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mínɡ hào
  • name;title;fame
名号 [míng hào]
  • (1) [name and alias]∶名字和别号

  • (2) [name]∶名称;称号

  • 野兽皆有名号物色

  • (3) [fame]∶名声

  • 砥砺名号者,不以欲伤行

  1. 秦朝的法令广为流传,它因此获得了一个国际名号“China”,这是“Qin”的音译。

    The writ of the Qin Empire spread far and wide , giving rise to its international name " China " , which was a transliteration of " Qin . "

  2. 《美丽小东西》2010年3月11日当一位匿名答疑专栏作家以“DearSugar”的名号出现在“TheRumpus”上时,她就提出了自己的主张:有着

    TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS [ qh ] [ qh ] When an anonymous advice columnist by the name of " Dear Sugar " introduced herself on The Rumpus on March 11 , 2010 , she made her proposition clear : a

  3. 道路迷还有很多其他名号,包括roadfan(道路粉)、roadsscholar(道路学者)和highwayhistorian(公路历史学家)等。

    Roadgeeks go by many other names , incuding roadfan , roads scholar and highway historian .

  4. 这一特殊名号是给予全球光污染程度低、天文条件良好的地区。

    The special status is given to areas around the globe with low levels of light pollution and good conditions for astronomy .

  5. 逢蒙学到后羿的技法后,认为天下除了后羿之外,再也没有人比自己强,为了夺取天下第一的名号,逢蒙心中顿起杀机。

    After he had learned al the skills from Hou Yi , he thought that except Hou Yi , there was no one in the world whose archery skill were better than his .

  6. 三年前,身为创作型歌手的艾德•希兰携处女单曲TheATeam(书名号只能用于中文)空降流行乐坛就大获成功;

    It 's been just three years since UK singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran broke through into the pop world with his debut single The A Team .

  7. 正如该运动的名字所言,它并非关于SOA治理本身,而是为人们已经做的事情冠以“SOA治理”的名号。

    As the name of this movement states , it is not about SOA Governance ; it is about how to attach a title'SOA Governance'to what people already do .

  8. 如果BBC就是由一群各行其是的制片人及编辑组成的集合体,为什么一定要将它们捆绑在BBC这个名号下呢?

    If the BBC is a self-directing collection of producers and editors , why keep them under one roof ?

  9. 这些拥有“名铸”(themasterpiece)之类自负名号和壮丽海景的高价优质房地产,几乎从不对外出租。

    This and other high-priced trophy properties at developments with immodest names such as " the masterpiece " and glittering harbour views are almost never rented out .

  10. 一位名号为IAMDGKZ1的黑客成员告诉Gawker说,他们握有一位著名电影导演的信息。

    One hacker - identified as IAMDGKZ1 - told Gawker they had information on a well-known film director .

  11. 在半个月的时间内,他一举成为纽约人气最高的运动员,缔造出了一个席卷全球的现象,它还有一个响当当的名号&林来疯(Linsanity)。

    In a half month he became the most popular athlete in the city , a global phenomenon with a buzzy nickname : Linsanity .

  12. 亲爱的更名者(name-changer),你可以随意采用任何你喜欢的名号,但不要强求他人(如果它们不情愿采用)。

    Dear name-changer , feel free to adopt any moniker you fancy , but do not Hector others if they jib .

  13. 超人气偶像组合的名号当然不是盖的。

    Nothing can stop the attractiveness of the super star group .

  14. 但是,单单是泰格·伍兹的名号就能够使他赚得盆满钵满了。

    However , his name alone continued to bank him millions .

  15. 马伦无法靠自己的冠军名号谋生。

    Mullen can 't make a living out of his title .

  16. 他们已经开始并购交易,只是借用另一个名号。

    They are doing it already , just under another name .

  17. 但这个名号可能已经成为过眼云烟。

    But these labels might become a thing of the past .

  18. “殷”名号起源考

    Study on the origin of the name " yin "

  19. 天国和人间的名号为你而改变。

    The names of a country , heaven , are changed away .

  20. 现在我建议你弄个名号。

    Now , I 'm gonna suggest you get a name tag .

  21. 货物名号应用中英文书写。

    Name of goods shall be written in both Chinese and english .

  22. 别打着我名号在五楼到处勾搭。

    Don 't use my name to start leching around on 5th .

  23. 这使其“股东友好型”的名号更具技术意义,而不是实质意义。

    This makes its brand of shareholder friendliness more technical than substantive .

  24. 不过别打着我的名号做什么事才好

    But don 't do anything on my behalf .

  25. 虽说那时代他名号响叮当。

    Though his name was quiet famous , he says in his time .

  26. 它们也强调了他的权威主义名号仍然会是十分脆弱的。

    They also underline how his brand of authoritarianism can still be vulnerable .

  27. 我的名号是“战斗小子”丹吉尔迪拉德巴奇

    My name 's Dangerous Dillard Fighting FIippo Bam-Bam Barch

  28. 帝王名号满载史册。

    The books are filled with names of kings .

  29. 这个名号加在他的身上,比加在像我这样一个没有本事的可怜人身上好多啦。

    He 'll adorn it better than a poor lammicken feller like myself can .

  30. 对出版界以及很多读者来说,出版社的名号是品质的象征。

    For many readers and in the publishing circles , press stands for quality .