
  • 网络transmission machinery
  1. 作为传动机械,异步电动机被广泛运用于发电厂、炼钢厂、海军舰艇等工业生产与国防领域,其安全运行至关重要。

    As the transmission machinery , asynchronous motors are widely used in industrial production and defense field , such as power plants , steel mills , naval vessels , so its safe operation is essential .

  2. 面向订单生产方式的传动机械ERP系统

    Transmission Machine ERP System of MTO Mode

  3. 2K-H针摆行星传动机械效率的数学建模

    Mathematical modeling of 2K-H NEEDLE-CYCLOID planetary transmission mechanical efficiency

  4. 同步带传动机械手的建模与振动控制研究

    Modeling and Vibration Control of a Manipulator with Synchronous Belt Transmission

  5. 克服电气传动机械谐振的一种新的控制结构

    A New Structure for Overcoming Mechanical Resonance in Electric Drive

  6. 用于晶圆传输的同步带传动机械手误差分析与补偿

    Error Analysis and Compensation of Synchronous Belt Drive Manipulator for Wafer Transmission

  7. 传动机械多功能试验台设计与应用研究

    Study on the Design and Application of Multi-functional Transmission Mechanical Experimental Set-up

  8. 双机传动机械系统同步控制的研究

    Study on Synchronization Control of Mechanical System with Twin-motor Drives

  9. 液力传动机械变矩器直径的优化

    Optimization of Hydraulic Torque Converter Diameter in Hydraulic Driving Machinery

  10. 传动机械仓库管理系统设计及开发

    Design and Development in Warehouse Management System of Gearing

  11. 非定比传动机械的计算阶次分析

    Computed order analysis for the variable transmission ratio machine

  12. 机械式排气阀传动机械排气有害物流动试验室

    Mechanically actuated exhaust valve mechanism mobile emissions test laboratory

  13. 传动机械企业质量管理系统开发

    Development of Quality Management System of Drive Machine Enterprise

  14. 港口雷达裂缝天线的风洞试验及其天线座传动机械设计

    The Wind Tunnel Experiment for Slot Antenna and Mechanical Design of the Antenna Pedestal

  15. 曲柄连杆传动机械式轮胎硫化机的开模极限及其定位精度分析

    Analyzing Mold Opening Limitation and Its Positioning Precision of Crank Link Transmission Mechanical Curing Press

  16. 本实用新型涉及减速传动机械,特别是高效节能减速器。

    The utility model relates to a decelerating transmission mechanism , particularly a high-efficiency energy saving decelerator .

  17. 测功机是对各种动力与传动机械进行性能测试的主要设备。

    The dynamometer is important equipment in the power testing system for the drive machine and transmission machine .

  18. 一般来说,分度传动机械在入力轴旋转一次后停止一下,然后出力轴分度一次。

    In general , the degree in mechanical drive shaft rotation into force after a stop and then output a one-axis .

  19. 传动机械相关零件的负载也会超出设计值,严重时会发生电机烧毁、传动零件断裂。

    Transmission machinery-related parts of the load will exceed the design value , and in severe electrical burn occurs , transmission parts breakage .

  20. 当摇摆传动机械运行时,等速旋转入力轴使出力轴向前和向后旋动。

    Hydraulic center-shaft winder When swinging transmission machine operation , the force constant rotation axis to make efforts before and axial rotation move backward .

  21. 产品广泛用于家用电器,汽车,摩托车,电动工具,传动机械,电动机,运动器械及办公器械。

    The products are extensively used in household appliances , automobiles , motorcycles , electric tools , transmission machines , sports appliances and office instruments .

  22. 除了作为低速传动机械外,也可用作在分度转台时确定最后位置的机械。

    Apart from being a low-speed mechanical transmission , but also can be used as a sub-degree turntable determine the final location of the machinery .

  23. 介绍一种电封闭传动机械多功能试验台的工作原理、技术设计及其特点。

    This text introduce us the work principle , technical design and feature of a electric sealed about multi functional transmission machine experimental set up .

  24. 三峡升船机提升系统是由多个子系统组成的复杂系统,其中有传动机械、船厢、水体、客轮、钢丝绳和调平油缸等。

    Ship lift system is a very complex system , which consists of driving machine , water chamber , water , ship , cable and so on .

  25. 当摇摆传动机械运作时,等速度的旋转入力轴使出力轴向前和向后旋转,并使平面升高。

    When swinging drive mechanical operation , such as the rotation speed of the force to make efforts axial shaft before and backward rotation and enable higher plane .

  26. 本文提出了一种封闭行星传动机械无级变速器运动学参数的设计公式及优化方案。

    This paper comes up with the design formulas for kinematics parameters of a differential planetary gear train with varialbe speed driver , and presents an optimization model .

  27. 本文把电力拖动控制系统理论和机械系统动力学两个方面的知识有机地结合起来,研究了交流电动机驱动的双机传动机械系统的同步控制问题。

    In this paper , the theory of electric pulling control and the dynamics of mechanical system are combined to study the synchronization control of mechanical system with twin-motor drives .

  28. 然而永磁磁力耦合器作为一种磁力传动机械,其传递转矩的大小与传统机械齿轮、涡轮蜗杆等传动装置相比处于明显的劣势。

    However , permanent magnet gear as a kind of magnetic transmission device , its transmission torque is much lower when compared with traditional mechanical gear or worm and gear .

  29. 在液力传动机械中,将动力源与液力变矩器进行正确而合理的匹配,是使其获得良好的动力性、加速性和经济性的关键。

    In the hydraulic drive machines , the key to good power , acceleration and economy is the proper and rational matching of power source with the hydraulic torque converter .

  30. 在自动转换双导向机构的引导下,能够实现自定位柔性传动机械臂自动弹出、定位、收回、弹性对接和柔性传动等功能。

    Oriented by the automatic conversion double-oriented mechanism , self-location flexible transmission mechanical arm develops characters such as automatic popping , withdrawing , self-location , flexible transmission and springy docking .