
  • 网络Tencent Games
  1. 王波表示,腾讯游戏一直在不断地寻找合适的游戏开发商,希望他们拥有开创性的想法和游戏,适合在本土化后投入中国市场,并且赢得足够高的人气。

    Wang said Tencent Games is always looking for developers who have innovative ideas and properties that could translate and become popular in China .

  2. 据悉,腾讯游戏官方暂未公开发布本次改编电影将选用哪款游戏,同时对拍摄金额保密;

    He said that Tencent wishes to keep the launch confidential until it makes a public announcement , and refused to reveal which game would be adapted or how much Tencent is investing in the project .

  3. 尽管P图的用户数量比不上美图公司的应用,但基于腾讯的游戏和聊天软件的普及,一些人们仍认为其用户具有很大增长潜力。

    While the number is not as impressive as that of Meitu 's apps , some argue that the user base of Tencent 's gaming products and chat applications , such as QQ and WeChat , gives Pitu great potential for further growth .

  4. 腾讯在游戏领域的崛起为其全球并购战略的成功提供了有力证明。

    Its ascent in the gaming sector is testament to its international merger and acquisition strategy .

  5. Newzoo表示,网易本月跃居中国iOS游戏市场开发商榜首;在今年5月份中国最畅销的前100款安卓游戏中,腾讯发行的游戏作品数量占到23款,而它们的收入占畅销安卓游戏TOP100总收入的45%。

    According to Newzoo , NetEase ranked the top grossing publisher on domestic iOS game market this month while Tencent alone claimed about 45 percent of Chinese Android game revenues in May , publishing 23 of the top 100 titles .

  6. 王波表示,腾讯的内部游戏工作室正在使用虚拟引擎4技术开发数款游戏。

    Wang said Tencent 's internal studios are using Unreal Engine 4 technology on several games .

  7. 事实上,腾讯在这款游戏上取得的所有成功都来自中国,不过,腾讯正计划在韩国推出这款游戏。

    Virtually all of that success has been found in China , though Tencent is planning a Korean launch of the game .

  8. 去年该公司的净利润达到了155亿元人民币,表明将微信与腾讯的在线游戏业务相结合会带来巨大机遇。在线游戏业务是腾讯的盈利主力。

    Last year 's Rmb15.5bn in net profit shows the opportunity to be had integrating WeChat with Tencent 's workhorse , online gaming .

  9. 腾讯的单机游戏和手游在第一季度的收益上升至39亿美元,是其他游戏发行商的两倍多。

    Tencent 's PC and mobile games revenue rose to $ 3.9 billion in Q1 , more than double the amount earned by any other games publisher .

  10. 2004年,腾讯涉足网络游戏,如今网游已成为其主要收入来源,今年第三季度实现销售额182亿元人民币(合26亿美元),占集团近一半。

    Online gaming was added in 2004 and is now the group 's major revenue driver , accounting for Rmb18.2bn ( $ 2.6bn ) , or almost half of its third-quarter sales .

  11. 候棣说,他对可能会出现中国元素兴奋不已,但他告诫称玩家也很担心,因为腾讯有从游戏上大肆捞钱的名声。

    Mr. Hou said he was excited about the prospect of new Chinese features , but he warned that players were also worried because Tencent has a reputation for wringing money out of games .

  12. 目前腾讯集团是游戏领域的最大赢家,其中有五款排名前十的游戏都有腾讯参与支持:《王者荣耀》、《部落冲突:皇室战争》、《部落战争》、《糖果粉碎传奇》和《天龙八部》。

    Tencent Holdings Ltd. is currently the biggest winner in the sector , backing five games among the top ten : King of Glory , Clash Royale , Clash of Clans , Candy Crush Saga and Tianlongbabu .

  13. 收购Supercell这样一家曾出产过《部落冲突》、《HayDay》和《部落冲突:皇室战争》(ClashRoyale)等多个手游的公司,将会进一步扩大腾讯目前在手机游戏市场中所占的份额。

    Buying Supercell , which has produced a string of mobile game hits with Clash of Clans , Hay Day and Clash Royale , would further bolster Tencent 's presence in the mobile game market .

  14. 不过今年腾讯加大了在游戏上的赌注,斥资86亿美元购入芬兰游戏开发公司Supercell多数股权,由一个投资者财团负担部分成本,并保持Supercell管理层不变。Supercell出品的游戏包括《部落冲突》(ClashofClans)。

    This year , however , it doubled down on its bet by paying $ 8.6bn for a majority stake in Clash of Clans developer Supercell , passing on some of the cost to a consortium of investors and keeping the Finnish developer 's management in place .

  15. 腾讯大多数利润来自游戏,但对其他许多领域——从在线视频、叫车服务到美食外卖——也都表现出强烈的兴趣。

    Tencent makes most of its money from gaming but also boasts interests in everything from online video through car hailing to food delivery .

  16. 第二季度,腾讯从智能手机游戏实现96亿元人民币营收,同比大增114%。

    During the second quarter it made Rmb9.6bn in revenue from smartphone games , a 114 per cent increase on the same period a year earlier .

  17. 这笔交易让腾讯成为了移动游戏领域一支特别强大的力量,为其移动业务增添了全球视角。中国用户最多的智能手机聊天应用便是腾讯的移动业务之一。

    The deal gives Tencent a particularly strong presence in mobile games , adding a global angle to a mobile menu that already includes the most popular smartphone chat app in China .

  18. 腾讯在智能手机游戏上的收益攀升至129亿元(19亿美元),从很大程度上是由于穿越火线等手游的成功,特别是王者荣耀。

    Smartphone game revenue climbed to ¥ 12.9 billion ( $ 1.9 billion ) , thanks in no small part to the success of CrossFire Mobile and , particularly , Honour of Kings .

  19. 国外的游戏发行商们开始大量涌向腾讯,因为在腾讯分销的移动游戏中,绝大部分都在中国应用商店的免费下载区占据了榜单前列。

    International game publishers are flocking to Tencent because the majority of mobile games distributed by the company have topped the charts in AppStore 's free download category in China .

  20. 截至2017年3月31日,腾讯第一季度的收益同比增长了30%以上,进一步证明了腾讯在游戏发行领域的主导地位。

    With more than 30 % year-on-year growth , the quarter ended March 31 2017 is further proof of Tencent 's dominant position in games publishing .