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  1. 不久她便走出房来,可是她走到自己房间里还没有三分钟,母亲又赶来了。

    But before she had been three minutes in her own room , her mother followed her .

  2. 房地产业的发展需要大量的资金支持,房地产金融便是房地产业发展中不可替代的重要支持和保障因素。

    Real estate development requires a lot of financial support ; real estate finance is irreplaceable and important support and protection factor to real estate development .

  3. 因此,结合当前房地产市场实际情况,研究和探索符合我国房地产行业的网络广告便成为房地产业发展的当务之急。

    So , considering the actual conditions of real estate market , studying and exploration of China 's real estate network advertisement becomes a task of top priority .

  4. 娜塔莎在许多天以后头一次流出了致谢和感动的眼泪,她向皮埃尔望了一眼,便从房里走出去了。

    For the first time for many days Natasha wept with tears of gratitude and softened feeling , and glancing at Pierre , she went out of the room .

  5. 霎时,乔治便在房门口出现,带着颇不以为然的神情四下张望。听取别人的评论&不要对自己写的东西颇为满意,然后就不管它了。

    In a second George stood framed in the door , and he looked disapprovingly about . Get a critique - don 't fall in love with your writing and leave it there .

  6. 小乔恩就是俗语说的嘴里含了银匙生的,而且那张嘴生得又巧又大。霎时,乔治便在房门口出现,带着颇不以为然的神情四下张望。

    Little Jon had been born with a silver spoon in a mouth which was rather curly and large . In a second George stood framed in the door , and he looked disapprovingly about .

  7. 然而,以往大量的研究表明,房地产业是拉动国民经济增长的支柱产业。于是,中央乃至各个地方政府便将房地产视为推动经济发展的支柱产业,给予了大力的支持。

    But , many researches show that the real estate industry is a pillar industry which can stimulate the national economic growth , which lead the national government as well as so many local governments to regard it as a pillar industry .

  8. 其中一个例子便是中国房地产开发商恒大地产(EvergrandeRealEstate)。

    One example is Chinese property developer Evergrande Real Estate .

  9. 晚饭过后我们便各自回房去了。

    After dinner we went to our rooms .

  10. 詹姆士在大吼一声吐出郁闷后,便走出了房外。

    James let out a yell of frustration and then walked out of the room .

  11. 房地产交易中的投机交易便成为了房地产价格中的重要影响因素。

    Real estate transactions in the speculative trading in real estate prices have become an important factor .

  12. 而当房地产发展脱离了宏观经济水平,房地产价格异常偏高时便会出现房地产泡沫。

    But when real estate development deviates from the macro economy and the estate price is up to an extremely high level , the following is the foam of real estate industry .

  13. 资金问题直接关系到房地产开发商未来的发展,如何融资便成为众多房地产商必须要考虑的。

    Financing is directly related to the future progress of real estate developers . So how to pool funds is the issue which must be taken into account by most of the developers .

  14. 二公主发现少了一个发夹,便到三公主房里拿走一个发夹;

    Two princesses discovered that has been short a hair clip , then takes away a hair clip to three male wives in ;

  15. 她这样回肠百转地左思右想,直到后来听得咖苔琳夫人的马车声,她才感觉到自己这副模样儿见不得夏绿蒂,便匆匆回到自己房里去。

    She continued in very agitating reflections till the sound of Lady Catherine ' ; s carriage made her feel how unequal she was to encounter Charlotte ' ; s observation , and hurried her away to her room .