
  • 网络cultural industrialization
  1. 文化产业化背景下的高校学报效益再认识

    Reconsideration of Higher Institution Learned Journal Efficiency in the Background of Cultural Industrialization

  2. 对我国文化产业化及其重大关系问题与发展之路的探索

    The Exploration of the Cultural Industrialization and Its Relationship and Developing Road of Our Country

  3. 武术文化产业化发展研究

    The Study of the Development of the culture of Martial Arts

  4. 网络游戏文化产业化的研究

    A study of the industrialization of the cyber games culture

  5. 西安古都文化产业化的理性思考

    Rational Thinking of Industrialization of Culture in Xi ' an

  6. 赵树理文化产业化初探

    A Tentative Analysis of the Industrialization of ZHAO Shu-li Culture

  7. 三峡茶文化产业化及其模式研究

    On the Industrialization of Tea Culture and Its Model in Three Gorges Area

  8. 彝族服饰文化产业化略论

    The Industrialization of the Yi Nationality 's Costume

  9. 谈谈文化产业化

    A Debate about the Industrialization of Culture

  10. 文化产业化的战略问题

    On the Strategy of Cultural Industrialization

  11. 太极拳文化产业化现状与发展研究&以焦作市太极拳文化产业化发展为例

    On the Current Conditions of Taijiquan Culture 's Industrialization and Its Development & Take Jiaozuo Taijiquan Culture Industrialization as the Example

  12. 礼仪文化产业化过程不是一蹴而就的,产业发展中总会出现波折及问题。

    The useful of cultural industries is not an easy process , industrial development and the problem will always suffer setbacks .

  13. 哈尼族服饰文化产业化发展,对哈尼族文化资源的保护、传承和发展方面的作用已显现出来。

    Hani nationality clothing culture industrialization , the protection , inheritance and development of hani culture resources the role has been revealed .

  14. 农村文化产业化是一个复杂的系统工程,发展农村文化产业任重道远。

    There is a long way to go , for the industrialization of rural culture is still a complex and systematic scheme .

  15. 文化产业化已经成为我国文化建设与发展、文化体制改革中的一个重要方向与手段。

    Cultural industrialization has already become an important direction and means in the cultural construction and development culture system reform of our country .

  16. 略论新时期茶文化产业化趋势&由以虚为主向以实为主的茶文化产业发展

    On the Tendency of Tea Culture Industry in the New Period & On the Development of Tea Culture Industry from Void into Solid Work

  17. 本论文试图从设计的角度来思考在传统地域文化产业化开发中具体的可实施方案。

    This thesis tries considers from the angle of the design can put into practice concretely in traditional region culture industry turn development project .

  18. 为此必须特别重视通过文化产业化过程,造就和提高民族文化在国际文化市场中的竞争力。

    Thus , we must pay special attention to the strategy of generating and increasing our competitiveness of our national culture in the international market through the process of cultural industrialization .

  19. 因为随着文化产业化速度的加快,历史文化遗产所蕴涵的丰富资源业已成为国家发展文化经济,民族产业重要的物质基础和文化基础。

    With the industrialization of culture , the abundant cultural resources hidden in the historic cultural heritage have become the important material and cultural base to develop tourism and national industry .

  20. 我们必须面对的是在文化产业化时代,文艺存在的必须变和怎么变的问题,用新的、开放的眼光看待文艺,促进理论的发展。

    We must confront two questions in the culture industry era : " must change " and " how to change ", we should have a new and open attitude , so as to develop the theory .

  21. 同时,在市场经济条件下,必须走炮龙文化产业化的发展道路,最终实现炮龙文化的文化价值与经济价值的协调发展。

    At the same time , under the market economy condition we should have a path of the developing the artillery dragon culture industrial production to walk . Realizes the cultural and economic value of the artillery dragon culture is coordinated development finally .

  22. 本文从陕西商人的发展历程出发,从定性和定量的角度分别阐述陕商文化产业化的必要性和重要意义,并在此基础上提出陕商文化产业化的有效途径。

    In this paper , the development process of starting Shaanxi merchants , from the qualitative and quantitative point of view were described Shaanxi cultural industry of business necessity and importance , and in this business based on the Shaanxi cultural industry an effective way .

  23. 首先针对一概而论的生产性保护或传统文化产业化发展,其次是对于非物质文化遗产活态性和传承性这两个重要特征进行了与之前学者不同的解读。

    The first is to lump together " productive safeguarding " or " industry development of traditional culture . " The second is the intangible cultural heritage is " living " and " inheritance " of the two important characteristics of the different interpretations and scholars .

  24. 文化遗产产业化运作的路径依赖与战略选择

    Culture heritage industrialization operation 's path dependence and strategy selection

  25. 文化的产业化与新时期文学生产格局的转变

    Culture 's Industrialization and the Shift of Literature Production Pattern in New Era

  26. 石家庄市文化产业集群化发展的要素分析

    On the componential factors for the development of the cultural cluster in Shijiazhuang city

  27. 试论文化创意产业化背景下的艺术设计教育发展方向

    On Development of Art Design Education under the Background of Industrialization of Culturally Creative Design

  28. 文化的产业化、经济化是现代社会文化建设和发展的大趋势。

    Cultural industrialization and economy is a great trend in modern culture construction and development .

  29. 论体育文化的产业化

    Study of the industrialization of sports culture

  30. 第五章以西安市为例,分析了其文化资源产业化机理,验证上述核心观点。

    Chapter V takes Xi ' an for example , analyses its industrialization of cultural resources .