位国会议员。

    At the time , police questioned Congressman Gary Condit after he told investigators he had an affair with Levy .

  18. Aston的客户有些甚至来自遥远的日本,新西兰,和加拿大。据Aston的经验,阿斯伯格患者的恋爱关系有着一些共同的模式。

    In Aston 's experience-and desperate clients come from as far as Japan , New Zealand and Canada-Asperger 's relationships follow a common pattern .

  19. 芝加哥心理学家、《傻瓜的恋爱关系》(RelationshipsforDummies)的作者沃克斯(KateWachs)说,这种恋爱关系使人疲惫不堪,激情很快就会耗尽。

    ' It 's exhausting , 'says Kate Wachs , a Chicago psychologist and author of'Relationships for Dummies . ''People burn out really fast . '

  20. 在网络约会成风的时代,Ghosting已成为了结束一段恋爱关系的主要趋势。

    Ghosting is the trend of disappearing from a relationship - common among a generation of online daters .

  21. 除此之外,你应该把握这次对过去放手的机会,从而能够找寻你生命中的真爱、并和TA培养一段持久有爱的恋爱关系。

    Furthermore , you should use the opportunity to let go of the past in order to be able to find the true love of all your life and cultivate a long and loving relationship .

  22. 对爱情如此谈论下,Kip不久发现Theresa将他们两人的关系看做是恋爱关系,他从来没希望是这样。

    With all this talk of love , Kip soon realized that Theresa considered their relationship a romance , something he 'd never intended .

  23. 我们这个圈子的恋爱关系质量排名如下:我和Amy,Howard和Bernadette,Raj和他女朋友,Penny和霞多丽酒,你和Penny。

    The ranking of relationships in our circle by quality is : me and Amy , Howard and Bernadette , Raj and his girlfriend , Penny and Chardonnay , Penny and you .

  24. 如今,很少有秘密能逃过谷歌(Google,《财富》500强)的法眼,所以对一些人来说,去年秋天谷歌联合创始人谢尔盖•布林的恋爱关系被曝光并成为网络热点,似乎才体现了人间的公正。

    Google 's love triangle Very few secrets can escape Google ( GOOG , Fortune 500 ) these days , so it must have seemed like sweet justice to some when the personal and messy affairs of Google co-founder Sergey Brin became a topic of brief internet fascination last fall .

  25. 本尼迪克特英国版ELLE杂志的摄影师马克霍恩正在为他拍摄照片目前正与苏菲亨特交往,但是他承认,由于自己是明星,两人之间的恋爱关系变得有点复杂了。

    Benedict who was shot by photographer Mark Horn for ELLE UK is currently in a relationship with Sophie Hunter but he admits the dating game has become more complicated since he became famous .

  26. DiPierro说,虽然她很高兴在法庭上时自己是有利的一方,但它也极大地改变了自己对金钱和恋爱关系的看法。

    While she 's glad her time in court is behind her , DiPierro said it drastically changed her perspective on money and romantic relationships .

  27. 这个星期传来惊人的消息:恋爱关系已经走到尽头,但仍然在一起经营生意的这两位,在接受意大利杂志《帕诺拉玛》(Panorama)采访时称,他们不赞成男同性恋者组成自己的家庭。

    So it was something of a surprise this week when word broke that the two men , who are no longer romantically involved but still run their business together , had given an interview in the Italian magazine Panorama in which they said they opposed gay people having families of their own .

  28. 她与彼得的关系是恋爱关系。

    Her relationship with Peter is an affair of the heart .

  29. 感谢收看“恋爱关系中怎样采取主动”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Make The First Move .

  30. 这让我彻底结束了一段长期的恋爱关系。

    That put a fairly fatal rupture in my long-term relationship .