
  • vacating cage to change bird
  1. 人力投资与再就业&兼评腾笼换鸟政策

    Human Investment and Reemployment

  2. 因此,以本文的视角,腾笼换鸟、承接转移是处于不同发展阶段的地方政府的理性选择。

    Therefore ," change birds in the cage "," undertake the transfer " are " rational choice " for different local government at different economic development periods .

  3. 积极推进结构调整,按照发展国际化、现代化、多样化特色商业的要求,进行“腾笼换鸟”,把“国际品牌引进来”。

    Advance structural adjustment actively , extend the requirement of Commerce of characteristic of internationalization , modern , diversification by issue as before , undertake " vacate basket change a bird "," international brand is introduced come " .

  4. 面对严峻的发展态势,一场以产业转移、腾笼换鸟等全新举措带动的珠三角地区产业转型升级战略正在重构珠三角发展内核。

    Facing the severe situation , a transfer of industries ," cage for a bird " and other new initiatives driven by the Pearl River Delta region industrial transformation and upgrading strategy is the reconstruction of the Pearl River Delta development kernel .