
  • The Flash;Dwyane Wade
  1. 目前,《绿箭侠》剧情中交代说,Barry仍然处于那次爆炸后的昏迷之中,看来在《闪电侠》开播之前他是不会醒了。

    As of now , Arrow has mentioned that Barry remains in a coma after the incident . He may not wake up until the Flash pilot .

  2. 2012年,由同名DC漫画改编的电视剧《绿箭侠》大获成功,美国CW电视网随后于2014年推出了电视剧《闪电侠》,专门讲述这个在《绿箭侠》中只是一个配角的超级英雄。

    After the wild success of TV series Arrow in 2012 ( a hit adaptation of the Green Arrow , comic books published by DC Comics ) , the US " CW network launched TV series The Flash ( 2014 ) , depicting this superhero , who was only a supporting character in Arrow .

  3. CW电视网透露,将会有新反派人物加盟第二季的《闪电侠》,还会有更高科技的武器出现。在我看来,更快节奏的新剧集势必会更有趣。

    With CW hinting at new villains and more high-tech weapons coming in the show 's second season , I think this series is only going to get more interesting as it picks up speed .

  4. 有趣的是,快银还不是漫威电影中闪电侠的首个“双胞胎兄弟”。

    Interestingly , Quicksilver wasn 't Marvel 's first Flash twin .

  5. 闪电侠:等一下!有人刚才跑完了赛程!

    Flash : wait ! Someone just finished the race !

  6. 而且我终于知道爱瑞丝为什么写闪电侠了。

    And I finally diagnosed why Iris is writing about the streak .

  7. 现在,米勒凭借《闪电侠》回归。

    Now Miller 's back to act in The Flash .

  8. 谢尔顿:我是闪电侠,我刚敲了三万次门。

    Sheldon : I 'm the Flash . I just knocked 30000 times .

  9. 你们需要注意的还是我家闪电侠呀。

    Who ya 'll need to be talking about is my boy D-Wade .

  10. 谢尔顿:闪电侠就这么踱步的。

    Sheldon : This is how the Flash paces .

  11. 当他不是闪电侠的时候。

    When he 's not the fiash .

  12. 他不是闪电侠时就叫巴里-艾伦。

    When he 's not the flash . that 's his name , Barry allen .

  13. 看了最新的闪电侠没?

    Have you read the new Flash ?

  14. 我一直在网上收集那些目击过闪电侠的目击者的言论,准备写篇相关的文章。

    I 've been collecting internet posts about the streak sightings , and writing about them .

  15. 《闪电侠》继续沿袭超级英雄系列的传统,在剧中大秀动作戏和特效场面,令人血脉偾张、目瞪口呆。

    In keeping with superhero series norms , The Flash flaunts high-octane action and eye-popping special effects .

  16. 然而速度惊人的超级英雄闪电侠(格兰特•古斯汀饰)却是个爱搞怪的乐天派。

    The Flash ( Grant Gustin ), however , makes a fun , lightning-quick and optimistic superhero .

  17. 发布的照片里只能看到头部的造型,可以看到闪电侠的标志是黄色的,下巴处还有保护。

    The photo shows only the head , the flash symbol in yellow and what may be a chin-guard are all visible .

  18. 不管闪电侠是谁,不管他是从哪来,我会一直寻找,直到大家都相信他的存在。

    Whoever this streak is , wherever he comes from , I am not stopping until the rest of the world believes in him .

  19. 艾伦顺理成章地穿上色彩鲜艳的制服成为了闪电侠,用自己的超高速能力去对抗超能力的反派们。

    Naturally , Allen slips on a colorful suit and becomes the Flash , a hero who uses his extreme speed to fight super-powered villains .

  20. 比如,闪电侠在获得极速超能力前昏迷了整整九个月,而超胆侠付出的比这还要多。

    The Flash , for example , falls into a nine-month coma before getting superhuman speed . But the price Daredevil pays is even bigger .

  21. 他又轻松击败闪电侠或者我应该嘘他因为他老在后面对吗?

    Another easy win over old ' Ka-Chow " or should I say the boos because he 's always in the back . Am I right ?

  22. 该报道称,目前珀塞尔和米勒都参演了热播剧《闪电侠》和《明日传奇》。

    The report says that currently the actors are a part of ' The Flash ' and ' Legends of Tomorrow , ' both hit TV shows .

  23. 在《闪电侠》中,“米帅”在剧中扮演“寒冷队长”,珀塞尔则扮演“热浪”,两者扮演的都是反派角色。

    Miller portrays the character of Captain Cold , while Purcell was cast for the role of Heat Wave , both them villains in their own right .

  24. 我用我的神奇四侠48卷《银影侠首次登场》赌你的《闪电侠》123集两个世界的闪电侠经典期刊。

    Howard : I 'll put up my Fantastic Four no.48 first appearance of Silver Surfer , against your Flash 123 , the classic Flash of two worlds issue .

  25. 下回见到他时,能问闪电侠中最强的是谁?好。

    Joey : Listen , the next time you talk to him , could you ask him which one the strongest Power Ranger is ? Ross : Oh , yeah .

  26. 谢尔顿:我不是谢尔顿,我是闪电侠,现在我要去大峡谷吼叫,发泄我心中的沮丧,我回来了。

    Sheldon : I 'm not Sheldon . I 'm the Flash . And now I 'm going to the Grand Canyon to scream in frustration . I 'm back .

  27. 蜘蛛侠彼得•帕克在被蜘蛛咬伤后获得了发射蛛网和爬墙等超能力,而闪电侠巴里•艾伦也像他一样是在意外中成为了超级英雄。

    Like Spiderman 's Peter Parker , who gained the ability to sling webs and climb walls after being bitten by a spider , Barry Allen was shocked into superhero-status by accident .

  28. 当然是闪电侠了,尽管20世纪40年代最先发行的版本中主角名为杰·加里克,而巴里·艾伦十年后才出现。

    The Flash , of course , though the Flash that premiered in the 1940s was actually a character named Jay Garrick , whereas Barry Allen didn 't appear until over a decade later .

  29. 布希还赞扬了热火队球员所做的社会工作。他对热火队阿隆索·莫宁成立基金会、“闪电侠”韦德做慈善工作、以及奥尼尔在迈阿密海滩担任兼职警察表示了称赞。

    Bush lauded the Heat 's work in the community , citing Alonzo Mourning 's foundation , Dwyane Wade 's charitable work , and O'Neal 's part-time job as a police officer in Miami Beach .

  30. 布鲁斯·韦恩(爱抱怨的本·阿弗莱克)最后和戴安娜(女神盖尔·加朵)发现了危险,然后必须要加入酗酒的“海王”,不淡定的闪电侠,还有话不多的钢骨来应对。

    Bruce Wayne ( a grumbly Ben Affleck ) and eventually Diana ( the wonderful Gal Gadot ) are clued into the threat and must recruit the hard-drinking Aquaman , the skittish Flash , and the brooding Cyborg .