
tiān lónɡ zuò
  • Draco;Dragon
  1. 天龙座的一个巨型黑洞吞食了太多的东西,造成了无法消化的现象。

    A giant black hole in the constellation Draco bit off more than it could chew .

  2. 天龙座食双星RZ周期的长期变化及其测光轨道解

    Long-term period changes and photometric orbital solution of RZ Draconis

  3. 分光双星天龙座θ的光电视向速度观测和新分光解

    ORBIT OF LIGHT A Spectroscopic Orbit for Theta Draconis from Photoelectric Radial Velocities

  4. 天龙座三剑客虽然并不像其他紧密星系群那麽出名,不过它们在视觉上的强烈对比,让它们成为天文摄影爱好者常常拍摄的对象之一。

    Not as well known as other tight groupings of galaxies , the contrast in visual appearance makes this triplet an attractive subject for astrophotographers .