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  1. 确立“以戒为本、重治慎罚”的戒毒理念。

    We to establish the ideology " Detoxcautious penalty " .

  2. 孙子的国家安全观主要包含以下几方面内容:1、重战、慎战、备战思想,体现了孙子安国全军的国家安全意识;

    Sun Zi 's view of national security mainly includes the following : his ideas of taking wars seriously , being prudent in fighting and getting prepared against wars , which expresses his knowledge of national security ;

  3. 陆鸿滨教授治疗肾炎重清利而慎温补的经验介绍

    Prof. LU Hong - bin 's Experience on the Treatment of Nephritis by Clearing and Diuretic Drugs with Cautions Use of Warm - Tonics