
  • 网络Cultural market system;system of markets for cultural products
  1. 按照一手抓繁荣、一手抓管理的方针,健全文化市场体系,完善文化市场管理机制,为繁荣社会主义文化创造良好的社会环境。

    In compliance with the principle of both enriching culture and intensifying management , we should improve the system of markets for cultural products and their management mechanism to create a social climate favorable for a flourishing socialist culture .

  2. 完善文化市场体系和文化服务体系,拉动文化产业快速增长。

    Fourthly , improving the cultural market system and cultural service system and stimulating the rapid growth of cultural industries .

  3. 但是,在发展的同时,东莞市文化市场管理体系也出现了很多问题。

    But , at the same time , the cultural market management system of Dongguan also appeared a lot of problems .

  4. 其产生和存在有社会文化、市场体系不完善、信息传递扭曲、市场管理的法制不健全、消费者的自我保护意识偏低等方面的原因。

    Immoral behaviors in the marketing and operating of the enterpises are presented in the aspects of products price , promoting and separating the selling .

  5. 股权文化在资本市场制度体系中居于基础地位,是资本市场赖以存在和发展的社会基础,法律体系、监管职能、公司治理机制都建立在股权文化基础之上。

    The stock equity culture serves as a basis in the capital market system and also lays the social foundation for the existence and development of capital market .

  6. 随着我国文化事业的健康发展和文化市场体系的逐步建立与完善,文化的产业化以及消费问题也越来越受到社会的关注。

    With the healthy development of our cultural cause and the establishment and perfection of a cultural market system , cultural commercialization and consumption is becoming a concern for the society .

  7. 加快完善文化管理体制和文化生产经营机制,基本建立现代文化市场体系,健全国有文化资产管理体制,形成有利于创新创造的文化发展环境。

    We should accelerate improvement of the system for managing the cultural sector and the mechanism for cultural production and operation , establish the basic framework of a modern cultural market system , improve the system for managing state-owned cultural assets , and foster a cultural environment that encourages creativity .

  8. 第四,大力活跃演出市场,确立文化企业的市场主体地位,形成统一、开放、竞争、有序的文化市场体系。

    Fourth , the market of performance should be activated , and the dominant position of cultural enterprises in the market established , so as to form a united , open , competitive and orderly cultural market system .

  9. 是故,在提出概念找出问题改进对策的思路下,力求找到推动文化产业发展的科学方法,最终为构建公共文化服务体系和现代文化市场体系打下坚实基础。

    Therefore , in the ideas of " defining , finding out problems , solving problems ", it should try to find a scientific method to promote cultural industries , and build a solid foundation for public cultural services system and modern cultural market system .

  10. 我们必须切实加强和谐文化建设,深化文化体制改革,形成统一、开放、竞争、有序的现代化文化市场体系。

    We must strengthen cultural construction , deepen the culture system reform and constitute the modern culture market system which takes unified , competitive , ordered and open as character .