
huà wài yīn
  • voice-over;offscreen voice;narratage
画外音 [huà wài yīn]
  • [narratage;offscreen voice] 话剧、电影以及电视节目中采用的一种技巧,解说人的声音总是在剧情展开之前就已传出,有时往往是剧情发展的一种补充,从而使观众产生一种幻觉,似乎剧情只是解说人讲述的事情的扩展

画外音[huà wài yīn]
  1. 不过在这部电影中,亚历克西斯的画外音警告我们,大卫命不久矣,因此在两人共处的时光中,关于大卫死亡的谜团一直笼罩在我们心头。

    But in this case , as Alexis 's voice-over warns us , David doesn ’ t have long to live , so the mystery of his death looms17 over their time together .

  2. morganfreeman那给人以安慰的画外音鼓励观众为这种完美欢呼。

    Morgan Freeman 's soothing voice-over encourages viewers to cheer for perfection .

  3. 这条广告还包括已在2006年去世的他父亲Earl的画外音。

    It also included the voice of his father , Earl , who died in two thousand six .

  4. 她挣扎着想要起床,但画外音劝她不要起来,喝点Benylin,然后休息一天吧。

    She struggles to get up , but the voice-over urges her to stay in bed and Take A Benylin Day .

  5. 画外音:哈利以最快的速度逃离了杰克。

    Os : harry escaped from Jack as quickly as possible .

  6. 画外音:卡洛斯只会对她越发疼爱。

    Voice-over : Carlos loved her just a little bit more .

  7. 他们会在完全的画外音中高兴地帮助你。

    They will be happy to assist you in full voiceover .

  8. 玛蒂尔达:我在为这段视频录画外音。

    Matilda : I 'm doing a voice-over for this segment .

  9. 我们没有时间同步画外音了。

    We didn 't have time to sync the voice-over out .

  10. 画外音:汤姆终于发现,奇迹并不存在。

    Voice-over : Tom had finally learned there are no miracles .

  11. 画外音我擒你来了,萨达姆。

    VOICE-OVER I 'm coming to get you , Saddam .

  12. 最后一段没有画外音。

    It 's missing the voice-over on the last piece .

  13. 画外音:是的,卡洛斯·索利斯爱他的妻子。

    Voice-over : Yes , Carlos Solis loved his wife ...

  14. 凯撒:你可以在编辑的时候添加画外音。

    Cesar : You can add the voice-over when you edit it .

  15. 广告里的画外音是哪个名流配的?

    Who 's the celebrity voice in that ad ?

  16. 我们称之为画外音,或者是“盲听”。

    That 's what we call offscreen sounds , or " acousmatic . "

  17. 优秀的旅行视频里画外音扮演着很重要的角色。

    Voice-overs are very important in good travel videos .

  18. 我们所得到的,只不过是在结尾处,神秘画外音的劝诫。

    All we get is an enigmatic voice-over exhortation at the movie 's end .

  19. 画外音:你俩谁都没弄清楚。

    Neither of you has got it clear .

  20. 画外音是,许许多多的人会在这样平凡的生活中拥有自己的幸福。

    It indicates that many people will obtain their own happiness in the average life .

  21. 画外音会毁了你。

    Voice-over 's going to kill you .

  22. 画外音:他很确定。

    Voice-over : He was pretty sure .

  23. 此时响起木兰坚毅的画外音:“我的职责,就是战斗。”

    It is my duty to fight , ' she says fiercely over the scenes .

  24. 电影翻译基本分为三种类型:字幕翻译,配音和覆盖画外音。本文仅讨论国内影片翻译的主要形式&字幕翻译。

    This thesis only discusses the issue of film subtitling-the dominant type of Chinese-English film translation .

  25. 那些女人都有她们的画外音。

    All these women have voice-overs .

  26. 福勒斯特(画外音):她得了癌症,星期二她走了。

    Forrest ( Offscreen Voice ): She had got the cancer , and died on a Tuesday .

  27. “我爱你,不过你可别在把我们的牙膏借给那些流浪汉了!”(画外音∶你才是流浪汉呢!)

    I love you , but don 't you ever EVER lend some tramp our toothpaste again .

  28. 艺术作品的价值主要在于其内在因素,在于其言外意、画外音、潜台词。

    The value of work of art lies in the inner factors and the sub-audition and implication .

  29. 在影片开头的画外音里,黄小仙就评价王小贱称其性取向不明。

    In a voiceover at the beginning of the film Huang remarks on Wang 's unclearsexuality identity .

  30. 玛丽莲梦露因为和美国总统肯尼迪的画外音,一直被认为是经典的美国影星。

    Marilyn Monroe is a classic American Actress famous for having an affair with President John Fitzgerald Kennedy .