
  • 网络Media Culture
  1. 传媒文化是建构未知的受众或拥有想象中的受众的传播系统。

    Media culture is a propagation system with unknown or imaginary audience .

  2. 论传媒文化对受众心理的消极影响

    Negative Effect of Media Culture on the Audience 's Psychology

  3. 她有哈佛大学传媒文化的学位。

    She has a degree in medieval literature from harvard .

  4. 《手机》:一个关于传媒文化的文本

    " Cell Phone ": A Texture of Communicational Culture

  5. 论传媒文化与建构和谐社会

    On the Media Culture and Building up Harmonious Society

  6. 文化批评者们发现本雅明对早期文化工业的精辟分析为当今的传媒文化研究提供了有效的思路和方法。

    His incisive analysis provides contemporary scholars with an effective methodology of media culture discourse .

  7. 传媒文化创意产业及发展

    Creative Industry of Media Culture its Development

  8. 传媒文化的转型置于整个社会转型的大背景之中。

    The transformation of media culture was set against the background of the social transformation .

  9. 论传媒文化在清代文化结构中的地位和作用

    On the Status and Functions of Media Culture in the Culture Structure of Qing Dynasty

  10. 现实与实践:网络传媒文化和后现代主义思潮这两个方面探讨其形成的历史根源、现实基础和审美特征。

    From realistic and practical points of view , i.e. network media culture and post-modernism ideas .

  11. 语言符号的变更是引发传媒文化嬗变的直接因素。

    The alteration of linguistic signs is the direct cause of the cultural transmutation in the mass media .

  12. 二十世纪九十年代中国传媒文化转型研究九十年代我国发展外贸出口的国际环境分析

    The Transformation of Chinese Media Culture in the Nineties of the Twentieth Century INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENT FOR OUR EXPORT IN 1990s

  13. 以新闻、资讯、娱乐为内容主体的大众传媒文化,活力空前彰显,自有它内的社会机理。

    The massive media culture based on news , information and enjoyment as main content has dynamic force and has its inner social mechanism .

  14. 文学的沉寂与大众传媒文化的喧嚣&论社会文化语境变迁中的文学话语权的流转

    The " silence " of literature and " noise " of masses media culture & On change of literature speaking right in social culture language context evolution

  15. 文学昔日的显赫社会话语权,让渡给大众传媒文化,是注意力经济时代社会发展的必然逻辑。

    Pasted obvious social speaking right of literature is forced to be given to massive media culture which is the necessary logic of social development in focused economic era .

  16. 研究文学信息生产的历史发生与现实生成是现代传媒文化语境为文学理论研究提出的现实要求。

    The context of modern media culture put forward of inside request to research History occurrence and Reality Forming of the Literature Information production for the researching of literature theory .

  17. 当代中国,大学文化亟待加强,大众传媒文化内涵有待进一步增强,文化软实力亟待提高。

    In modern China , there are urgent demands that university culture be strengthened , culture connotation of mass media be further improved and soft power of culture be enhanced .

  18. 传媒文化的概念充分体现了这一关系。二是在表扬中体现激励。

    It is to some degree like two sides of the same coin , which the concept of media culture fully manifests . Two , manifests the drive in the praise .

  19. 本文就是在这种国家大力发展传媒文化产业的语境下对以纸张为载体的传播媒介即纸质传媒业进行探讨。

    This article is in this kind of country develops under the media culture industry linguistic environment to is vigorously paper media industry carries on the discussion take the paper as the carrier vector .

  20. 随着影视传媒文化对纸质文学的冲击,戏剧文学也受到了一定的影响,甚至在某种程度上发生了戏剧批评的失语现象。

    As the movie and television media has more and more impact on pater literature , Drama literature has also been influenced . What is more , the phenomenon of drama criticism aphasia appears .

  21. 近代以来,编辑出版业在创造中国传媒文化结构的同时,吸收了西方文化传播过程中编辑与出版的新技术、新媒介、新理念,有更大的进展。

    The modern editor study and the modern publication study which has absorbed the new technology and new idea of the edition and publication in the process of western culture spreading have made great progress .

  22. 首先阐明,当代中国大众文化的兴盛改写了传媒文化的内在结构,形成了主导文化/主流文化、精英文化、大众文化多元并存的格局。

    This chapter makes it clear that the prosperity of mass culture in contemporary China changes the internal structure of media culture and brings the co-existence of leading / mainstream culture , elite culture and mass culture .

  23. 而目前所研究的文化产业发展,多是针对以传媒文化和时尚文化为代表的城市文化产业而言的,对农村文化产业并未引起充分的重视。

    However , at present , the development of cultural industries under study , mostly for the media on behalf of culture and fashion culture in terms of urban cultural industries , cultural industry in rural areas did not attract sufficient attention .

  24. 大众文化与群众文化、民间文化并非同一概念,与精英知识分子建构的高雅文化针锋相对,大众文化是一种商品文化、世俗享乐文化和技术传媒文化。

    The popular culture is different from the mass culture and folk culture and is diametrically opposed to the high culture established by the intellectuals . The popular culture is a commodity culture , secular culture of pleasure-seeking and technology media culture .

  25. 高科技文化、消费文化、商业文化、传媒文化、都市文化、大众文化等所有一般文化、一般美术,都被视为美术和美术教育对象的活动。

    All the general cultures and general arts , including high-tech culture , culture of consumption , commercial culture , culture of disseminator , city culture , the people culture , etc , are regarded as the activities of art and the object of art education .

  26. 这种传受者之间的意愿,在现代媒介发展的客观形势下,在现代传播技术条件下,在现代传播的多元化竞争的需求下,逐渐成为一种强势的传媒文化现象。

    This kind of will of that spreads and is subjected to , under the objective situation that modern medium develop , under the need that modern spread under the technique condition , diversified competition that is in the modern dissemination become a kind of pre-eminent media cultural phenomenon gradually .

  27. 众所周知,凌晨用手机会扰乱睡眠模式;其实,根据期刊《大众传媒文化心理学》的最新研究,白天发短信也会影响到晚上的睡眠质量。

    We all know that cell phone use during the wee hours can be disruptive to our sleep patterns , but it 's also true that texting during the day could harm our ability to get a good night 's sleep , according to a recent study in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture .

  28. 大众传媒及文化媒介人的操纵等。

    Manipulation of mass media and the cultural intermediate person .

  29. 传媒时代文化领导权的重建

    Rebuilding the Leadership in Culture in Times of Communication-Media

  30. 我国网络传媒的文化产业经营研究

    Researching on Culture Industry Management of Chinese Online Media