
  • 网络Show;Wen-Hsiu;Fumihide Aoki;Loh Boon Siew
文秀 [wén xiù]
  • [gentle and pretty] 文静秀丽

  • 她很娴静,一身文秀之气

  1. 文秀留下小狗,你要吗?

    Wen Hsiu left the dog behind do you want it ?

  2. 该文秀部主管的刺绣在宋代法庭。

    The Wenxiu Department was in charge of embroidery in the Song court .

  3. 南宋时期,司马樨携妻文秀拜访岳父母,居西泠。

    In Southern Song Dynasty , Sima Xi took his wife Wenxiu to visit her parents , whose home in Xiling .

  4. 全国妇联副主席莫文秀日前表示,应对进城年轻女务工人员开展性教育。

    Sex education shall be conducted to young women from rural areas working in cities , said Mo Wenxiu , vice president of the All-China Women 's Federation .

  5. 我们一起看了他在“埃德。萨利文秀”中的表演,当表现他下身动作的镜头被切换以避免我们看到不雅的场面时,我们都笑了起来。

    We watched his legendary performance on The Ed Sullivan Show together , and laughed when the cameras cut off his lower body movements to protect us from the indecency .