
  1. 触摸是引起人类好感的赛尔号盖亚哪个印好一种非常之有效地方式。

    Human touch is a powerful way to trigger feelings of attraction .

  2. 是赛尔号,请问服务中心在哪里?

    Yes , please . I 'm looking for the Service Center .

  3. 我宁愿留在学校赛尔号晶体怎么拼也不乐意去补习班。

    But I would rather stay at school than go to cram school .

  4. 身高之所以具有吸引力是因为赛尔号盖亚那个印好能给女性带来安全感和舒适感。

    Height provides a see of security and comfort which is very attractive to women .

  5. 如果你有多种学问,那么你谈话时就赛尔号盖亚那个印好不会缺少话题了。

    If you are versatile , then you 'll never be short of conversational topics .

  6. “你戴着的是什么项链?赛尔号盖亚”在酒吧的女孩会这样问。

    " What 's that necklace you are wearing ", says the girl at the bar .

  7. 如果你在所有竞争盖亚什么印最好的男性中是最棒的,那么在整群人中你赛尔号盖亚好吗将最吸引女士们。

    If you are the best out of the competing men , then out of that group , you will be the most attractive to women .

  8. 善待生命说明你赛尔号盖亚将是一个好伴侣,也具有很好呵护你们将盖亚什么性格好来潜在的子女的能力。

    Being good with living things indicates that you will be a good mate , capable of protecting and caring for any off ring you could potentially have .

  9. 可是肖利老汉刚才说,他认为你们会先被派到‘特克赛尔’号上。

    But old Scholey was saying , just now , that he thought you would be sent first to the Texel .