
  • 网络tencent;Tencent Weibo;Microblog;Tencent microblogging
  1. 海外的大熊猫爱好者可以登录到Facebook,而中国人可以登录到腾讯微博和腾讯QQ注册和参与进来。

    To register and participate , overseas panda lovers can log onto Facebook , while Chinese can log onto Tencent weibo and Tencent QQ .

  2. 周三晚间,于洋通过腾讯微博认证账户发言,似乎是宣告不再打羽毛球。

    Late on Wednesday , Ms. Yu turned to her verified Tencent Weibo microblogging account and appeared to put the sport of badminton behind her . '

  3. 在NBA中文官网中,出现了两个官方微博站点,分别是新浪微博和腾讯微博,这将增加受众信息选择的难度。

    In the NBA Chinese official website , there are two official Weibo site link , which will make it more difficult for the audience to choose between the two .

  4. 另外QQ弹出新闻结合腾讯微博、腾讯搜搜、QQ空间等多种腾讯产品,互相促进、互为补充在一定程度上增强了QQ弹出新闻的传播效果,也提升了腾讯产品的使用率。

    In addition QQ News combination of Soso search , Tencent micro-blog , QQ space and many other products , promote each other , complementary to some extent increase the QQ Pop News dissemination effect , also promoted the Tencent the utilization rate of the product .

  5. 2011年最初的三个月,涌现出了一大腾讯微博收听批网络新星。

    The first three months of2011 have seen the emergence of a crop of new Web stars .

  6. 过去几年中我们见证了微博平台的迅猛发展,新浪微博、腾讯微博等已成为新的媒体形式。

    The last few years have witnessed a meteoric rise of microblogging platforms , such as Twitter and Tumblr .

  7. 而现在,通过新浪微博、腾讯微博或人人主页,用人单位可以直接面向学生群体。

    But now , employers can target students directly by using their companies " Sina or Tencent micro blog or Renren.com accounts .

  8. 微博博主们:你曾和挚友比过各自新浪或腾讯微博上的粉丝数吗?

    Micro bloggers : have you ever compared the number of fans on your Sina Weibo or Tencent micro blog with those of your friends ?

  9. 根据腾讯微博于本月初进行的一项调查显示,大约有68%的参与者支持返回大城市这项决定。

    According to a survey on Tencent micro blog website , t.qq . com , conducted early this month , about 68 percent of those asked support the decision to return to big cities .

  10. 中国国家网信办上周日责令新浪、腾讯微博平台关闭知名博主、地产商任志强的账号,原因是其传播违法信息。

    China 's top Internet regulator on last Sunday ordered the microblogging platforms of Sina and Tencent to shut down the accounts of Ren Zhiqiang , a celebrity blogger and property developer , for spreading illegal information .

  11. 今年2月,李开复曾发布一篇微博,对一个国有搜索引擎的管理提出质疑,之后不久他的新浪微博账户和腾讯微博账户被禁言三天。

    Mr. Lee 's accounts on Sina Weibo and a similar service run by Tencent were suspended for three days in February , shortly after he posted a message questioning the management of a state-run search engine .

  12. 本文基于腾讯微博用户的真实社交网络信息,构建有效的用户相似度模型,并将该相似度模型与基于评价矩阵信息的用户相似度模型相结合,提出了融合社交网络信息的协同过滤算法。

    In this dissertation , we build an user similarity model based on Tencent micro-blogging users ' real social network information , and effectively combine the social information based similarity model and the rating information based similarity model .

  13. 据新华社报道,广东省社科院等部门联合发布报告,根据对5000名小学生调查显示,近五成的学生在使用新浪微博或者腾讯微博,约32%的小学生有网购的习惯。

    A survey carried out by the Guangdong Provincial Social Sciences Academy and several government agencies shows that nearly half of the 5000 primary school students surveyed have microblogs on Sina.com or QQ.com , Xinhua reported . About 32 percent of them shop online .

  14. 这还不是结局,我们还将在QQ空间,利用腾讯的微博呼吁更多的战友加入我们的队伍。

    And that is not the end ; we shall summon more brothers through the twitter function in QQ space .

  15. 腾讯在微博上引用了“王者荣耀”制作人李旻的话对此进行反击,李旻坚决主张,这款游戏的设计完全符合政府规定。

    Tencent hit back in a Weibo post quoting " King of Glory " producer Li Min , who insisted that the game 's design fully complied with government requirements .

  16. 腾讯在新浪微博上的一份声明中表示,最新版本微信已经解决此问题,目前尚没有发现用户会因此造成信息或者财产的直接损失。

    Tencent said in a statement on social networking service Sina Weibo that it had replaced the compromised version of its app . It also said that users had not lost personal information or other property because of the infection .

  17. “移居”至腾讯的他还在微博里向杰迷、好友们广播,欢迎大家来新家作客。

    " Migrates " to he who leaps the news also in micro Bori to the outstanding fan , the good friends broadcasts , welcome everybody to come the new home to sojourn .

  18. 新浪、腾讯、搜狐领跑微博市场前三甲,其他微博网站奋起直追,竞争极为激烈,颇有逐鹿中原的态势。

    Sina , Tencent , Sohu , the market leader in micro-blog the top three , the other micro-blogging site to catch up , the competition is extremely fierce , quite establish themselves in the situation .

  19. 微博在新媒体中占有重要的地位,腾讯网应重视腾讯微博对网络营销的作用,利用腾讯微博的优势进行网络营销。4.加强营销管理。

    Micro blogs play an important role in new media , Tencent should put emphasis on the effect of internet marketing and marketing through the advantage of Tencent micro blogs . 4 .