
shí dà ɡōnɡ láo yè
  • Chinese mahonia leaf
  1. 微波辐射促进阔叶十大功劳叶萃取过程的研究

    Promotion by Microwave Radiation in the Extraction of Mahonia bealei Leaves

  2. 微波辅助萃取十大功劳叶中的小檗碱

    Microwave assisted extraction of berberine from Mahonia bealei

  3. 利用间歇式微波辅助萃取装置,对提取阔叶十大功劳叶中的药用有效成分小檗碱进行了研究。

    A study on microwave assisted extraction ( MAE ) for berberine in Mahonia bealei ( Fort . ) Carr .

  4. 以微波法提取阔叶十大功劳叶、花中总黄酮含量分别为2.182%、8.155%。

    The content of the flavonoids in the Mahonia bealei ( fort . ) carr leaves and flowers by microwave extraction was 2.180 % and 8.155 % .