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  1. 引起人类中枢神经系统疾病(脑炎)的病毒种类有十余科,多个属。

    The kinds of virus that cause humans CNS diseases , such as cephalitis , have reached more than ten branches .

  2. 尽管只有十个必修科,但大多数学生都不及格。

    Although there were only ten requirements , most students have failed .

  3. 近十年皮肤科门诊发现麻风病人的情况分析

    Analysis of Leprosy Case Finding in a Dermatology Outpatient Department in the Last Ten Years

  4. 冬凌草甲素结构修饰和细胞毒活性评价十种伞形科中草药乙醇提取物的杀螨活性评价

    Structural Modification and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Oridonin Insecticidal Activity of Extracts from Ten Umbelliferae Plants against Panonychus citri

  5. 十种伞形科中草药乙醇提取物的杀螨活性评价11种伞形科植物提取物对7种植物病原菌的抑制作用

    Insecticidal Activity of Extracts from Ten Umbelliferae Plants against Panonychus citri Inhibitory Effect of 11 Umbelliferae Plant Extracts on 7 Plant Pathogens