
  1. 通过农产品市场立法,稳定发展农产品市场;

    Agricultural products market has been developed steadily by agricultural products market legislation .

  2. 试论我国创业板市场立法的借鉴和协调

    A Study of the Introduction and Harmony Problem in the Legislation of Chinese Growth Enterprise Board

  3. 改善社会环境方面,需要完善文化市场立法环境、监管执法环境和文化环境。

    In the sense of improving the social environment , it is required to improving the legislative environment , the law enforcement environment and culture environment .

  4. 金融机构市场退出立法的价值诉求

    The Value Appeal of Financial Institution 's Withdraw from Legislation

  5. 加强培训市场的立法与执法力度;

    To strengthen the legislation and execution of laws in training markets ;

  6. 在德国,由于出租车行业的反对,两次放开私车出租市场的立法努力以失败告终。

    Two legislative efforts to liberalise private hire in Germany have failed amid taxi opposition .

  7. 发展黄金市场亟待立法保障

    On Legislative Safeguard for Developing Gold Market

  8. 欧盟反市场滥用立法评述

    EU Directive on Market Abuse

  9. 公法与私法的划分是市场经济立法的基础

    The Discrimination of the Public Law and the Private Law is the Basis of the Market-Economic Legislation

  10. 希望能为我国新型农村金融机构市场准入立法提供有益的参考。

    Want to be able to provide our new type of rural financial institutions market access legislation reference point .

  11. 不过,风潮客观上也促使政府对资本市场的立法趋于完善,监管加强。

    Nevertheless , the crisis induced the government to improve the legislation system and strengthened the supervision of the capital market .

  12. 本文的研究最终也是为了对中国的银行业金融机构市场退出立法作出一定的设想和法律制度完善上的建议。

    The final global of this paper is to give some advises to the banking institutions market exit law of China .

  13. 应继续完善湖南综合性旅游经济立法、旅游市场秩序立法、旅游资源和旅游环境保护立法。

    We should continue to perfect the comprehensive legislation of tourist economy in Hunan , the legislation of maintaining tourist market order and the legislation of perfecting tourist resources and environment .

  14. 第三章则是统领全文,在第一章和第二章的基础上,对股指期货市场和立法方面提出了建议,并找出了相关问题的解决方法,使股指期货市场的监管体系更加完善。

    Provide some advices to the stock index futures market and legislation Based in the chapters one and two , find the relevant solution to the problem , so that the regulatory system of stock index futures market more perfect .

  15. 农村小康社会建设中的立法应主要包括农业生产安全立法、农产品市场流通立法、农业投资立法、土地利用和保护立法、农业支持和保护立法以及农业保险立法等方面。

    The legislation in the rural social construction of comfortable standard of living should include agricultural production safety legislation , the market circulation legislation of agricultural products , agricultural investment legislation and land use and protection legislation , agricultural support with protect legislative as well as agricultural insurance legislation .

  16. 责任保险:市场失灵、立法强制与道德风险管理

    Liabilities Insurance : Market Malfunction , Legislation Obligation and Moral Hazard Management

  17. 我国金融服务贸易市场准入的立法重构

    Reconstruction of Legislation of Admission into the Financial Service Market in China

  18. 电子银行的市场准入监管立法探析

    Legislation Analysis on Market Access Supervision for Electronic Banking

  19. 欧共体竞争法中禁止滥用市场支配地位立法研究

    Study of the Regulation on the Abuse of Dominant Position of EC Competition Law

  20. 论市场经济与立法的市场导向

    Market Economy and Legislation Based on Market Economy

  21. 本部分对操纵证券市场罪的立法发展、立法现状从国内和国外两方面进行了介绍、分析。

    The author introduces and analyses legislative development and situation both from domestic and abroad .

  22. 制定与完善市场环境的立法,为中小企业创造一个公平竞争的外部环境;

    Complete our legislations about the marketing to create a fair circumstance for small and medium-sized enterprise .

  23. 《欧盟分时度假指令》经过成员国的转换,成为成员国规制分时度假市场的重要立法。

    Transformed by the member countries , EU Timeshare Directive has become an important legislation in regulating timeshare market .

  24. 针对第四部分所分析的我国当前立法的不足,提出相应的完善建议。包括宏观调控和市场规制的立法完善。

    On the basis of our current lack of economic legislation of SMEs , this part advance the corresponding perfect proposal which including the macro-regulation and market regulation .

  25. 市场规制法立法模式是市场规制法的表征样态,是构建市场规制法体系的基石。

    The legislative model of market regulation law is the superficial characteristics of market regulation law , it is the footstone of the system of market regulation law .

  26. 第四部分是从保险公司市场退出的立法、监管、保障等方面对美国、英国、加拿大和日本四个发达保险市场进行了比较,为我国制度的设计提供参考和启发。

    The fourth part of this paper compared the legislative , regulatory , and security about insurance company exit of United States , the United Kingdom , Canada and Japan . That provided the reference and inspiration for our design .

  27. 这里首先介绍了我国企业信用评级认可准入制度的现状与问题,包括没有建立统一的资格认定部门,市场准入的立法目标不完善。

    Firstly , the author introduced the current situation and problem of our corporate credit rating system , among problems , it is included the lack of a unified regulatory and accreditation sectors , inadequate legislative goals in market access as well .

  28. 建议内容主要包括:明确操纵市场民事责任立法的指导思想、确立民事责任制度基本原则、增强可操作性、建立便于投资者提起诉讼的制度。

    Suggestions include : defining the thought of legislation of Chinese regulations on civil liability of rigging the market , stipulating the basic principles of civil liability of rigging the market , making it more practical , constructing the system which makes justice accessible to investors .

  29. 第二章介绍私募股权投资基金在中国的发展现状,这部分包括市场现状、立法现状及监管现状,指出中国私募股权基金存在立法缺失、监管缺失的问题。

    Chapter Two introduces the current development of Private Equity Fund in China , which will include the introduction on the current situation of market , legislation and monitoring system and to raise the issue for lacking of legislation and monitoring system on Private Equity Fund in China .

  30. 论证券市场法律责任的立法和司法协调

    Legislative and Judicial Conciliation of Legal Liability of the Securities Market