
  1. 论晚清云南画僧果成的绘画艺术成就

    On Yunnan monk painter in the late Qing Dynasty Guocheng 's achievements in painting art

  2. 果成是清代继担当之后的另一位著名的云南画僧。

    Guocheng was a famous Yunnan monk painter in the Qing Dynasty after the painter Dandang .

  3. 因有以禅入诗、入画的传统,中国历史上出现了为数众多的诗僧、画僧、诗画僧。

    With the tradition of putting Zen into poetry and paintings , in Chinese history , there occurred a multitude of Buddhist monk-poets , monk painters and monk poet-painters .

  4. 八大山人,名朱耷,明末清初书画家,清初画四僧之一。

    Bada , name Zhu Da , Ming and Qing painter , one of the early Qing Dynasty painting four monks .

  5. 文人墨客创作的禅意诗、禅意画与禅僧禅心外化的禅诗、禅画有本质上的区别。

    There was an essential distinction between Zen - poetry and Zen - paintings coming from their hearts and the poetry and paintings with Zenist messages by secular men of letters .