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yuán mínɡ
  • Original name;original/former name
原名 [yuán míng]
  • [neenee] 原来的或先前的称呼或姓名--用以区别在姑娘或妇女的假名或后取名之后

  1. 艺术基金会原名为国家艺术收藏品基金会(nationalartcollectionsfund),从事这样的工作已经很久了。

    Formerly called the national art collections fund , the art fund has a long track record .

  2. 大卫•鲍伊(DavidBowie)曾经是一名来自伦敦南部、原名大卫•琼斯(DavidJones)的年轻歌手。

    David Bowie was once a young singer from south London called David Jones .

  3. 香港上市公司澳门实德(MacaoSuccess)再次更名这家市值10亿港元的地区旅游运营商原名实德之旅(TravelSuccess)。

    Hong Kong-listed Macao Success , a HK $ 1bn regional tour operator formerly known as Travel Success , is changing its name again .

  4. 啦啦队运动,英文原名cheerleading,它是起源于美国的一项现代体育运动。

    Cheerleading is originated from the American cheerleading of modern sports .

  5. 这家原名为上海多伦实业股份有限公司(ShanghaiDuolunIndustry)在监管申报文件中承认,其尚未开始发展个人对个人(P2P)贷款业务。

    The company , formerly known as Shanghai Duolun Industry , acknowledged in filings that it had not started developing a peer-to-peer lending business .

  6. 格罗夫出生在匈牙利,原名安德拉什•格罗夫(AndrásGróf)。

    Mr Grove was born in Hungary by the name of Andr á s Gr ó f.

  7. 他于1936年9月2日出生于匈牙利,原名安德拉什•格罗夫(AndrásGróf)。

    He was born Andr á s Gr ó f in Hungary on September 2 1936 .

  8. SAT(原名是学术能力测试和学术评估测试)是美国大学入学标准化测试。

    The SAT Reasoning Test ( formerly Scholastic Aptitude Test and Scholastic Assessment Test ) is a standardized test for college admissions in the United States .

  9. 该公司原名浙江金科过氧化物股份有限公司(ZhejiangJinkePeroxides),是中国南方一家化工企业。

    an industrial chemical company from southern China .

  10. 奥驰亚集团(Altria)原名菲利普莫里斯(PhilipMorris),销售MarkTen品牌的电子烟。

    Altria , formerly known as Philip Morris , sells the e-cigarette brand MarkTen .

  11. Psy原名朴载相,自7月《江南Style》发布以来已经成为了国际明星。

    Psy , whose real name is Park Jae-sang , has become an international star since Gangnam Style 's release in July .

  12. CHS原名北太平洋谷物种植者联盟(NorthPacificGrainGrowers),自1929年成立以来,一直属美国农业合作社所有。

    The company is owned by United States agricultural cooperatives and has been ever since it was founded in 1929 as the North Pacific grain growers .

  13. 火星蚂蚁(原名大致意为“哇!从火星来的!”)是蚂蚁中最原始的物种,它的DNA在过去的1.2亿年中几乎没有变化。

    The most primitive species of living ants , the DNA of the Martialis heureka ( which roughly translates to " From Mars ! Wow ! " ) has barely changed in the last 100 million years .

  14. 因怕奚落,她把原名法尼(Fannie:英文中有屁股的意思)改为法兰西斯。

    She changed her name from Fannie to Frances , thinking the former might subject her to ridicule .

  15. 杰西·欧文斯,第一个在一次奥林匹克竞赛中获得四枚金牌的美国运动员,出生于1913年,原名詹姆斯·克利夫兰·欧文斯(JamesClevelandOwens)。

    The first American athlete to win four gold medals in one Olympics , Jesse Cleveland was born James Cleveland Owens in 1913 .

  16. 利利亚娜·亨利埃特·夏洛特·许勒尔于1922年10月21日出生于巴黎,父亲是厄让·许勒尔,母亲原名路易丝·玛德莱娜·贝尔特·当西厄(LouiseMadeleineBertheDoncieux)。

    Liliane Henriette Charlotte Schueller was born in Paris on Oct. 21 , 1922 , to Eug è ne Schueller and the former Louise Madeleine Berthe Doncieux .

  17. HTC的Vive和索尼的PlaystationVR(原名Morpheus)也将在之后的几个月问世。

    HTC 's Vive and Sony 's Playstation VR ( formerly Morpheus ) will likely appear a few months after that .

  18. 由英国政府所有的私人股本投资者、原名联邦发展公司(CommonwealthDevelopmentCorporation)的CDC将承诺向一个非洲专项基金投入1亿美元。该基金将由花旗旗下私人股本部门管理。

    CDC , a private equity investor owned by the UK government and formerly known as the Commonwealth Development Corporation , will commit $ 100m to a dedicated Africa fund , managed by Citigroup 's private equity arm .

