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bǐ míng
  • pen name;pseudonym;nom de plume
笔名 [bǐ míng]
  • [pseudonym;pen name] 作者发表作品时用的别名

笔名[bǐ míng]
  1. 早在2009年,她就开始用笔名写作,为BBC乌尔都语频道讲述塔利班统治下一名年轻女孩的生活。

    Early in 2009 she began writing , using a pen name , about life for a young girl under the Taliban for the BBC 's Urdu service .

  2. 于是这位本名所罗门·瑙莫维奇·拉宾诺维奇(SolomonNaumovichRabinovich)的作家起了“肖洛姆·阿莱赫姆”这个笔名,意思是希伯来语的“祝愿你获得平静”,他用这个名字写了几十本书。

    The novelist , born Solomon Naumovich Rabinovich , adopted the pen name " Sholem Aleichem , " a Hebrew greeting that means " peace be unto you , " and authored dozens of books under the pseudonym .

  3. 她用笔名写作。

    She writes under a pseudonym .

  4. 她用笔名艾莉森·库珀写作。

    She writes under the nom de plume of Alison Cooper .

  5. 两个剧本都是以菲利普·戴尔的笔名出版的。

    Both plays were published under the pseudonym of Philip Dayre .

  6. 毕业后,他在IBM公司担任大型计算机系统工程师。2000年加入南方周末后,他以“风端”为笔名,担任文化版编辑。

    In2000 , he worked as editor for the cultural column of Southern Weekly with the pseudonym of Feng Duan ( to the wind ) .

  7. 这些信件的内容全部与《布谷鸟的呼唤》这本小说有关。《布谷鸟的呼唤》是罗琳以RobertGalbraith的笔名发表的首部作品。

    They related to The Cuckoo 's Calling , her first novel as Galbraith .

  8. 1954年,奥利以笔名波丽娜·雷阿日(PaulineRéage)发表了《O的故事》(StoryofO),这是一部以施虐受虐为主题的小说,充满皮鞭、手铐和锁链。

    Aury wrote " Story of O " ( 1954 ) , a sadomasochistic novel replete with whips , cuffs and chains , under the pseudonym Pauline R é age .

  9. 夏洛特(Charlotte)、艾米丽(Emily)和安妮(Anne)用柯勒(Currer)、埃利斯(Ellis)和阿克顿·贝尔(ActonBell)为笔名发表了维多利亚文学中的杰作。

    Charlotte , Emily and Anne produced their masterworks of Victorian literature under the pseudonyms Currer , Ellis and Acton Bell .

  10. “劳马”是中国人民大学(RenminUniversityofChina)教授马俊杰的笔名。他说,日常生活中有许许多多令人捧腹大笑的事情,为他的讽刺小故事(通常只有一两页)提供了丰富的创作素材。

    Mr. Lao , the pen name of Renmin University of China professor Ma Junjie , says there are plenty of laughable things in daily life that fuel his satirical stories , which often span only a page or two .

  11. 亚马逊告诉美国顾客,罗伯特•加尔布雷思(RobertGalbraith,J•K•罗琳(JKRowling)的笔名)的小说新作《蚕》(TheSilkworm)目前无货,说的不是实话。

    When Amazon tells its US customers that The Silkworm , the new novel by Robert Galbraith , a pseudonym for JK Rowling , is currently unavailable , it is not telling the truth .

  12. 亚马逊告诉美国顾客,罗伯特•加尔布雷思(RobertGalbraith,J•K•罗琳(JKRowling)的笔名)的小说新作《蚕》(TheSilkworm)“目前无货”,说的不是实话。

    When Amazon tells its US customers that The Silkworm , the new novel by Robert Galbraith , a pseudonym for JK Rowling , is " currently unavailable , " it is not telling the truth .

  13. 在美丽的方面,兰蔻公司找来为化妆品写文章的笔名为NicoleGege的网上尤为具有影响力的名人。

    On the glamour end of the spectrum , Lancome reached out to a particularly influential Internet celebrity stage-named Nicole Gege , who writes about cosmetics .

  14. 这位《哈利·波特》(HarryPotter)的作家希望得到“不加修饰的反馈”,于是在2013年以罗伯特·加尔布雷思(RobertGalbraith)为笔名出版了《布谷鸟的呼唤》这本书,这本书是写给成年人看的。

    Hoping to receive " totally unvarnished feedback , " the " Harry Potter " author adopted the pseudonym Robert Galbraith when she published " The Cuckoo 's Calling , " a book for adults , in 2013 .

