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  • studio
画室 [huà shì]
  • [studio] 绘画的房间

画室[huà shì]
  1. 她又回到了画室,在一张大帆布上作画。

    She was in her studio again , painting onto a large canvas .

  2. 北京的红门画廊(RedGateGallery)有开放的画室展览,参观者们可以在这里观看到北京的艺术家们是怎样工作,生活和创造的。

    The Red Gate Gallery in Beijing holds open studio exhibitions . Visitors can see how resident international artists work , live and create in Beijing .

  3. 就是在这些画室里,年轻的画家们得到了同龄人的支持,也感受到了激励大家向前的竞争。

    It was in these studios that young painters found the support and stimulating competition of peers .

  4. 而凡纳在囚禁室到作画室的路上,一次次用秘密的一瞥记录下了S-21的现实。

    Mr Vann Nath caught its reality in furtive glances , as he moved from cell to workshop .

  5. 这处宅邸从璞琪家族15世纪担任美第奇家族(Medicis)的政治顾问起就为其所有,拥有波提切利(Botticelli)及其他绘画大师的珍贵画作,也是一座画室、精品店以及公司总部的所在地。

    Owned by the family since they were political advisers to the Medicis in the 1400s , the palace boasts precious paintings by Botticelli and other Old Masters , as well as an atelier , boutique and company headquarters .

  6. 画室里充满了馥郁的玫瑰花的芬芳。

    The studio was filled with the rich odour of roses .

  7. 大部分文艺复兴绘画都是复制品或画室作品。

    Most of the Renaissance paintings are copies or atelier works .

  8. 他在楼上有间画室,不时在那里画些画。

    Upstairs he had a studio where he painted a little .

  9. 维恩:回画室!

    Vien : Go back to the drawing board - literally !

  10. 晚年的卢西恩?弗洛伊德仍然坚持在画室里作画。

    Lucian Freud in his later years still insist on painting studio .

  11. 春天的气息在空中弥漫着、在画室里

    Spring is in the air , and at the studio

  12. 在画室的那天,我恨死你了。

    That day in the studio , I hated you so much .

  13. 目前在大约克画室学习西方美术。

    I have been learning western art at York Studio for4 years .

  14. 何况她只为我的画室画画,不是他的。

    But she works only for my studio , not for his .

  15. 她承担的工作量最大,本星期在画室里。

    She shouldered most of the workload at the atelier this week .

  16. 住所离画室很近,步行十分钟。

    It was very close to the studio , 10 minutes of walk .

  17. 黄家画室太大也太粗俗。

    The Academy is too large and too vulgar .

  18. 我想你每晚都在画室里。

    I would like you to appear in the drawing room every evening .

  19. 455.愚蠢的学生在画室里快速研究了事故。

    455 . The stupid student rapidly studied the accident in the studio .

  20. 丹尼、詹妮和布赖恩正在为圣诞节装饰画室。

    Danny , Jenny and Brian are decorating the art classroom for Christmas .

  21. 欢迎来摩门访客中心立体画室。

    Welcome to the Mormon visitor center diorama room .

  22. 他对南方画室的梦想成为令人难堪的幻想。

    His vision of the Studio of the South in an embarrassing delusion .

  23. 这里是我的画室。不,是书房。

    Here is my drawing room * No , no , my study .

  24. 她比我画室里所有的人都优秀。

    She betters all the others in my studio .

  25. 他们经常来我画室玩。

    They often come to my studio to play .

  26. 回顾与前瞻&试述中央美术学院国画系水墨人物画室

    Past & Future : Figure Painting Studio in China Center Academy of Arts

  27. 画室制生态美术教育模式探讨

    A Probe into the Educational Model of the Ecological Fine Arts of Studio System

  28. 宋微生活在上海,在苏州河边有一个自己的画室。

    Living in Shanghai , Song Wei possesses a studio on Suzhou Creek bank .

  29. 过几天和鱼子同学一起到熊猫画室画丙烯画,激动呢!

    Few days later I will learn propylene drawing with Joy , amazing experience !

  30. 画家应当有自己的画室。

    A painter is supposed to have a studio of his or her own .