
  1. 哲学视域中的管理思想演变论纲哲学视域中黄老道家的理政之术

    An Outline of the Evolution Management Thought : a Philosophical Perspective The Tactics of Handling Governmental Affairs by Taoist School of Huang-Lao & A philosophical Perspective

  2. 它的出现,一方面是基于仕途中人修养官德、学习为政之术的需要,另一方面也可以说是肇始于孔子的中国古代官文化进一步发展的必然逻辑。

    Reasons for the phenomenon are the needs for officials to cultivate themselves and learn political tactics on the one hand , and the inevitable further development of Chinese political culture on the other , which can be traced back to Confucius .

  3. 第四章讨论政论文f术翻译所必须遵循的标准,探讨政论文体的翻译忠实与原文的可能与必然。

    Chapter Four discusses the criteria for the English translation of political essays .