
  • 网络NAND Flash;flash;nand;Flash memory chip;flash chip
  1. 由于采用闪存芯片作为存储介质,固态硬盘继承了NANDFlash闪存存储器独特的硬件特性。

    As a result of Nand flash memory being widely used as the storage medium , solid-state disk has inherited the unique hardware features from the Nand flash memory .

  2. 三星近日宣布将开始量产两款30nm制程NAND闪存芯片产品。

    Samsung tonight said it has started mass production of two variants of its30 nanometer NAND flash memory .

  3. 有时没有对PCB闪存芯片,该芯片是指位于微控制器内部闪存的内容。

    Sometimes there is no flash chip on PCB that means content of the flash located inside MCU .

  4. 现代BIOS闪存芯片使得这个过程令人惊奇地成为了可能。

    The size of modern BIOS flash chips makes this alternative surprisingly viable .

  5. 因此,它的出现使得价格低廉的NAND闪存芯片具有了高效性和健壮性。

    The advent of YAFFS makes the low cost NAND chip effective and robust .

  6. 总体上看,镁光的NAND闪存芯片产品在2010年的闪存市场上仍将是成本最低的产品。

    Overall , in2010 MU will remain the lowest-cost NAND producer in the market . ' '

  7. 其中数据采集处理模块包括传感器、ADC与闪存芯片,分别用于对现场数据的采集、转化与存储。

    The data acquisition and processing module include sensors , analog-digital converter and Flash chip , respectively used to acquire , convert and memory the field data .

  8. 当苹果于2007年推出iPhone时,三星成为该手机关键零配件的主要供应商,包括闪存芯片、应用处理器和显示屏。

    When the iPhone was launched in 2007 , Samsung ended up as its main supplier of key parts , including flash memory chips , application processors and display panels .

  9. 如果使用CPLD方法配置FPGA,则可在一个NOR闪存芯片中存储FPGA比特流和所需的代码;这可能是最简单的系统设计。

    If you use the CPLD method of configuring the FPGA , you can store both the FPGA bitstream and the required code in a single NOR flash chip ; it 's probably the simplest system design .

  10. 新工厂将制造NAND闪存芯片,其广泛用于多种设备如MP3播放器、窝式移动电话、码相机等。

    The new plant will manufacture NAND flash memory chips , which are widely used in a host of products including MP3 players , cellphones and digital cameras .

  11. 届时Sandisk同样会将19nm制程技术引入3位元型设计的NAND闪存芯片产品中去。

    At that time , SanDisk will also add3-bits-per-cell products fabricated with the19-nm process technology to its product line-up .

  12. 美国存储芯片制造商美光(micron)本月表示,将裁员15%,并大幅削减用于mp3播放器等设备的nand闪存芯片产量。

    Micron said this month it was cutting 15 per cent of its workforce and would slash production of NAND flash memory , which is used in devices such as MP3 players .

  13. Jhai电脑没有硬盘,而是依靠闪存芯片存储资料。

    Instead of a hard disk , the Jhai PC relies on flash-memory chips to store its data .

  14. MTD设备是象闪存芯片、小型闪存卡、记忆棒等之类的设备,它们在嵌入式设备中的使用正在不断增长。

    MTD devices are those class of devices like flash chips , compact flash cards , memory sticks , and so on , which are increasingly finding their way into embedded devices .

  15. 不过,IHS公司半导体行业的资深分析师何慧却表示,目前武汉新芯已经在研制高水平3DNAND闪存芯片,即将在今年年末投入测试。

    or DRAM ( computer memory chips ) . " XMC , however , is developing today 's leading-edge 3D NAND chips to be test-ready by the end of this year , said Hui He , a senior analyst for China 's semiconductor market at IHS Technology .

  16. 闪存芯片的存储部分的驱动器的固件。

    Flash chip stores part of the drive 's firmware .

  17. 今天,他说闪存芯片的需求将会超过供应量,特别是在今年的下半年。

    Today , he said demand of flash memory chips will exceed supply in the second half .

  18. 因此我聚焦于开发闪存芯片,相信它们将引发移动设备的大爆炸。

    So I focused on developing flash memory chips , betting that they would spark the mobile big bang .

  19. 黄昌圭向乔布斯展示了三星新研发的闪存芯片,这种用来存储数据的芯片是由他带队研发的。

    The South Korean showed Jobs Samsung 's newly-developed flash memory chips , which store data and whose development he had spearheaded .

  20. 当您申请一个驱动电源,单片机芯片读入内存的闪存芯片内容,并启动代码。

    When you apply power on a drive , MCU chip reads content of the flash chip into the memory and starts the code .

  21. 在闪存芯片上储存图像的便携式摄像机中那些价格较低的型号也在热销,2009年的销量有望增加两倍。

    Low-priced camcorders that store images on chips called flash memory are also a hot category , pegged to grow units more than double in2009 .

  22. 有些系统具有两个闪存芯片,这让我们可以使用其中一个来引导系统,然后对另外一个进行编程,但是并非所有的系统都有这种功能。

    Some systems have two flash chips and let you use one to boot and then program the other , but not all systems do this .

  23. Virtex-4可直接从特殊用途的“平台闪存”芯片自引导。

    The Virtex-4 can bootstrap itself directly off a special-purpose " Platform flash " chip .

  24. 操作系统、启动参数和地理信息等数据存储选用Intel提供的闪存(Flash)芯片。

    The data storage of the operating system , the startup parame t-er and the geographic information etc opt for Flash CMOS chip offered by Intel .

  25. 测试结果表明设计的闪存控制器能够完成对闪存存储芯片的擦除、编程以及读取等操作。

    Test results show that the flash controller can achieve the operations of erasing , programming , reading and so on , correctly .

  26. 雪上加霜的是,据称三星最近还计划推出两种自主品牌的闪存卡产品,业内人士据此预计闪存芯片供不应求的局面恐怕会继续到11月份。

    Samsung is reportedly planning to launch two memory cards under its own brand , which has led people in the industry to believe that chip supply will not meet demand through November .

  27. 利用闪存控制器核中的寄存器来模拟主机接口发出命令及数据信号,控制闪存控制器完成对闪存存储芯片的相关操作。

    The registers within the core send out commands and data signals simulating the host interface , which directs the flash controller to complete the command operations .