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zhòng lì
  • high interest;huge profit;value money
重利 [zhòng lì]
  • (1) [high interest]∶高利

  • 重利放债

  • (2) [huge profit]∶以利为重

  • 商人重利轻别离。--白居易诗

  • (3) [value money]∶看重钱财

  • 重利轻义

重利[zhòng lì]
  1. 拯救地球,每次限于重利用一个厕纸卷筒。

    Saving the planet , one toilet-roll tube at a time .

  2. 可以使用绝对重利值网格。

    It may be possible to make use of the network of absolute-gravity values .

  3. 水的灵性,养成浙江文化敢于冒险、重利事功的文化个性。

    The spirituality of water cultivates Zhejiang culture the character of being adventurous and enterprising .

  4. 对于贪功图利的将领,要用重利、美色去引诱他;

    For those that are greedy , use benefits like money or ladies to lure him .

  5. 重利求强与追求效率的法家管理

    The Legalist Management Which Putting Stress on the Interest and Mightiness and in Pursuit of the Efficiency

  6. 传统中国身份社会及其文化容易诱导人们重利轻责;

    Traditional Chinese identity society and its culture easily guide people to place material gains above the responsibility .

  7. 新生线粒体可能来源于高尔基复合体,新生高尔基复合体可能来源于质膜成份的重利用加强。

    The newly formed mitochondria may be originated from the new Golgi complex from the reutilization of plasma components .

  8. 商人重利轻别离,前月浮梁买茶去。

    The merchant cared for money much more than for me ; one month ago he went away to purchase tea .

  9. 有报道称有一些高中生已经组成了投资团准备入股,那些股票涨得似乎已经违反了重利法则。

    There are reports that high-school students have formed investment groups to pump into shares , whose prices seem to defy the law of gravity .

  10. 其原因是:在现有重利除尘器中,气流从中心管进入除尘器后,尘粒在随气流下降过程中靠重力沉降和气流的转向与气流分离,除尘效率较低。

    The reasons are : in tradition duster , grain separate with gas depend on gravity sedimentation and change direction of gas , the dust-catch rate is lower .

  11. 我没有认识到这个问题的利害轻重。商人重利轻别离,前月浮梁买茶去。

    I hadn 't realized the magnitude of the problem . The merchant cared for money much more than for me ; one month ago he went away to purchase tea .

  12. 然而,由于市场经济的重利性、竞争性和等价交换原则等方面的影响,使市场经济又具有负面效应。

    However , because of the influence of the nature of market economy , such as profit-oriented , competition , equivalence exchange principle , there is some negative effect in market economy .

  13. 重义还是重利,是先秦百家争鸣的一个重要命题,它不仅关系着对经济活动的引导,而且决定着统治者的战略方向。

    To seek fame or truth is an important theme in Xian Qin 's contending schools of thought , which determines not only the economy but also the strategies of the rulers .

  14. 透过这种行为,我们可以看到中唐庶族文人正在形成的“重利轻义”的人生价值观。

    Penetrating into such behavior , we can know the shaping of the view on life value of the common literati in mid-Tang Dynasty - " to put material gains above justice " .

  15. 但长期以来我国过度注重湿地资源的经济价值,重利用而轻保护,致使湿地资源遭受严重破坏,亟需对湿地资源进行保护。

    But we have long paid excessive attention to the economic value of wetland resources with an air of valued utilization and despised protection which results in serious damage to the Chinese wetland resources .

  16. 模式管理如同一把双刃剑,有其合理性的一面,也有见物不见人、重利轻义等局限性。

    Like a two-blade sword , model management has its rationality and its limitations , such as " its emphasis on things and neglect of man ", " its stresses on benefits rather than justice ", etc.

  17. 商品经济的极大发展和宋朝政府统治政策的推动作用,使得宋朝社会呈现了一股重利之风,乡村社会不可避免的被卷入到了这场风波之中。

    Role in promoting the great development of commodity economy and the Song government policy of domination . Presents an materialistic wind makes the Song Dynasty social . Rural society will inevitably be drawn into the storm .

  18. 而我国企业利益观则存在着严重的极化现象,由计划经济体制下的重义轻利转向现在普遍的重利轻义。

    But the social benefit views of Chinese enterprises exist serious extreme phenomenon : changing from focusing on righteousness while neglecting profits during the times of planned economy to focusing on profits while neglecting righteousness at present .

  19. 随着商品经济的进一步发展,晚明社会出现了重利趋商、浮靡奢侈、违礼逾制为主要特征的社会风尚。

    With the further development of commodity economy , the Late Ming Dynasty witnessed the emergence of new social conventions , with the characteristics of profit-driven way of business , prevailing extravagance , and violation of social norms .

  20. 他还是不肯花重利去借庄款,他去和上海号家的收账客人情商,请他再多等这么一天两天。

    Unwilling to borrow from the local bank at exorbitant interest , he sought out the collector from the Shanghai wholesale house , to plead with him as a friend for a delay of another day or two .

  21. 结论部分强调了本文的立论宗旨和根本论点,提出以古典浪漫主义的诗意环境理论来对抗现代环境设计思想受社会资本控制、浮华重利的状态。

    The part of conclusion emphasizes the principle and the fundamental point of the thesis , proposing using the classical romantic theory to opposite the flashy life and seeking only profit state of the modern environment-designing idea which is controlled by the social capital .

  22. 究其具体原因,既有法律运行的政治、法治环境的原因,也有其制度本身缺陷的原因,总体上可以归纳为以下几点:其一、蒙古少数民族的权贵政治重利轻义。

    Study the specific reasons , and they include both reasons of political and legal environment where the system operates and the reason of itself defect . In general can be summarized as follows : First , the Mongolia political elites believed in the materialistic doctrine .

  23. 他们买进货物要受商人的剥削,卖出农产要受商人的勒抑,钱米借贷要受重利盘剥者的剥削,他们很迫切地要解决这三个问题。

    When they buy goods , the merchants exploit them ; when they sell their farm produce , the merchants cheat them ; when they borrow money or rice , they are fleeced by the usurers ; and they are eager to find a solution to these three problems .