
  • 网络Government and Market
  1. 政府与市场是现代社会中两种基本的制度安排。

    Government and market are two basic systems of modern society .

  2. 确立政府与市场关系无疑是重要的。

    Defining the relation between government and market is undoubtedly important .

  3. AVS技术标准制定过程中的政府与市场双失灵&基于政策过程与工具分析框架的研究

    Market Failure and Government Failure in AVS Standard Setting : A Study based on Policy Process Instruments Framework

  4. 管治(Governance)作为一种在政府与市场之间进行权利平衡再分配的制度性理念,已经愈来愈成为全球性的共同课题,并迅速渗透到城市与区域规划、管理的具体行动中。

    As a systematic concept concerning the right balance and redistribution between the government and the market , governance has become a global subject , and is penetrating the activities in urban and regional planning and management at a rapid pace .

  5. 政府与市场关系理论及其发展

    The Theory of the Interrelationship between Government Market and its Development

  6. 社区卫生服务中政府与市场的角色定位

    The Role of the Government and Market in Community Health Services

  7. 医疗卫生事业发展中政府与市场机制的定位分析

    Orientation on the government and marketing mechanism in development of medical care

  8. 转型经济中政府与市场的关系

    Relationship between the government and the market in the transition of economy

  9. 农地适度非农化进程中的政府与市场分工

    Division of Government and Market in Moderate Non-agricultural Circulation of Cultivated Land

  10. 第一,在政府与市场的关系方面,政府对市场运行的干预依然过大,而对于应当承担的规范和监管市场秩序的职能却存在比较明显的缺位现象。

    First , the interference of government to market is still much .

  11. 政府与市场的关系:一般性原则的探索与思考

    Relationship Between Government and Market : Exploration and Reflection of General Principles

  12. 电网项目管理的政府与市场分工

    Division between Government and Market in Power Grid Project Management

  13. 协调政府与市场对森林生态资源的配置

    Coordinating Government and Market Action in the Allocation of Forest Ecological Resources

  14. 政府与市场合作:旅游目的地营销系统的最佳运营模式

    Cooperative Management between Government and Enterprise : the Best Operating Pattern of TDMS

  15. 为此,政府与市场之间需要达成一种新的均衡。

    Hence , there should be a new balance between government and market .

  16. 伯顿·克拉克的高等教育系统整合观点解读&兼论大学、政府与市场关系的冲突与调适

    An Interpretation of Burton R.Clark 's Higher Education System

  17. 职业教育供给:在政府与市场之间的选择

    Provision of Technical and Vocational Education : the Choice between Government and Market

  18. 区域资源配置中的政府与市场契合点研究

    Research on the Conjunction Point between Government and Market in Regional Resource Allocation

  19. 第四章是政府与市场关系的伦理论证。

    In chapter four , ethical proof the relation between government and market .

  20. 政府与市场资源配置有效性边界分析

    Equilibrium analysis of boundary supplied by government and market

  21. 循环经济中政府与市场的作用及其关系探讨

    Co-operation of Government and Market in the Circular Economy

  22. 透过财政政策理念看政府与市场的关系

    Looking at the Government-Market Relationship through the Financial Policies

  23. 政府与市场的关系:双重博弈与伙伴相依

    Government and Market Relations : Dual Gambling and Partnership

  24. 基于此,我们试图通过对传统理论的比较和反思,厘清政府与市场各自不同的运行规则,并结合国内有关研究政府经济职能的成果,寻找植根于我国国情的政府经济职能模式。

    Based on this , we attempt , to seek government economical function pattern .

  25. 政府与市场关系研究

    Research in the Relationship between Government and Market

  26. 地铁项目融资:政府与市场之间的博弈

    The Financing of Underground Railway Item : The Combating between Government and Market Behavior

  27. 发展经济学的演变:基于政府与市场的视角

    Relations of Government And Market As Considered from An Angle of Economics of Development

  28. 政府与市场博弈下的体育产业结构优化

    Optimizing the structure of sports industry based on game theory between government and market

  29. 实际上,政府与市场之间不存在非此即彼的选择。

    In fact , there is nor a single choice between government and market .

  30. 该部分首先分析了政府与市场之间的关系,研究公共资源的配置问题。

    Firstly , analyze relationship between government and market and research public allocation problem .