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  • 网络Ouyang Xiu;Ou-yang Hsiu
欧阳修 [ōu yáng xiū]
  • [Ouyang Xiu] (1007-1072) 北宋文学家、史学家。吉水(今属江西)人,字永叔,号醉翁、六一居士。曾任枢密副使、参知政事等职。早年曾支持范仲淹的改革,但反对王安石的青苗法,政治上比较保守。他是北宋文坛古文运动的代表人物。列为散文唐宋八大家之一。与宋祁合修《新唐书》,自撰《新五代史》。有《欧阳文忠集》

  1. 欧阳修是北宋时期著名的思想家、文学家和政治家,在经学上也有一定的成就,尤其是在易学研究上。

    Ou-yang Hsiu was a well-known thinker 、 writer and politician during the Northern Song Dynasty , but he also had made great achievements in the school of text , especially in Yi-ology .

  2. 这是从欧阳修的《秋声赋》套来的。

    This is modelled on Ouyang xiu 's " autumn fu " .

  3. 环滁皆山也。(欧阳修《醉翁亭记》)

    Chuzhou is surrounded by mountains .

  4. 月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。(欧阳修《生查子·无夕》)

    The moon rose to the top of the willow tree , | and my love and I met after twilight .

  5. 始知锁向金笼听,不及林间自在啼。(欧阳修《画眉鸟》)

    Now I know in a cage of gold , she never sang so sweet | as when she roamed freely in the woods .

  6. 呜呼!盛衰之理,虽曰天命,岂非人事哉?(欧阳修《新五代史》)

    Alas for the law of prosperity and decline ! although regarded as heaven 's decree , is it not truly the handiwork of men ?

  7. 欧阳修的藏书室有1o,000册图书,还有大量的文学典藏和古代留下的考古学记录。

    His Iibrary consisted of 10000 books and a large collection of literary artifacts and archaeological records from ancient times .

  8. 层深而浑成&论欧阳修的词体结构艺术

    On the Art of Ouyang Xiu 's Lyric Structure Mode

  9. 韩愈欧阳修碑志文风格比较

    Style Comparison of Han Yu and Ouyang Xiu in Bei Zhi Articles

  10. 欧阳修的个人势力和多方面的活动有着持久的影响。

    Ouyang 's personal influence and many-faceted activity had a lasting effect .

  11. 其次,文学色彩的强化是欧阳修记体文的又一重要特色。

    Secondly , enhancement of literary tendency is another feature .

  12. 论欧阳修的文体创新及其文学史意义

    A Study on Ouyang Xiu 's Style Innovation and Its Literary Significance

  13. 佛门演绎的故事&韩愈、欧阳修与佛教

    Buddhist Stories & Han Yu , Ouyang Xiu and Buddhism

  14. 欧阳修与北宋边事

    Ouyang Xiu and the Border Incidents in the Northern Song Dynasty Wine Affairs

  15. 论欧阳修的茶利观

    A Discussion of OUYANG Xiu 's View of the Profit from Tea Economy

  16. 欧阳修的词,题材分类比较明显。

    Most of them is obvious in subject classification .

  17. 欧阳修的儒学思想探析

    The Study of Confucianism Thought of Ouyang Xiu

  18. 试论韩国史书及文人对欧阳修散文的评价与论说

    Evaluation and Exposition of Ouyang Xiu 's Prose by Korean Historical Writings and Literati

  19. 宋代欧阳修的正统论在中国史学思想史上占有重要地位。

    Ouyang Xiu 's orthodox theory is very important in the history of historical thoughts .

  20. 不仅如此,欧阳修记体文还体现了非常鲜明的创新意识和艺术特色。

    In addition , his narration is characterized by vivid innovative consciousness and artistic feature .

  21. 作为政治家,欧阳修努力通过传统的儒家原则改革政治生活;

    As a statesman , he worked to regenerate political life through classical Confucian principles ;

  22. 作为画家,欧阳修促进了“文人画”的产生。

    As a painter , he helped create the new wenrenhua ( literati ) style .

  23. 1040年,欧阳修被召回京城,官复原职。

    Ouyang was recalled to the capital in 1040 and reinstated in his former office .

  24. 在宋代众多的校韩者中,欧阳修是极为重要的一家。

    O'yangxiu was a very important character in the emendators who dealt with Hanyu 's works .

  25. 其中以欧阳修为主,以曾巩、王安石为两翼。

    Among them , Xiu-based , with Zeng Gong , Wang Anshi and the two wings .

  26. 说欧阳修的正统论思想

    Ouyang Xiu 's Thought of Orthodoxy

  27. 欧阳修是开拓《诗经》文学研究的第一人

    OUYANG Xiu , the first person to open up the literary research on The Book of Songs

  28. 善与美的交织&试探欧阳修的音乐功能观

    Interweaving of Kindness and Beauty & A Brief Study of Ouyang Xiu 's View of Musical Function

  29. 欧阳修是宋代排佛思潮的关键性人物。

    Ouyang Xiu is the crucial character in the trend of combating Buddhism for the Song Dynasty .

  30. 欧阳修、曾巩论墓志铭&古代传记理论研究之一

    OUYANG Xiu and ZENG Gong 's Views on Epitaph ── A Research into the China 's Ancient Biographic Theory