
  • 网络public utility;municipal public utilities;munis
  1. 对我国城市市政公用事业改革与发展问题的探讨

    Discussion on the Reform and Development of the Urban Public Utilities

  2. 要提高市政公用事业的运行效率和服务水平,市场化是其改革的必然方向。

    Marketization is its reform inevitable direction if we must raise the municipal public utilities ' efficiency and the service level .

  3. 随着市政公用事业市场化改革的推进和特许经营制度的建立,大量基础设施由企业投资人以BOT方式投资、建设和运营。

    With the improvement of market oriented reform for the municipal utility and establishment of the municipal utility industry concession system , a large number of infrastructure were invested , constructed and operated in the way of BOT mode by enterprises in China .

  4. 城市市政公用事业产业化的问题和对策

    Problems of Industrialization of Municipal Public Utilities and Their Solutions

  5. 市政公用事业运营机制改革的对策思考(上)

    On the Reform of PUs Managerial Mechanism ( I )

  6. 市政公用事业改革为城市发展注入活力

    Reform of municipal and public utilities vitalizes urban development

  7. 城市市政公用事业政府规制创新研究

    Innovative Regulation Studies of the Municipal and Public Infrastructures

  8. 天津市市政公用事业发展投资预测

    The Investments Forecast of Tianjin Municipal Public Facilities

  9. 河北省市政公用事业改革存在的问题与对策

    The Problems and the Countermeasures of Municipal Administration Public Utilities Reform in Hebei Province

  10. 市政公用事业改革的理论和实践进展综述

    Development of the Theories and Practice of the Reform of the Municipal Public Affairs

  11. 市政公用事业市场化进程中的政府监管探析

    Analysis of Government Regulation in the Process of Municipal Engineering and Public Utilities Market-oriented Reform

  12. 市政公用事业改革与监管

    The Reforms and Supervision of Municipal Utilities

  13. 市政公用事业研究院

    Institute for Municipal Engineering and Public Utilities

  14. 论市政公用事业改革与城市公共事业建设的关系

    Study on the Relations of the Municipal Public Utilities Reforming and the City Non-profit Organization Constructing

  15. 市政公用事业的不同行业、不同环节间的公共性也存在差异。

    The Different sectors and segments of municipal public utilities have varying degrees in public nature .

  16. 中国市政公用事业民营化改革的利弊分析

    Privatization Reform of Municipal Public utilities

  17. 市政公用事业改革民营化工具的运用及风险控制

    Applications and Risk Prevention of the Means of Privatization in the Reformation of Municipal Public Utilities

  18. 然而市场机制本身亦存在诸多弊端,因此在市政公用事业市场化的进程中加强政府监管就显得尤为必要。

    But market mechanism has many malpractices by itself , so enhancing governmental regulation is very essential .

  19. 本文以市政公用事业的公共性差异为研究视角,公共性是市政公用事业的重要属性,是市政公用事业市场机制改革的逻辑起点。

    Public nature is the important property and the logical starting point of the municipal public utilities .

  20. 拓展视野换位思考&南昌市市政公用事业局挂职工作感

    Broadening of View and Transposition of Standpoint & reflecting on temporary post in Nanchang Municipal Utility Bureau

  21. 在我国,城市市政公用事业的大门也正在逐渐向非国有资本开启。

    In our country , the entrance door to city planning and public utility is opening towards private-owned assets .

  22. 第四部分为网络化治理在市政公用事业改革中的应用。

    In Chapter four is the application of Governing by network in the reform of Municipal Public Utilities in China .

  23. 市政公用事业是一个城市赖以生存和发展的物质基础,在城市发展中具有极其重要的作用。

    Municipal utility is the material basis of the survival and development for a city plays an extremely important role .

  24. 市政公用事业由政府主导举办,是向社会提供公共服务的重要平台。

    Municipal utilities led by the Government is an important platform for the delivery of public services to the community .

  25. 经过30年的改革与发展,中国市政公用事业取得了巨大的成就。

    After 30 years of reform and development , China has made significant achievements in the area of municipal public utilities .

  26. 同时针对市政公用事业改革的突出问题,对市场机制的优化路径提出针对性建议,具有较强的实践指导意义。

    The paper puts forward specific recommendations on the optimal path of market mechanisms , which has a strong practical significance .

  27. 其大多数建筑都完全独立于所有市政公用事业,并且能够为其居民生产一切所需。

    Most of these buildings are completely independent from all municipal utilities and are able to produce everything for their inhabitants .

  28. 第五部分为结语,对市政公用事业改革中实现网络化治理进行了展望。

    Chapter five is conclusion . And we also talk about the further development of Governing by network using in Municipal Public Utilities .

  29. 现代社会是以城市为中心的社会,而支撑现代城市发展的一个非常重要的因素就是市政公用事业。

    Modern society is urban-centered society , and municipal public utilities play a very important role in the support of modern urban development .

  30. 推进供水、供热、污水处理等市政公用事业改革,不断探索创新体制机制。

    Unceasingly , innovative system and mechanism shall be explored in reforms in municipal utilities such as water supply , heating and wastewater treatment .