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yuán pèi
  • first wife;one's first wife
原配 [yuán pèi]
  • [one's first wife] 元配。第一次娶的妻子

原配[yuán pèi]
  1. 譬如他那位原配的糟糠之妻,凑趣地死了,让他娶美丽的续弦夫人。

    For instance , his wretched first wife did her part and died , allowing him to take a beautiful wife in a second marriage .

  2. 事实上,这是EPC,额外配对的缩写。我们将额外配对定义为:同原配之外的交配行为。

    Actually , that 's EPC which is the abbreviation for extra-pair copulation . Now , we define extra-pair copulation as the mating outside of a pair bond .

  3. 结论:俞原配穴针刺法治疗男性免疫性不育症的疗效肯定,能良性调节AsAb。

    Conclusion Acupuncture of Shu-source point combination has a definite therapeutic effect on male immune infertility and can benignly regulate AsAb .

  4. 温针灸法治疗组有效率93.33%,思密达药物组86.66%,治疗组优于对照组(P0.05)。结论:俞原配穴法温针灸治疗脾虚泄泻具有较好的疗效。

    Wen acupuncture treatment group was 93.33 % , smecta 86.66 % of drug group , the treatment group than the control group ( P 0.05 ) . Conclusion : The first wife Yu Wen Acupuncture point method has good effect Spleen diarrhea .

  5. CMP电池采用进口原装高容量电芯,电池满充电后使用时间比原配电池时间长,放电平台高。

    CMP battery uses the imported , original and high-capacity cell , after full charge of the battery , the using time is longer than the original , and the platform of discharge is high .

  6. FW公司是一家外资企业,公司位于江苏无锡新区,是国内外各大著名汽车制造商的原配零部件供应商。

    FW Company is a foreign-owned company , located in Wuxi New District , Jiangsu Province . It is the first level auto-parts suppliers of major auto manufacturers at home and abroad .

  7. 只有一对,其他的还是原配。

    Only one couple , others are all in their first marriage .

  8. 该车原配一套优质的立体声音响系统。

    The car comes with an excellent stereo system .

  9. 但她不能再嫁给上司是因老板还珍细他的原配婚姻。

    But can 't re-marry to my boss as my boss refuse to divorce .

  10. 不错,我说鞘是原配。

    Yes , the sheath is original .

  11. 非洲野狗群居生活,通常由一双占领导地位的原配雌雄管理群体。

    African wild dogs live in packs that are usually dominated by a monogamous breeding pair .

  12. 结论自配溶血剂能取代原配溶血剂应用于KX21全自动血细胞分析仪上。

    Conclusion Import hemolysis reagent could be replaced with our self-made hemolysis when applied in KX-21 automatic hemocyte analyzer .

  13. 客户必须提供原配的网络操作系统介质供恢复之用,并自行负责应用软件和数据的恢复。

    The customer must provide the original NOS media for this restoration and is responsible for restoration of application software and data .

  14. 试验证明其消声及空气动力性能均优于原配消声器,此外制造成本也有所下降。

    Tests proved in addition to lower production cost the muffling and aerodynamic performance of this new muffler are better than the original one .

  15. 对原配有文丘里水喷嘴和麻石水膜除尘器的工业锅炉进行脱硫环保改造时,炉膛喷钙尾部增湿活化脱硫技术具有明显的技术经济优势。

    The technology of sorbent injection into furnace and calcium oxide activation is advantageous for the desulfurization retrofit on boilers with venturi wet dust collector .

  16. 建立了配气机构的单自由度动力学模型,采用龙格-库塔算法对原配气凸轮进行了动力学计算。

    One kind of single freedom mass-spring dynamic model of the valve train system was established , and the dynamic calculation was made by using Runge-Kutta method .

  17. 温州市学生家庭经济水平较好,但母亲文化相对较低,父母婚姻原配相对较多;

    The economic level of the students in Wenzhou was higher , but their mothers ' educational degree were lower , and the first parental marriage occupied the majority ;

  18. 试验研究结果表明,新型配筋方式能够充分发挥材料的力学性能,与原配筋方式具有相同的承载能力,而且在延性方面有所提高,对纵筋的约束作用较强。

    The experiment results indicate that new type reinforcement is not only taken full advantage of the material capability and had the same carrying capacity , but also improved the ductility .

  19. 结果被增配钥匙的坡面上有明显的印压痕迹和擦划痕迹,增配痕迹随开启次数增加呈渐变性变化,且原配钥匙和增配钥匙上的增配痕迹变化不同。

    Results The slope of copied key has obvious impression and scrape marks , copied marks gradually changed followed opening degree and the change is different between former keys and copied keys .

  20. 依据客户购买目的来分,全钢载重子午线轮胎市场可以分为原配胎市场和替换胎市场。

    According to the purchase purpose of customer , we can divide All Steel Radials Tire market into two parts : one is Original tire market and the other is Replacement tire market .

  21. 在当时,他的父亲是唯一的一名在校非洲学生,知道他们结婚了,奥巴马的亲生母亲才知道她的老公在肯尼亚还有“原配夫人”并养育有孩子。

    At the time he was the first and only African student at the University . When they married , she did not realise that he had a wife and child in Kenya .

  22. 注汽锅炉的技术参数和工作参数由锅炉原配监测仪表和控制仪自动监测控制,并与新增加的煤气发生器自动控制系统连锁实现全系统自动控制。

    The technical and operating parameters of steam injection boiler are monitored and controlled by the original monitoring device and control instrument . In conjunction with the automatic controlling system of gas generator , automatic control of the total system is realized .