  19. 但是话说回来,原名HancoATM系统的ATM提供商YourCashEurope的首席执行官珍妮•坎贝尔(JennyCampbell)表示,女性领导者受到的密切关注可能使女性不敢争夺领导地位。

    Still , the intense scrutiny faced by female bosses may deter women from competing for leadership positions , says Jenny Campbell , chief executive of YourCash Europe , the ATM provider formerly called Hanco ATM systems .

  20. 她原名埃拉•叶利奇-奥康纳(EllaYelich-O'Conner),于12岁时在一次才艺秀上崭露头角。过去四年间,按照与环球唱片公司(UniversalRecords)的演艺发展合约,她一直在她家附近的奥克兰郊区打磨自己的唱功。

    Discovered at a talent show when she was 12 years old , Ella Yelich-O'Conner has spent the last four years honing her skills on a development deal with Universal Records near her home on the outskirts of Auckland .

  21. 1942年出生于肯塔基州路易斯维尔市,原名卡修斯·克莱(CassiusClayJr.)。阿里的自行车被盗后,他想要叫板那些小偷,此后他开始拳击训练。

    Born Cassius Clay Jr. in Louisville , Kentucky , in 1942 , Ali first trained as a boy after his bicycle got stolen and said he wanted to whup the thief .

  22. 原名计划生育协会的fpa组织发言人丽贝卡芬德利也认为,性活动不可能取决于单一因素。

    And Rebecca Findlay , of the FPA , formerly the family planning association , agreed that sexual behaviour " could not be put down to one factor alone " .

  23. Weight:145�原名:张学友原名:张学友英文名字:Jacky花名:七仔出生日期:1961-7-10星座:巨蟹座生肖:牛身高:1.76m体重:145磅学历:预科婚姻状况:已婚家庭成员:爸妈、一哥、一妹、

    Name : Cheung Hok Yau English Name : Jacky D.O.B. : 1961-7-10 Horoscope : Cancer Height : 1.76m Education Level : F.7 Marriage : Married Family Member : Dad , Mum , 1 Brother , 1 sister , Wife ,

  24. 札哈里亚斯,原名米尔德里德·艾拉·迪得瑞克森(MildredEllaDidrikson),她以伟大的棒球运动员贝比·鲁斯给自己取了个昵称“贝比”,这也反映了她的棒球技艺。

    Born Mildred Ella Didrikson , Zaharias got the nickname " Babe " after baseball great Babe Ruth , reflecting her baseball abilities .

  25. 1942年出生于肯塔基州路易斯维尔市,原名卡修斯·克莱(CassiusClayJr.)。阿里的自行车被盗后,他想要“叫板”那些小偷,此后他开始拳击训练。

    Born Cassius Clay Jr. in Louisville , Kentucky , in 1942 , Ali first trained as a boy after his bicycle got stolen and said he wanted to " whup " the thief .

  26. 周女士原名EvaChun,1974年从韩国移居洛杉矶,银行家父亲去世后,她在詹尼·范思哲(GianniVersace)的派对上遇到了周英华。

    Eva Chun , who moved to Los Angeles from Korea in 1974 , after the death of her father , a banker , met her husband at a party for Gianni Versace .

  27. 他们是谁:绿箭侠,如今是CW电视台连续剧《绿箭侠》里的大明星,他原名奥利弗·奎恩,是坐拥亿万家产的花花公子,曾落难于海上荒岛,后回到家中成为了一名箭侠义警。

    Who they are : Green Arrow , now most famous as the star of the CW series Arrow , is Oliver Queen , a billionaire playboy who , after being stranded on an island at sea , came back as an arrow-slinging vigilante .

  28. 我曾要求临时经理人提供公司alium(原名boyden)的首席执行官尼克罗伯逊(nickrobeson)解释一下,他的企业客户从他们提供的临时经理人中收获了什么。

    I asked Nick Robeson , chief executive of the interim manager provider Alium ( formerly Boyden ) , to explain what his corporate clients gain from their interims .

  29. 但在成为极具个性的“大胡子美女”之前,这位25岁的歌手原名叫做托马斯·莱维斯,他曾在JetztAnders乐队中试图扬名歌坛。

    But before transforming into alter-ego Conchita Wurst , the 25-year-old whose real name is Thomas Neuwirth , tried to find fame in a boyband called Jetzt Anders .

  30. 高仓健原名小田刚一(GoichiOda),1931年2月16日出生于日本福冈,他本来并没有打算成为演员,但去一家大型电影公司应聘管理职务时,被公司招募为演员。

    Born Goichi Oda in Fukuoka , Japan , on Feb. 16 , 1931 , he did not set out to be an actor but was recruited by a major film production company while applying for a managerial position .