
  • Tencent;QQ;qq.com
  1. 腾讯QQ已经成为世界上最大的在线社区(有7亿多的活跃用户),而美国的即时通讯服务同类产品却都在亏损经营。

    QQ has built the worlds largest online community ( about 700 million active accounts ), while its American counterparts continue to build instant messaging as loss leaders .

  2. 微信是中国排名第二的应用,仅次于腾讯的另一款聊天软件QQ,后者据称在2014年底有8.15亿月活跃账户。

    WeChat is the second highest ranked app in China , behind QQ , Tencent 's other chatting app , which claimed to have 815m registered monthly users at the end of 2014 .

  3. 腾讯旗下即时通讯工具微信计划新推出付费订阅功能,允许微信公众号向读者收取费用。

    Tencent Holdings ' messaging app WeChat is mulling a new pay-to-read feature that allows its official accounts to request payment from readers .

  4. 行动开始以来,腾讯、抖音、豆瓣、新浪微博等多个平台均发布公告,开始清理各类乱象。新浪微博禁止用户在昵称中使用“八组”、“瓜组”等字眼,同时加强对娱乐圈偶像相关帖文的管理。

    Sina Weibo , a Twitter-like platform , has banned netizens from using words such as gossip or onlooker of posts involving entertainment idols .

  5. 腾讯表示,用户只需在微信中通过扫描二维码或搜索的方式打开这些程序,享受订票或在线购物服务。

    Users just need to scan the QR code or search from their WeChat accounts to open these apps , where they could book tickets or do shopping , Tencent said .

  6. 国内互联网巨头腾讯公司于1月9日发布“小程序”,可以让用户无需下载和安装便可在微信内互动使用各类程序服务。

    Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd launched " mini apps " on Monday , which let users interact with app-like services within its instant messaging app WeChat , without having to download and install them .

  7. 两大互联网公司—乐视TV和腾讯也紧随潮流,分别建立了自己的体育公司。

    Two other internet companies LeTV and Tencent jumped on the bandwagon by establishing respective sports Companies as well .

  8. 然而,腾讯现在的收入和利润都比facebook多。

    However , Tencent now has bigger revenues and profits than Facebook .

  9. 周三的交易使得腾讯成为CJGames的第三大股东。

    Wednesday 's deal makes Tencent the third-largest shareholder in CJ games .

  10. 但如果Facebook大举进军中国,损失最大的恐怕也是腾讯。

    But Tencent could also have the most to lose if Facebook made great strides in China .

  11. 据报道,RiotGames公司在2011年被中国科技公司腾讯以4亿美元收购。

    Riot was purchased in 2011 for a reported $ 400 million by Chinese technology company Tencent .

  12. 腾讯凭借微信和即时通讯工具QQ已经领先了一步。

    Tencent is way ahead with WeChat and instant messaging service QQ .

  13. 腾讯为每一款游戏都在移动QQ和微信上创建了入口。

    Tencent localizes access to Mobile QQ and WeChat for each game .

  14. 然而,就像中国本土竞争对手阿里巴巴(Alibaba)一样,腾讯也忙于投资西方科技企业。

    However , Tencent , like Chinese rival Alibaba , has been busy investing in western technology companies .

  15. 还有以即时通讯服务QQ著称的腾讯(Tencent)。

    So too is Tencent , best known for its instant messaging service , QQ .

  16. 在iOS公司收入排行榜中,陌陌所属公司的排名也紧随百度公司和腾讯公司之后。

    Momo is followed by Baidu and Tencent in the annual iOS revenue ranking list .

  17. 3.马化腾,腾讯(Tencent)

    Pony Ma , Tencent ( China )

  18. 移动业务也将是阿里巴巴面临最激烈竞争的领域,尤其是来自腾讯(Tencent)的竞争。

    Mobile is also where Alibaba will encounter the fiercest competition , notably from archrival Tencent .

  19. 腾讯有微信,其打赏功能已于4月份在iOS平台上被关闭。

    Tencent owns WeChat , whose cash rewards feature was blocked on the iOS platform in April .

  20. 而且目前科技公司的股价正出现一轮普遍下跌:腾讯、推特和Facebook的股价过去一个月都下跌了20%左右。

    It is also caught in a broader tech downspout : Tencent , Twitter and Facebook are all down around 20 % over the past month .

  21. 2004年8月的一份调查表明,仅腾讯QQ就拥有2.26亿注册用户、500多万收费用户。

    An inquisition of August of 2004 showed that Tencent QQ had owned 226,000,000 registered users and 5,000,000 charges users .

  22. 这还不是结局,我们还将在QQ空间,利用腾讯的微博呼吁更多的战友加入我们的队伍。

    And that is not the end ; we shall summon more brothers through the twitter function in QQ space .

  23. 华纳音乐集团(WarnerMusicGroup)和中国互联网集团腾讯(Tencent)签署了一份分销协议。全球第三大唱片公司正在探索向中国扩张的新途径。

    Warner Music Group has signed a distribution agreement with Chinese internet conglomerate Tencent , as the world 's third-biggest record company experiments with new ways to expand in China .

  24. 这一模式使腾讯每年的收入超过facebook一倍多,比zynga多三倍。

    That model helps it to produce more than twice the revenues of Facebook and four times those of Zynga each year .

  25. 一家创办不久、受到互联网集团腾讯(Tencent)和两家中国媒体公司支持的中美公司,将要买下好莱坞影视制片公司IMGlobal的控股权。

    A young Chinese-US company backed by internet group Tencent and two mainland media firms is to buy control of IM Global , a Hollywood film and TV studio .

  26. 有迹象显示,该聊天软件腾讯公司的QQ隐身从扫描用户的硬盘驱动器。

    There is an indication that the chatting software QQ from Tencent Inc stealthy scans the hard drive of the user .

  27. 腾讯公司董事长兼CEO马化腾在第三届世界互联网大会上对媒体表示,中国互联网行业的发展具有明显的中国特色。

    Pony Ma , chairman and CEO of Tencent Holdings Ltd , said to media during the third WIC that Chinese internet industry 's development has distinct Chinese characteristics .

  28. 过去一年股价上涨215%之后,如今腾讯在互联网相关企业中市值仅次于谷歌(Google)和亚马逊(Amazon)。

    After a 215 per cent rise in its share price over the last year , Tencent 's market capitalisation now ranks behind only Google and Amazon among internet-related companies .

  29. 尽管Groupon显然希望网站迅速上线并扩大规模,但腾讯看起来更喜欢缓慢地推进策略。

    Whereas Groupon apparently wants to launch and expand quickly , Tencent seems to prefer a much slower approach .

  30. 这两家公司还会将合作的内容覆盖至包括QQ和微信在内的腾讯社交媒体平台

    The two companies will also collaborate on content for Tencent 's media platforms , which include QQ and WeChat ( Weixin ) .