
  1. 下面有些关于太空政策资讯的网站,去看看也许对你会有帮助。

    There are several web sites for space policy-related information you may find useful to check out .

  2. 活动当天,百腾将为您安排面对面的会谈时间,向您介绍澳洲最新的房产市场、项目介绍、移民政策以及留学资讯。

    On the day meet the ParkTrent Team and learn face-to-face about the latest Australian property developments , property market trends , migration and education news .

  3. 他举出的实例包括:删除网站上的资讯、选派资格不符或与企业界过从甚密的人士担任顾问委员,以及压制不利于白宫政策目标的资讯或计画,像是与全球暖化有关的研究。

    Examples include deleting information from web sites , stacking advisory committees with candidates with uncertain qualifications and questionable industry ties , and suppressing information and projects inconvenient to White House policy goals , such as those having to do with global warming .