
  • 网络Be famous all over the world;Gained world renown
  1. 风景如画的Roslyn小镇举办过诸多稀奇古怪的欢庆活动,不过它名扬天下的原因在于曾是美国昔日热门剧集《北国风云》(NorthernExposure)的外景地。

    Roslyn picturesque town used to hold a number of bizarre celebrations , but it was famous because it is the setting of the once popular television series named " Northland "( Northern Exposure ) .

  2. 波尔多是海港城市,它盛产的葡萄酒名扬天下。

    Bordeaux , a seaport and most famous for its wine .

  3. 布莱德梦想某年某月成为一名当红歌手名扬天下。

    Brad dreams of becoming a famous singer on day .

  4. 爱迪生是一位伟大的发明家,他名扬天下。

    Edison is a great inventor whose fame is world-wide .

  5. 我将来就是名扬天下的歌手了。

    I 'm going to be a famous singer someday .

  6. 是时候将小蛋糕生意名扬天下了。

    It 's time to put our cupcake business on the map .

  7. 我已经横下一条心要名扬天下。

    I 'm absolutelyiron-bound determined to be famous .

  8. 《康定县城》名扬天下的《康定情歌》就来自这里。

    Kangding county The famous song of " love song in Kangding " comes from here .

  9. 名牌相框展示架&品质卓越-名扬天下!

    Brand frame displaying rack-quality excellence-kn !

  10. 我知道江西景德镇的瓷器名扬天下。

    I know the porcelain made in Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province is well-know all over the world .

  11. 杜卡迪传统双缸发动机释放出的令人振奋的强大动力,使“杜卡迪”的名字在赛场上名扬天下。

    The traditional double-engine of Ducati which releases heart-stirring power makes Ducati very famous in the the arena .

  12. 美女西施名扬天下,在两千多年的历史长河中,已经积淀成了一种文化现象。

    Xi Shi , the well-known Chinese beauty , who lived over two thousand years , has virtually become a cultural phenomenon .

  13. 我们如果无法让自己名扬天下,那么我们也可以让自己的后代明白我们的光明磊落。

    If we can 't make oneself world famous , so we can also let oneself of the posterity be understand our open and aboveboard .

  14. 杭州因大气开放的钱塘江而存在,因精致和谐的西湖而名扬天下,因昔日繁华的运河而成为国家历史文化名城。

    Hangzhou exists for the grand Qiantang River , is famous for its delicate West Lake and becomes a national historic city due to the canal .

  15. 杜康于是弃牧停鞭,创酒坊,酿美酒,开酒肆,售佳酿,名扬天下。

    So stop whip Dukang abandoned animal husbandry , a Wine Shop , wine wine , open wine shop , the sale of wine , famous .

  16. 《超级乒乓》独具特色的竞技体系,让每个憧憬名扬天下的运动健儿都有希望金榜题名。

    " Super Pingpong " is characteristic athletics system , lets the movement young heroes who each expectation raises the world hopefully pass the palace examination .

  17. 也许是帮助别人,名扬天下,心灵健全,让这个世界比你发现它时变好一点点。

    maybe it 's to help other , to be famous , to be spiritually sound , to leave the world a little bit better place than you found it .

  18. 定窑对我国后世的制瓷业产生了深远的影响:名扬天下的景德镇深受其影响,北京龙泉务窑、山西平定等形成了定窑系;

    Ding Porcelain of China 's future generations have had a profound impact : the impact of deeply legendary Jingdezhen , Beijing Longquan Kiln ServicesShanxi pacification and so formed a Ding Department ;

  19. 不许叫我“使出全力”,“发功”,或说要将小蛋糕生意名扬天下。

    No high fives . You can 't tell me to " bring it , " " shut it down , " or " put our cupcake business on the map . "

  20. 普洱茶是普洱府各族人民对茶叶界的重大贡献,普洱茶因普洱府而得名,普洱府因普洱茶而名扬天下。

    Pu'er Tea was a great contribution of People in Pu'er prefecture to tea . Pu'er tea got its name from Pu'er Prefecture and Pu'er prefecture became famous from Pu'er Tea in the world .

  21. 嘉庆点点头道:“这汤既然是爱卿之妻玉兰的笋干所制,以后就管他叫玉兰片汤吧。”从此,“玉兰片汤”这一雅号就不胫而走,名扬天下。

    Emperor Jia Qing nodded and said : " Since the soup is made from the dried bamboo shoots of your wife Yu Lan , then we will name it after her . " Since then , the elegant name " Yu Lan soup " enjoyed an incessant national fame .

  22. 朱元璋笑曰:好一个「冠黄、羽黄、啄黄」,故赐名「三黄鸡」。黄焖鸡主食材为三黄鸡的鸡大腿,从此,三黄鸡名扬天下,同时也成了宫廷必备品之一。

    Emperor Zhu then replies with a smile , " what a chicken with yellow crest , feather and mouth ! " so he names it three-yellow chicken and since then it becomes well-known and indispensable in the imperial court . The main food material of braised three-yellow chicken is chicken thigh ;