
  1. 如何在理论力学课中加强天文教学

    How to strengthen the instruction of astronomy in theoretical mechanics class

  2. 本文以作者的教学实践为基础,举例说明了在天文教学中进行科学素质教育的具体内容和方法。

    The foundation of this article is my teaching experience , it gives the specific contents and the ways of the scientific-natured education in the astronomy teaching with some examples .

  3. WebQuest是信息技术与课程整合的一种有效形式,并对高校中采用WebQuest进行天文选修课教学的可行性作了分析,最后以历法探究为例展示了WebQuest教学的实施步骤和具体的网页设计。

    WebQuest is a valid way for the integration of information technology and astronomic curriculum . The feasibility of using WebQuest to teach astronomic elective in the university is analyzed . As an example , a concrete web design is given to the inquiry based teaching of calendar .

  4. 高校天文选修课教学实践中的困难和挑战开好天文选修课积极开展天文科普活动

    Work hard to teach elective astronomy course and to launch astronomical science promotion education activity actively

  5. 结合这些年来在天文选修课教学中的经验和体会,对我国高校天文选修课教学的特点、教学模式进行了论述。

    Based on the lecturing experience of the optional course on astronomy , the characters and the teaching modes of astronomy lectures in universities are reviewed .

  6. 小天文单位开展研究型教学的尝试

    Exploratory practice for research-oriented teaching in a small astronomical institution