
  1. 它们不仅记载了大量名道的修行事迹、宫观的创建和沿革,还收录了道教神祗册封和宫观经济的许多资料。

    They not only recorded some things that famous Taoist priest practice Taoism , Taoist temples ' creation and evolution , but also included some information about confering the title of Taoist deities , and economy of Taoist temple .

  2. 1990年11月至1991年8月间共对门诊的900名生殖道炎症患者进行了宫颈细胞涂片包涵体(IB)检测,其中100例同时作了宫颈衣原体分离培养。

    Cytologic tests of cervical smears for detecting chlamydial intracytoplasmic inclu-sions were done in 900 out-patients with genital tract infection from Nov. 1990 to Aug , 1991 , in 100 of them cultures for chlamydia were also done .

  3. 兰格向那名先生道了歉。

    Langer apologized to the man .

  4. 她不断追求一个有意义的生命。她是一名求道之士。他知道黑根给他出的点子是极为重要的,他一生命运正在随之转变。

    She was primarily a seeker of meaningful existence , a learner . He knew that what Hagen had told him was extremely important , that his whole life was being changed .

  5. 她打了个大哈欠,露出了有点歪的牙齿。另一名用户评论道,她没有“明星脸”。

    She doesn 't have " the face of a celebrity , " another user remarked .

  6. 陈家乐是一名地地道道的金融学教授,他在香港的数家公共机构任职,包括从2008年到2010年在亚洲金融协会(AsianFinanceAssociation)担任会长。

    A finance professor through and through , Prof Chan has played a role on several public bodies in Hong Kong , including the Asian Finance Association , where he was president from 2008 to 2010 .

  7. 这名发言人补充道:如果您对该设备感兴趣,我们善意地请求您,等Rift设备的消费者版本出来后再购买&这种等待是值得的。

    The spokesperson added , If you are an enthusiast , we kindly ask that you wait for the consumer Rift . It will be worth the wait .

  8. 迈阿密(Miami)建筑师勒内・冈萨雷斯(ReneGonzalez)花了一整周时间与他的客户――希腊船运公司执行长约恩・瓦罗萨基斯(IonVarouxakis)――及五名职员一道乘坐游艇在希腊诸岛间游历。

    Miami architect Rene Gonzalez spent a week sailing with a client , Greek shipping executive Ion Varouxakis , in the Greek Islands on a yacht with five staff members . '

  9. 他借助一名翻译解释道,这是他首次接受非日语报纸采访。

    He explains through a translator in his first interview with a non-Japanese newspaper .

  10. 是那样,那名狱卒承认道。

    It was , the jailer conceded .

  11. 她与数千名难民一道逃离了伊拉克。

    Along with thousands of refugees , she fled . ( in company with ; together with )

  12. 他们应该搞一个新闻发布会,就像国外那样,另一名妇女抗议道。

    They should have a press conference like they do in foreign countries , protested another woman .

  13. 这名经纪人笑道:没问题,我可以安排你和它之工作人员联系。

    No problem , smiles the broker , I can put you in touch with people who work inside it .

  14. “你不得不承认,盗版是全世界最成功的分销体系,”一名观察家悲叹道。

    " You have to give credit to piracy as the world 's most successful distribution system ," one observer comments ruefully .

  15. 微软的一名发言人补充道:这些特征会通过统计学算法进行预测,结果可能并不总是百分百准确。

    A spokesman for Microsoft added : ' These attributes are predicted by using statistical algorithms and may not always be 100 % precise . '

  16. 其中一名学生安抚道:你不是唯一一个经历(高强度压力)的人。

    One student in the video reassured viewers that ' you 're not the only one who is going through ' high levels of stress .

  17. “我只祈求我的孩子安全。”一名母亲哭诉道,“谁还在乎我家已经成了废墟?”

    " I just pray my child is safe and sound ," said one tearful mother . " Who cares if our house is ruined ?"

  18. 他是一名地地道道的北京人,在博茨瓦纳住了20多年,2017年开了博茨瓦纳第一家辣木加工厂——辣木科技公司。

    The Beijing native , who has been in Botswana for over 20 years , opened the Moringa Technology Industry , Botswana 's first moringa plant , in 2017 .

  19. 我们从他受了恩惠,并使徒的职分,在万国之中叫人为他的名信服真道;

    Through him and for his name 's sake , we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith .

  20. 影片改编自尼高拉斯史派克的畅销小说,故事开首是一间安老院,一位老先生正跟一名老妇娓娓道出笔记簿里的故事。

    Based on a bestseller by Nicholas Sparks , it begins in the present with an old man reading a story from a notebook to an old lady in a home for the elderly .

  21. 参与抓捕“怪物史瑞克”的一名刑警讥笑道:“那家伙去照照镜子就知道,长那样还敢出来犯罪!”

    A police office who had taken part in apprehending " the Shrek " had slyly remarked : " This guy only needs to look at himself in the mirror to realize that crime is not for him !"

  22. 随后,动物园一名员工解释道,“喂养”不是动物园干的,而是由动物园一名股东操手的,因为在2016年的一责任法庭案件后,动物园的全部资产已被地方法院冻结。

    A zoo employee later explained that the " feeding " was not conducted by the zoo itself , but by a stockholder of the zoo , as the zoo had all its assets frozen by a local court after a liability court case in 2016 .

  23. 一名学生回忆道,一名资深医生一边打他的手板一边说,“教都教不会你,总打得会吧。”一些学生提及种族歧视的存在,描述那些资深的教员如何发怪声,模仿外国口音。

    One student recounted being slapped on the hand by a more senior doctor who said , " If teaching doesn 't help you learn , then pain will . " Some students wrote about racial insults , with senior staff members making noises to mimic a foreign language ;

  24. 那名科威特妇女回答道:“是地雷。”

    The Kuwaiti woman replied , " Land mines " .

  25. 如果他们能用一张A4纸盖住自己的腰,他们就会认为自己的身材很“完美”。一名用户还自夸道:“我的腰比A4纸还小,我是A5腰。”

    If they can hide their waists behind the paper , they consider themselves " fit . " One user bragged , " I 'm a size smaller than A4 . I 'm A5 . "

  26. 关于专辑名,她解释道:家人们一直都称呼我BritneyJean,这像一种爱称,我只是想和我的粉丝们一同分享。

    She explained her choice on air , saying , It 's a personal album , and all my family , they always called me Britney Jean , adding , It 's like a term of endearment . I just wanted to share that with my fans .

  27. 另外一名用户则评论道:“为什么该男子就不能宽容点呢?”

    While another commented : ' why couldn 't this man be more tolerant . '

  28. 一名渔夫大声叫道。

    One of the fishermen shouted .

  29. 他对着另一名服务生叫道。

    He called to another waiter .

  30. 只有售价折扣足够大时,他们才会考虑购买中国建行的股份,这名知情人士补充道。

    They will only look at CCB if the discount is high enough , this person added .