
shǎn cún kǎ
  • flash memory card
  1. 专业的闪存卡产品生产厂商,尤其是SD/MMC/CFCARD最为专业,并处于同行业的领先地位,是多家品牌商的OEM合作伙伴。

    Professional flash memory card products , especially in SD / MMC / CF CARD most professional , and a leading position in the industry , the brand is more than OEM partners .

  2. 现在你也可以在一个拇指大小的闪存卡上存储更多数据。

    And now you can store even more data on a single thumb-sized flash memory card .

  3. 用TFK的闪存卡检验一下自己,或者自己制作闪存卡,为下次考试做准备。开始吧!

    Check yourself with TFK 's flash cards , or make your own flash cards to study for your next exam.Get Started !

  4. 但是hill上尉偷了那个闪存卡。

    But Lieutenant Hill stole that flash card .

  5. 本设计给出大容量闪存卡CF及文件系统在采煤机振动检测中的应用。

    The application of the high-capacity CF card and the file system in the vibration detection of shearer is introduced .

  6. FeatherLinux小得可以放置在一个闪存卡(compactflashcard)中,这是携带Linux的发行版本的一种更简洁方式。

    Feather Linux is small enough to fit on a compact flash card also , which is an even more compact way to carry around a Linux distribution .

  7. 与奥林巴斯大众化数码相机系列的其它型号一样,1030sw所使用的闪存卡也基于较不知名的xd卡格式,但明智的是,这款相机同时也支持市面上更常见的microsd卡。

    Like other models in the Olympus line-up of consumer digital cameras , the 1030 SW uses flash memory cards based on the relatively obscure xD-Picture card format , but sensibly this model also supports the more widely available micro SD cards as well .

  8. 搭计程车回公寓,拿上我的闪存卡再迅速赶到SanLuisObispo,如果天还没黑没什么堵车的话我们就能在那儿赶上火车。

    We take a cab back to the apartment , get my flash drive , and then race to San Luis Obispo , where , assuming the lights are with us and minimal traffic , we 'll meet the train .

  9. 在现有技术条件下,闪存卡是嵌入式存储卡的首选,而紧凑存储卡(CompactFlash存储卡,简称CF卡)是目前嵌入式系统中应用最为广泛的Flash存储卡。

    Under the technique conditions in existence , the flash card is the first selection of the embedded storage cards . While the CompactFlash storage cards , the shortened form as CF cards , are the most widely used flash cards in the embedded system at present .

  10. 标准闪存卡在煤矿安全监控分站中的应用

    Application of Compact Flash cards to mine safety monitoring and control substation

  11. 在那个闪存卡上找到了一枚指纹。

    Found a fingerprint on that flash chip thing .

  12. 你是告诉我们那个丢失闪存卡的人。

    And you were the one who told us about the missing flash card .

  13. 闪存卡以其特性成为移动设备上的首选存储媒介。

    Because of its characteristic , flash card became the preferred storage device for mobile device .

  14. 苹果仍然坚持拒不配置照相机和手机常用的闪存卡接口。

    Apple still stubbornly refuses to incorporate a slot for the flash memory cards commonly used in cameras and cellphones .

  15. 操作简单,配合翻转一个开关记录的音频文件,以负担得起的和广泛使用的微型硬盘或紧凑型闪存卡。

    Simple Operation With the flip of a switch record audio files to affordable and widely available Microdrives or compact flash cards .

  16. 雪上加霜的是,据称三星最近还计划推出两种自主品牌的闪存卡产品,业内人士据此预计闪存芯片供不应求的局面恐怕会继续到11月份。

    Samsung is reportedly planning to launch two memory cards under its own brand , which has led people in the industry to believe that chip supply will not meet demand through November .

  17. 固态硬盘就像紧凑型闪存或SD卡。

    SSDs is like using compact flash or SD cards .

  18. 我们是根据佛罗里达州迈阿密的一家公司,根据我们的商标导入USB闪存和SD卡。

    We are a company based out of miami florida looking to import USB flash and SD cards under our trademark .

  19. 但他们也制造主板、芯片组、网络卡、集成电路、闪存,图形卡,

    But they also make motherboards , chipsets , network cards , ICs , flash memory , graphic cards ,

  20. 一个新的概念加入到系统的内存,它可以让你使用非挥发性的快闪记忆体,如USB闪存驱动器或内存卡,以改善性能,而无需添加额外的内存。

    A new concept in adding memory to a system , it allows you to use non-volatile flash memory like a USB flash drive or a memory card to improve performance without having to add additional memory .

  21. MTD设备是象闪存芯片、小型闪存卡、记忆棒等之类的设备,它们在嵌入式设备中的使用正在不断增长。

    MTD devices are those class of devices like flash chips , compact flash cards , memory sticks , and so on , which are increasingly finding their way into embedded devices .