
  1. 不过,另一名正接受调查的明星球员哈维·阿隆索(XabiAlonso)近期则否认自己未曾履行西班牙的缴税义务。

    But another star player who is under investigation , Xabi Alonso , denied recently ever failing to comply with his Spanish tax obligations .

  2. 身为美国洛杉矶大学心理学助理教授的Eisenberger女士在17名正处于长期稳定感情关系的女性身上进行了该实验。

    Ms Eisenberger , an assistant professor of psychology at the University of California , Los Angeles , carried out the tests on17 different women who were in long-term relationships .

  3. 她就要成为一名正教授了。

    She is one the way to becoming a full professor .

  4. 方法:检测重庆市1100名正高级职称人员的身体健康。

    Methods : 1,100 persons with high professional title in Chongqing received physical examination .

  5. 现在北京的郊区的一些村名正希望作出同样有名的事情。

    Now a group of villagers in Beijing 's outskirts is hoping to gain similar fame .

  6. 强制采样在我国刑事诉讼中得以确立,必须首先明确其法律地位,名正则言顺。

    Compulsive sampling among the criminal lawsuit of our country can be established , must first make clear its legal status , regular speech name smoothly .

  7. 战斗中,他的枪支脱手,但他及时夺回武器并击毙了一名正准备攻击他的越南士兵。

    During the assault he became separated from his gun , but he managed to retrieve the weapon in time to bring down a Vietcong soldier who was about to attack him .

  8. 鉴于上述各种情况,如果你是一名正寻找贸易机会的中国商人,既然在欧洲大陆出行更方便,你会愿意多费周折去英国吗?

    Given all this , if you were a Chinese business person touting for trade , would you even bother visiting Britain when it is so much easier to travel through continental Europe ?

  9. 实作为名的表现对象,各个实之间具备离的性质,离是位存在的基础,实各处其位便是正,实正决定名正。

    Have from the nature of the real object as the performance of all real , from a basis for the existence , is being implemented throughout their bit , in fact , trying to decide who was .