
huà fú
  • draw magic figures to invoke or expel spirits and bring good or ill fortune;(of Taoist priests) drawing magic figures to invoke or expel spirits and bring good or ill fortune
画符 [huà fú]
  • (1) [(of Taoist priests) drawing magic figures to invoke or expel spirits and bring good or ill fortune] 道士用咒语画成箓

  • 画符念咒

  • (2) 比喻字潦草

画符[huà fú]
  1. 他写字像鬼画符,没人能认出来。

    He scrawls , and no one can recognize what he writes .

  2. 我不想我那笨拙不堪的鬼画符把作业纸给毁了。

    I didn 't want to spoil the page with my clumsy scrawl .

  3. 他的字是鬼画符。

    His handwriting is a scrawl .

  4. 但是有个重大问题依然存在:这份手稿到底是毫无意义的鬼画符,还是真的隐藏著讯息?

    But a crucial question remains : Does the manuscript contain only meaningless gibberish or a coded message ?

  5. 其实,我们翻开中国书法史,可以看到任何一位草书大家都有着扎实的基本功,而不是随意地鬼画符。

    In fact , we can see that every calligrapher of cursive script possesses the solid foundation of traditional techniques when opening the history of Chinese calligraphy .