
shǎn huí
  • flashback
闪回[shǎn huí]
  1. 甚至有一段关于谋杀本身的闪回。

    There is even a flashback to the murder itself .

  2. ORACLE闪回技术的使用与分析

    Application and Analysis on Oracle Database Flashback Technology

  3. 例如:比尔就常常遭遇痛苦的“闪回”,不想要的回忆入侵他的意识,不过总体上他选择视其为避免犯同样错误的最佳方法。

    Bill , for instance , often gets painful " flashbacks " , in which unwanted memories intrude into his consciousness , but overall he has chosen to see it as the best way of avoiding repeating the same mistakes .

  4. 在《我们这一天》中,Nicky在一个与杰克的闪回场景中被介绍出来,那个时候他们都是孩子。

    Nicky was introduced on This Is Us in a flashback scene with Jack when both were children .

  5. 尽管PTSD患者集中注意力的能力降低了,但轻微的创伤性刺激就能够诱发闯入性记忆和闪回现象的出现。

    Although PTSD patients have the disability to focus , a mild traumatic stimulation can induce invasive memory and the phenomenon of flashbacks .

  6. Oracle10g闪回技术及实现

    Oracle 10g Flashback Technology and Realization

  7. 之后将会有一段闪回,讲述1942年两兄弟的故事,当时Damon卷入一个名叫Charlotte的女人的事情。

    Later , flashbacks reveal the undead duo trolling the Big Easy in 1942 , when Damon gets involved with a woman named Charlotte ( Madeline Zima ) .

  8. 我们已经确定JohnBarrowman会回归,Guggenheim说,他之后又补充道:我们的剧不搞闪回。

    We 've confirmed that John Barrowman is coming back , said Guggenheim . But then the producer added , We are a show that does flashbacks .

  9. 在一段闪回片段中,Tessa揭露了一个自己关于自己过去的惊人秘密,以及她的未来打算。

    In flashbacks to a distant time and place , Tessa reveals the shocking secrets in her past and what she has planned for the future .

  10. 说到闪回,我们独家确认苏格兰演员PaulTelfer将会扮演1100年代的吸血鬼猎人Alexander,他和当时的Rebekah的相遇将会让我们对Rebekah这个角色了解更加深刻。

    Speaking of flashbacks , we 've confirmed exclusively that Scottish actor Paul Telfer will play Alexander , a vampire hunter in the 1100s whose encounter with Rebekah reveals quite a bit about her character .

  11. 有些角色虽然已经死亡,但这不意味着我们以后就再也不会看见他们了:例如Lexi在出现的第一集就已经死了,但是制片人仍然能在后来的闪回部分让她出现。

    Even if characters die , it may not be the last we see of them : Case in point , Lexi ( Arielle Kebbel ) was killed in her first episode on the show , but the producers were able to bring her back in flashbacks .

  12. 我们将会看到关于“组织”初期的闪回片段。

    We 'll see flashbacks to the early days of Division .

  13. 闪回,他看到了倒退的谋杀。

    In flashback , he sees the murder in reverse .

  14. 随着他们相互交谈,昔日生活的场景又如影闪回。

    As they talk , we are shown flashbacks from their lives .

  15. 所以拍一集闪回会很有意思。

    So it would be really fun to do a flashback episode .

  16. 浅论文体教学中的闪回技巧

    A discussion about the adoption of flashback technique in the teaching of composition

  17. 减少患创伤后应激障碍的人记忆闪回的次数。

    Reduce flashbacks for people with post-traumatic stress disorder .

  18. 被核武器杀死的人也会看到闪回的造业行为和来生的景象。

    Those who are killed by these bombs also see flashbacks and visions .

  19. 我有过暴力的梦,奇怪的闪回。

    I have violent dreams , flashes .

  20. 总有一天你的一生将在你眼前闪回,现在你能做的就是保证那是值得一看的。

    One day your life will flash before your eyes . Make sure its worth watching .

  21. 不过,如果家里有人,甚至是家人在场的话,我都会自觉地闪回房间里去。

    But when visitors-even family-were around , I was off to the nursery behind closed doors .

  22. 但是,她并没有否认前部角色会出现在闪回中。

    However , she has not ruled out the possibility that previous characters may appear in flashbacks .

  23. 大家还记得之前的闪回吧?

    Remember that previously flashback ?

  24. 是什么引发的闪回?

    What is the trigger ?

  25. 创伤后应激障碍时大脑不同区域的特异性变化与闪回性记忆及其分离状态

    Specificity changes in different brain regions of patients with post traumatic stress disorder and flashback memory and dissociated status

  26. 然后那黑东西一下子大得不得了,过一会儿又闪回原来的大小。

    Then the black thing suddenly got very much bigger and flicked back to normal size a moment later .

  27. 而《公民凯恩》是好莱坞经典叙事的突破和新商业片的模示,以闪回结构塑造人物,跨越时空,切换凯恩的一生的不同时期。

    Citizen Kain is a break through of Hollywood classical narrative film and a model of new commercial film .

  28. 他们预言,具有稀有型基因的人较只有普通基因型的人群存在更为严重的灾难闪回。

    As predicted , those with the rare version had significantly more flashbacks than those with only the common one .

  29. 所以他们不会怀疑遇到暴力促死的人也有可能闪回造业的行为和看到来生的景象。

    So they have no doubt about the possibility of flashbacks and visions in those who meet violent and sudden death .

  30. 也许我们第一次见她会是在闪回中,但是不幸的是,她又成为了萨尔瓦托兄弟现在生活的重要一部分。

    Maybe well first meet her in flashback , but unfortunately for the Salvatores , shes very much a part of their present as well .