
  • flash system
  1. 从工艺技术、主要设备等方面介绍了NHD脱硫闪蒸系统的技改措施,通过硫回收改造前后运行数据对比和经济效益核算,对技术改造效果进行了总结。

    Technical reformation measures were made for NHD de-sulfur flash system from aspects of process technology and main equipment etc. , through comparison of operating data before and after sulfur recovery reformation and through the calculation of economic benefit , summarization was made for technical reformation effect .

  2. 就德士古煤气化工程技术方面(包括气化炉耐火砖、激冷环、工艺烧嘴、黑水系统、闪蒸系统耐磨件)存在的问题进行了分析,并就解决的方法进行了探讨。

    An analysis is made of the engineering problems in the Texaco coal gasification process ( including the refractory bricks in the gasifier , quench ring , process burner , soot-water system , and abrasive parts in the flash system ) , and an inquiry is made into their solution .

  3. TFE-TUR复合地热发电系统与全流系统以及闪蒸系统的比较

    A Comparison of Energy Use Factor between TFE-TUR Hybrid Geothermal Power Generating System , Total Flow system and Flash steam System

  4. 最后,由自行设计、制造的液念燃料闪蒸系统(FVS)加热液体至沸点温度以上,使其在由喷嘴喷出的一瞬间发生相变,提高其雾化性能。

    Finally , fuel was heated to higher than boiling point temperature by the Flash Vaporization System ( FVS ) and was vaporized as soon as sprayed from nozzle .

  5. 乙醇法麦草制浆闪蒸系统设备的研究

    Research on the Steaming Equipment for Alcohol Pumping Wheat Straw

  6. 气化闪蒸系统中积渣罐的应用

    Use of Sediment Collector in Flashing System for Gasification

  7. 热水发电闪蒸系统焓降分配的优化

    Optimization of enthalpy drops in flashing trains for electric power generation system from hot water

  8. 介绍了德士古水煤浆生产中闪蒸系统出现积渣问题的原因及技改措施。

    The author describes the causes for sedimentation in the flashing system during the production of coal water slurry for the Texaco gasifier as well as measures of technical renovation .

  9. 同时,还将该系统与单级复合系统、全流系统及常规闪蒸系统作了比较,表明该系统可望成为(火用)效率最高的地热发电系统。

    Total flow system and the conventional flash steam system , which shows that the two-stage TFE-TUR hybrid system may well be expected to be a geothermal power generating system with the highest exergy efficiency .

  10. 旋转闪蒸干燥系统的CAD研究

    The research on spin flash drying system CAD

  11. 银山矿绢云母厂闪蒸干燥系统述评

    Review on the sericite flash drying system in Yinshan Mine

  12. 改进的多级闪蒸发电系统的优化

    The optimization of an improved power generation system from hot water with flashing train

  13. 汽水全流及闪蒸发电系统能量利用率的比较

    Comparison of the steam-water mixture full flow power system and the flash evaporation power generating system in respect of energy utilization rate

  14. 多级闪蒸海水淡化系统计算方法的探讨

    Exploration of msf-desalting system on calculation method

  15. 结合10MW核供热堆海水淡化系统,分析了闪蒸器蒸汽发生系统的特点。

    This paper analyses the use of a flash evaporator in the steam generation system of the NHR-10 nuclear seawater desalination plant .

  16. 用于海水淡化堆的闪蒸器蒸汽发生系统

    Flash evaporator in steam generating system for seawater desalination reactor

  17. 闪蒸槽液位控制系统改进

    Improvement of Fluid Level Control System for Flash Drum