  15. 她们采用没有明显性别特征的笔名,是因为她们“有一种模糊的感觉,觉得女性作家容易遭受成见”,至少同时期的另外两位“女作家”乔治·艾略特(GeorgeEliot)和乔治·桑(GeorgeSand)也和她们有同感。

    They chose these androgynous monikers because of " a vague impression that authoresses are liable to be looked on with prejudice , " an impression shared by at least two other great " authoresses " of the day , George Eliot and George Sand .

  16. 每组中6只大鼠实验开始2h后注射50mg/kg伊万斯蓝(EB)。自玛丽·安·伊万斯用乔治·爱略特这个男性化笔名开始创作以来,人们对她本人,她的观点以及作品的主题都一直争论不休。

    Ever since Mary Ann Evans began her career as a writer under the male pseudonym " George Eliot ", there has been an incessant argument about the writer George Eliot , her viewpoint and the themes of her works .

  17. 颁奖礼在西普利尼亚华尔街饭店举行,是一场正装宴会,有700多名宾客参加,典礼由丹尼尔·汉德勒(DanielHandler)主持——他创作童书时的笔名莱蒙尼·斯尼克特(LemonySnicket)更加广为人知。

    The awards were presented at a black-tie dinner at Cipriani Wall Street , with more than 700 guests attending a ceremony hosted by Daniel Handler , better known as the children 's book author Lemony Snicket .

  18. 笔名斯坦利·宾(StanleyBing)的哥伦比亚广播公司主管吉尔·舒瓦兹(GilSchwartz),称自己是一个“很少使用讽刺性emoji表情的人”。他说自己更偏爱猪和马。

    Gil Schwartz , a CBS executive who writes under the name Stanley Bing , called himself a " rare user of ironic emojis . " He said he is partial to the pig and the horse .

  19. Fulcanelli(1839-?1953)是19世纪后期一个法国炼金术士,同时他也作为作家,这是他的笔名,至今他的身份仍不能确定。

    Fulcanelli ( 1839 - ? 1953 ) is a pseudonym of a late19th century French Alchemist and author whose identity is still unknown .

  20. 她举了本杰明·富兰克林(BenjaminFranklin)的例子:不能上哈佛学院让少年富兰克林非常沮丧,于是他就借用笔名“无名好汉”(SilenceDogood)给《新英格兰报》(TheNew-EnglandCourant)写了一封信,对这所学校大加讽刺。

    She cited Benjamin Franklin , who as a teenager was frustrated that he could not attend Harvard College and lampooned it instead in one of his letters to The New-England Courant under the pseudonym Silence Dogood .

  21. 《穿查克·泰勒的阿维克》的作者诺米·诺兹沃(NomyNozwir)31岁,笔名纳米·科布·诺布勒(NamiCobNobbler),他说小说是粗略地根据他的生活写成的。

    The author of " Awek Chuck Taylor , " Nomy Nozwir , 31 , who writes as Nami Cob Nobbler , said it was based loosely on his own life .

  22. 《蓝精灵》是1958年10月23日由比利时漫画家沛优(Peyo,PierreCulliford的笔名)创作的一部漫画,描写一群生活在大森林中的蓝色精灵的故事。

    The Smurfs is a comic and television franchise centred on a group of small blue fictional creatures called Smurfs , created and first introduced as a series of comic strips by the Belgian cartoonist Peyo ( pen name of Pierre Culliford ) on October 23 , 1958 .

  23. 而车站的警察会很友善地解释,如果拿不出文档,就需要支付一笔名为shtraf(罚款)的费用。

    The policemen at the station kindly explained that there was a shtraf , a " fine " that could be paid instead of producing the document .

  24. 1958年10月,比利时漫画家皮埃尔•库利福德(笔名:皮尤)创造的“蓝精灵”卡通形象首次出现在连环漫画中,他给这群小精灵起名为“Schtroumpf”,也就是后来享誉全球的Smurfs(“蓝精灵”)。

    The Belgium cartoonist Pierre Culliford , best known by his pen name , " Peyo , " first introduced the tiny blue figures in a comic strip in October 1958 . He called them Schtroumpf and they became known worldwide as the Smurfs .

  25. 她最近以笔名出版了她的第四本书籍。

    She has recently published her fourth book with her pen-name .

  26. 他以笔名出版了这本书。

    A. he published the book in a written name .

  27. 埃里克·布莱尔用乔治·奥威尔这个笔名写作。

    Eric Blair wrote under the pseudonym of George Orwell .

  28. 以金庸为笔名的小说创作,可谓是全球华语社会最为脍炙人口的作品。

    His novel may be the most popular works in Chinese society .

  29. 假名一个作者采用的假名;笔名。

    A fictitious name assumed by an author ; a pen name .

  30. 马克吐温是萨缪尔兰亨克里曼斯的笔名。

    Mark Twain is a pseudonymity for Samuel Langhorne Clemens .